
  • Store Name

  • Store Number and Name

  • Store Manager

  • State/Regional Manager

  • Conducted on

Security and Privacy

1. Security and Privacy - Is everything locked?

  • Register Release Key is to be locked inside the safe at all times. This key should only be used in a breakdown scenario. Also check for a latch or small opening underneath the drawer to ensure it does not open the till without using the key.

  • 1.1 Register key locked inside the safe.

  • Safe is to be locked with key or pinpad at all times. If the safe has a spin dial, it needs to be spun and locked. If store does not have safe combination, they are to log a call with Store Maintenance to have the code reset. Do not spin the safe dial before checking if store has the code as it will lock the safe out.

  • 1.2(a) Ask the Store Manager/ASM if they know the safe combination code?

  • 1.2(b) Safe is kept locked during trade.

  • Store keys should be kept either on your person or stored inside a drawer. Keys are not to be left unattended.

  • 1.3 Store keys are stored safely.

  • Float is out by

  • Perform an 'End of Day' to confirm the float will balance. For 'End of Day' procedures, refer to Movex Manual on KTAS Drive.

  • 1.4 Float balances within a $2 tolerance.

  • 1.5 Check underneath the cash drawer for a latch. Confirm that the cash drawer cannot be opened using this latch?

  • KTAS Terms and Conditions are available for customers. Copy can be printed from Drive online as a single sheet when needed. Pads are no longer required to be kept on hand.

  • 1.6 Store Managers, Assistant Managers and CSAs can confirm KTAS Terms and Conditions are available and can locate them on Drive online.


2. Attendance Register - Are our TMs being paid right?

  • Sample last four completed Attendance Registers in Folder #2. Team members must enter start time when commencing and finishing their shift/day. Team members must sign register at end of working week to verify times worked. Safety section is also to be signed. Store Manager to sign and date Attendance Register to verify team members' entries.

  • 2.1 Team members have completed start and finish times on Attendance Registers.

  • 2.2 Store Manager has signed and dated Attendance Registers.

  • 2.3 Team members have signed the Attendance Registers including the safety section. <br>

Vehicle Safety Inspections

3. Vehicle Safety Inspections - Keeping our customers safe!

  • Test a sample of 10 Vehicle Safety Inspections (Job cards) from the previous period for services only. Please ensure that the sample includes a mix of major, minor, hi-care, and logbook services.

  • 3.1 Rego and odometer reading recorded.

  • 3.2 Customer signatures obtained or if a car is dropped off/towed in, this is noted in the customer signature section.

  • 3.3 Safety Inspection documented.

  • 3.4 Parts used recorded.

  • 3.5 Mechanic's signature recorded.

Stock Control

4. Stock Control - Looking after back of the house

Stock on Hand

  • Run a Stock Status report for tyres under the 'Run Daily Reports' tab in Movex. Also run a Stock Status report for batteries. Compare the unit counts on the report to the actual stock.

  • 4.1(a) Is the tyre count correct (within 1 tyre) when compared to current Stock Status report?

  • 4.1(b) Is the battery count correct when compared to current Stock Status report?


  • Check Folder #4 to review a copy of each category stocktake. Ensure count sheets and work sheets have been used to count stock. Variances have been investigated and corrected where required. Any large variances should have comments made. Store Manager, or acting, should sign the variance report to confirm investigation.

  • 4.2(a) Tyre stocktake performed correctly. Variances investigated, Store Manager has signed the reports.

  • 4.2(b) Battery stocktake performed correctly. Variances investigated, Store Manager has signed the reports.

  • 4.2(c) Parts stocktake performed correctly, Store Manager has signed the reports.

Stock Receiving

  • Check for any outstanding invoices. All invoices where stock has been received should be processed on the day received. Invoices paid by cash must be receipted under cash supplier.

  • 4.3(a) Invoices batched daily.

  • Check outstanding e-receipts in Movex. All e-receipts for stock that has been received should be entered on a daily basis.

  • 4.3(b) E-receipts up to date.

Open Jobs

  • All vehicles in the workshop must have job cards. Check all outstanding jobs in Movex. Review with Store Manager to ensure vehicles have not left the site without payment. Jobs that have been incorrectly entered or cancelled bookings should be removed from Movex as they occur. Check for Status 80 invoices as they can create register errors if not cleared.

  • 4.4(a) All vehicles in the workshop have a job card.

  • 4.4(b) Outstanding jobs in Movex greater than 3 days in age can be validated.

Negative Stock

  • Go to "13c" on Movex Retail menu and review all negative stock items. Negative stock should be reviewed and corrected by the store on a regular basis. Adjustments should only be made where there is a corresponding variance. An excessive negative may indicate incorrect invoicing procedures.

  • 4.5. Negative stock levels meet standard (excluding oils).

Goods Returned Register

  • Check the Goods Returned Register is being used for claims raised to suppliers. Where stock has been returned, the claims raised in Movex must be recorded on the Goods Returned Register.

  • 4.6(a) Claims are being recorded on the Goods Returned Register.

  • 4.6(b) Signatures have been obtained for all items returned to suppliers.

Cash Controls

5. Cash Controls - Look after the cents and the dollars will follow

Cash Handling and Register Errors

  • Review Weekly Cash Report (WCR) for the previous four weeks. Check to ensure closing cash has not exceeded $1,000 on any day.

  • 5.1(a) Closing cash has not exceeded $1,000 on any day.

  • Review any register errors on the Store Trading Report for the previous 3 financial periods. Any unresolved register errors over $20 should have been reported to the Regional Manager. Register errors caused by status 80 invoices should also be investigated.

  • 5.1(b) Register errors are investigated and rectified.

Cash Postings

  • Using the Weekly Cash Report, check to ensure that sums processed as clearances are entered into the Cash Postings Book correctly.

  • 5.2(a) Clearances processed are entered into the Cash Postings Book at the correct dollar value and are signed.

  • Check the Cash Postings Book to ensure all entries have been signed and that there are no pages missing from the numerical sequence.

  • 5.2(b) Is Cash Postings Book numerically sequenced and no pages have been removed.

Cash Purchases

  • Using the Weekly Cash Report, check that entries under purchases and store expense lines match entries and tax invoices on the Store Cash Transaction Form (SCTF). Review the last four week's reports. Check for fraudulent receipt alterations. Check that rego numbers are being notated in Movex (printed out on the SCTF) for any part/stock items purchased. Check that personal FlyBuys cards have not been used and that docket deals have not been removed.

  • 5.3(a) Valid receipts are attached for all cash purchases.

  • 5.3(b) Rego numbers/customer names are recorded in Movex against all stock purchase payouts.

  • Check 'Stock Receipt History' in Movex to ensure any parts purchased have been receipted into Movex under the appropriate item number.

  • 5.3(c) Parts purchased for cash is receipted in as stock.

  • Using the rego number, check Service History in Movex to ensure parts purchased have been invoiced out correctly.

  • 5.3(d) Parts purchased for cash is invoiced out to customer.

  • Check for invoices from the same supplier appearing on the SCTF. Check with Store Manager if existing supplier can supply them the goods. Alternatively, a request for an account should be made with KTAS admin.

  • 5.3(e) Individual cash suppliers do not appear more than three times in the past four weeks.

  • When checking tax invoices on SCTF against the Weekly Cash Report, ensure parts are processed to purchase line (210024) and expenses are processed to the relevant account codes.

  • 5.3(f) Purchase and store expense accounts used are correct.

  • 5.3(g) Has Store Manager signed all relevant Store Cash Transaction Forms?


  • Check folder #3 for any customer refunds. Ensure the customer and the Store Manager have signed on the store copy and a reason has been notated in the comments section.

  • 5.4(a) Refund invoices signed by customer if money has changed hands. <br> <br>

  • 5.4(b) Refund invoices signed by Store Manager.

  • 5.4(c) Reason for refund notated in comments section.


  • Check zero value invoices. For information on processing these, refer to DriveOnline> Administration> Policies and Procedures> Sales Processing.

  • 5.4(d) Verbally confirm the Store Manager and ASM know how to correctly process zero valued invoices? Check that zero value invoices including cancelled jobs, safety inspections and items marked down at zero value have a comment entered when processed in Movex?


6. Safety - Zero Harm

Visual and Verbal Checks

  • Throughout the time the audit is conducted, check that team members are wearing safety glasses when working on vehicles or using equipment.

  • 6.1(a) Team members are wearing safety glasses when working on vehicles or using equipment.

  • Ensure management and team members know what do to in the case of an injury:
    - Team members notify management when there is an injury
    - Management contact Safety Department in National Office to advise

  • 6.1(b) Team members know how to report injuries.

  • 6.1(c) Management know how to report injuries.

  • Review scrap tyre and battery storage is tidy and meets environmental policy standards. Scrap tyres must be stored safely (ie: laced) and old batteries must be stored in the plastic container provided.

  • 6.1(d) Scrap tyres and batteries are stored appropriately.


  • Check that the Verified inspection is completed and signed off daily. These inspections are pre-operational checks. The store must perform the inspection before using the hoists.
    Daily and quarterly checks are the store's responsibility. Any faults detected during these checks must be reported to Store Support Maintenance.
    6 monthly inspections must only be carried out by the contractor and are scheduled by Store Support. It is the store's responsibility to ensure the visits are not missed. If the hoist has not been serviced (by the contractor0 in the last 6 months, the store must urgently notify Store Support Maintenance.
    All white copies of the Verified book

  • 6.2(a) Check Verified book to confirm team members are performing the daily inspection.

  • 6.2(b) Check Verified book to confirm team members are performing the quarterly hoist check. The most recent check must be dated within the last three months.

  • Enter date of last quarterly check completed

  • 6.2(c) Check Verified book to confirm the contractor has completed the 6 monthly hoist inspectionand the Store Manager has signed off the check.

  • Enter date of last 6 monthly check completed

Contractor Sign In

  • Check Contractor/Visitor Sign In Register for the two most recent pages:
    - Contractors have signed in
    - Contractors have documented their induction card date
    - Team members have sighted the Work Method Statement

  • 6.3(a) Contractors have documented their induction card date.

  • 6.3(b) Contractors have signed in.

  • 6.3(c) Team members have sighted the Work Method Statement (WMS), written 'Y' and initialled the appropriate box. If no WMS is available, a corrective action plan has been created.

Safety Activity Book

  • Check that the SHIC has been completed and is up to date.

  • 6.4 SHIC has been completed and issues that have been identified are transferred onto the Safety Action Plan action taken.

  • SWP Task Observations must be completed and signed off in the Safety Activity Book. Note team members names for any anomalies. Check last 3 full periods.

  • 6.5(a) First month sampled

  • All team members have completed and signed.

  • Store Manager has signed to confirm all team members have completed.

  • 6.5(b) Second month sampled

  • All team members have completed and signed.

  • Store Manager has signed to confirm all team members have completed.

  • 6.5(c) Third month sampled

  • All team members have completed and signed.

  • Store Manager has signed to confirm all team members have completed.

  • Team members must watch the Online Fire Evacuation Video and sign-off in the relevant Safety Activity Book.

  • 6.6 Fire Evacuation Drill and Training completed.

  • Enter date of last completed Fire and Evacuation drill and training

  • Check the quarterly contractor spot checks have been completed (Safety Activity Books August, November, February and May).

  • 6.7 Quarterly contractor spot checks have been completed.

Additional Feedback and Comments

7. Additional feedback and actions - If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

  • Miscellaneous concerns

  • Store Manager

  • Regional Manager

  • Rating Scale

    Low = 90% and above

    Moderate Risk = 75% to 89.99%

    High Risk = Under 75%

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.