
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


BOH - Wash Area

  • Are bins cleaned inside, out and not overflowing

  • Are chemicals in correct dispensers, working and available

  • Is the Dishwasher cleaned inside and out with no evidence of Limescale or Salmonella build up

  • Is all Stainless Steel clean with no dirt or limescale build up

  • Are all wall attachments correctly fitted and sealed

  • Are sinks and draining boards clear of dirt build up and food debris

  • Is the Dishwasher salted and filled with correct chemicals

  • Washing area free of Glass, Ashtrays and chemicals

  • Wash area clear of old chemical bottles and clutter

  • Is the ceiling clean and free of chipped paints

  • Are stock and equipment shelves clean and organised

  • Are sink plugs and drainers available and clean

  • Are windows and flyscreens clean and in good repair

  • Is there cold and hot running water available

  • Are sanitizer bottles available, clean and filled correctly

  • Are cloths and scourers clean and available

  • Notes / Recommendations

BOH - Kitchen

  • Are all personal belongings locked away and not in food preparation areas

  • Are sanitizer bottles available, clean and correctly filled

  • Are Blue roll and soap dispensers clean

  • Are blue roll and soap dispensers stocked

  • Is there evidence of use at the hand wash basin

  • No blocks in sink drain pipes

  • Are hand washing facilities clean

  • Is the hot and cold running water available

  • Are sockets and switches clean

  • Are lights clean and working

  • Are oven cloths available and clean

  • Are cloths and scourers available and clean

  • Is the back Stainless Steel wall clean and free of grease

  • Are grease traps and extractor lips clean and free of grease build up

  • Are extractor filters clean and free of grease

  • Is the Extractor system and Air conditioning in good working order

  • Is the Floor and Walls behind the cook line clean and free or grease and dirt

  • Is the oven clean and free of grease build up including tops, hobs and trays

  • Is the salamander clean and free of debris or grease build up?

  • Is the flatbed unit clean and free of carbon/grease build up

  • Are fridges and freezers clean and organised

  • Are fridge and freezer seals clean and in good repair / no splits

  • Is the lift clean inside and out including touch points

  • Is the fryer unit including baskets clean and free of grease build up

  • Has the oil been changed / filtered accordingly with the cleaning schedule

  • Is the microwave clean inside and out including underneath the unit

  • Are service stations clean and sanitised with no food debris

  • Are all containers used for equipment and dry stock clean with no debris build up

  • Is all dry stock labelled and covered correctly

  • Are utensils in good repair with no cracks or breaks

  • Is the tin opener clean and in working order

  • Are wheels, feet and legs clean and free of dirt and grease build up

  • No build up of grease or dirt around feet and wheels on the floor

  • Are bins clean inside and out, not overflowing

  • Is the kitchen clean and free of any build up of clutter and unused equipment

  • Are the walls and stainless steel attachments clean

  • Walls free of holes and cracks in paintwork

  • Touch points clean and sanitised

  • Are kick plates and doors clean and in good repair

  • Is the Fly Zapp clean and working

  • Notes / Recommendations

BOH - Storeroom

  • Are floors clean and in good repair with no food debris or dirt build up

  • Are the walls clean and free of holes and chipped paintwork

  • Are switches and sockets clean

  • Are fridges and freezers clean and organised

  • Are fridge and freezer seals in good repair with no splits

  • Food stock needs to be stored 6 inches above floor level

  • Food stock obeys 6 inch rule

  • No clutter and rubbish build up in storerooms

  • Is the oil stored separately and organised

  • Notes / Recommendations

Health & Safety, Compliance, Paperwork

  • Is the H&S poster up, current and signed

  • Is the Chef on duty wearing the complete correct uniform

  • Did the Chef on duty demonstrate hand washing before handling food

  • No jewellery worn in the kitchen excluding exceptions set out by FSA

  • Are all cuts and sores correctly covered

  • Are all fire doors closed

  • Is there a raw meat sign up in a separated raw meat prep area

  • F.I.F.O First In First Out stock rotation system

  • F.I.F.O system adhered to in all food holding areas

  • Are all chemicals stored away in a locked cupboard

  • Are temperature probes available and working

  • Are probe wipes available

  • Is the cleaning schedule up with evidence of use

  • Is the SFBB diary section completed and up to date

  • Is the SFBB 4 weekly review section completed

  • Has the SFBB food handlers section been completed by all food handlers

  • Have food temperature checks been completed

  • Have fridge and reeder temperature checks been completed

  • Is there an open and close check sheet available and are they being used?

  • Is there an A3 food spec poster up and being used?

  • Notes / Recommendations

Food Quality

  • We're the food items you ordered in stock

  • 15 Minutes for a Main Meal
    8 Minutes for a Starter
    5 Minutes for a Dessert

  • Did your food arrive within the company ticket time

  • Was the food presented correctly **Refer to picture spec**

  • Was the food correctly seasoned

  • Was the food to spec

  • Was the food at the correct temperature

Staff CPL records

  • Which of the following CPL tests has the employee completed

  • Notes / Recommendations

  • Kitchen Team Member

  • Shift Leader

  • Auditor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.