
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


Part 1 - Administration

  • Regular safety inspections conducted and reported

  • Systems in place to monitor and review safety measures

  • Staff adequately trained in laboratory safety procedures

  • Emergency response procedures in place and understood

  • Qualified first aid officer on site

  • First aid kits easily accessible and in prominent position

  • First aid signage - posters, directional arrows prominently displayed

  • First aid kits up to date

  • Appropriate safety and warning placarding clearly visible

  • Accident/incident reporting and recording systems in place

  • Suitable protective clothing available

  • Storage and consumption of food and drink prohibited

  • Mouth pipetting prohibited

  • 'No Smoking' signs prominently displayed

  • Pressure vessels certified and certificates clearly visible

  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) readily available understood and being followed

  • Risk management process in place and being undertaken

  • Adequate facilities available to perform tasks being undertaken

  • Security measures in place to restrict access to unauthorised persons

  • All manual handling hazards are identified

  • Risk assessments are carried out for all manual handling risks

  • Appropriate manual handling equipment is provided

  • Staff are trained to undertake the manual handling tasks associated with their work

  • Staff use correct manual handling techniques for tasks

  • Repetitive actions are minimised

  • Adequate space for use of appropriate manual handling techniques or mechanical aids

  • Work surfaces are set at an appropriate height for the tasks undertaken

  • Layout of work areas is suitable for tasks undertaken

  • Adequacy and serviceability of lifting devices/stacking aids/trolleys/handcarts etc


Part 2 - Environmental

  • Waste management procedures in place

  • Waste types segregated and stored in a safe and correct manner

  • All stored waste packaged, labelled and inventoried appropriately

  • No broken or sharp edged glassware in use

  • Empty aerosol cans disposed of separately

  • Noise levels at an acceptable level

  • All lights working

  • Adequate lighting for tasks being performed

  • Acceptable atmospheric contamination levels (ie fumes, dust, vapour, etc)

  • Adequate ventilation

Housekeeping and Egress

Part 3 - Housekeeping and Egress

  • Floor clean, dry and free from slip/trip hazards

  • No accumulation of old equipment, stores, rubbish, etc

  • Shelving stable, free from extraneous material, not overloaded and not too high

  • Walkways free from obstruction

  • Exits and corridors clear of obstruction

  • Exit signs illuminated and clearly visible

  • Exit doors unlocked

  • No deadbolts, shot bolts or padlocks on emergency exit doors

  • Adequate number of exits

  • Emergency lighting installed and in operating condition

Fire Safety

Part 4 - Fire Safety

  • Fire alarms installed, operating and audible throughout laboratory

  • Suitable type fire extinguishers and fire blankets located, mounted and identified

  • Maintenance of fire extinguishers up to date

  • Maintenance of hose reels and hydrants up to date

  • Overhead fire sprinklers and/or thermal/smoke detectors clear of stores, obstructions and equipment

  • Fire sprinklers and detectors heads free from damage

  • Fire doors free from damage and obstructions

  • 'In Case of Fire' instructions prominently displayed

  • Occupants know how to use fire fighting equipment

  • Occupants know what to do in case of fire

  • Fire drill conducted in last 12 months

Flammable Liquids

Part 5 - Flammable Liquids

  • Up to date inventory of all solvents stored in the laboratory

  • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) available for all solvents used and stored

  • Container labels correct and legible

  • Solvents stored in compatible containers

  • Solvents separated from corrosives

  • No excessive amounts of solvents stored and/or used (ie greater than 40litres)

  • Flammable liquids cabinet installed

  • Flammable liquids cabinet in good condition

  • Warning signs on cabinet legible

  • No flammable liquids stored in domestic refrigerators

Compressed Gases

Part 6 - Compressed Gases

  • MSDSs available for all compressed gases used

  • Gas name label on shoulder of cylinders clearly legible

  • Cylinders secured to wall,trolley or other permanent fixture by bracket or chain

  • Fuel cylinders separated from oxidising cylinders

  • Empty cylinders separated from full ones and clearly identified

  • Not in use acetylene cylinders stored outside of building

  • Cylinder valve closed when cylinder not in use

  • Adequate ventilation

  • Gas lines leak-tested regularly and users aware of testing procedure

  • Cylinders stored a minimum of three metres from an ignition source

  • Safety glasses available and accessible


Part 7 - Chemicals

  • Up to date inventory of all chemicals stored in the laboratory

  • MSDSs readily available for all hazardous substances stored or used

  • All chemicals and containers clearly labelled and complying with the Hazardous Substances Regulations

  • Chemicals stored in compatible containers

  • Chemical compatibility in storage areas (ie separation into dangerous goods classes)

  • Leakage of chemicals onto storage shelves prevented/controlled

  • Appropriate protective equipment worn when handling hazardous chemicals

  • Procedure in place for the handling of speciality chemicals (ie carcinogens, toxins etc)

  • Storage of chemicals in fume cupboards prohibited

  • Occupants of laboratory know what to do in the case of a chemical spill

Fume Cupboards

Part 8 - Fume Cupboards

  • Electrical services located outside the chamber

  • Emergency isolation switches available and clearly identified

  • Fire Sprinklers and detectors fitted where applicable

  • Warning sign indicated that only 2.5 litres of flammable liquid is allowed in the chamber at any time

  • Fume scrubbers installed where applicable (eg perchloric acid use)

  • Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers nearby but not less than one metre from cupboard

  • Average face velocity a minimum of 0.5 metres peruse one with sash in all positions

  • Full performance test performed within the last six months

Biological Safety

Part 9 - Biological Safety

  • MSDSs readily available for any hazardous substances used in the laboratory

  • Contaminated waste procedures adopted and adhere to

  • Sharps (needles, syringes, pipettes etc) procedures adopted and adhered to

  • Risk group category and containment procedures adopted and adhere to

  • Disposable gloves available

  • Adequate biohazard and sterile work cabinets available

  • Biohazard cabinets and sterile work cabinets inspected and certified annually

  • Appropriate decontamination of work surfaces practiced

  • Containers correctly labelled and legible

  • Aerosol production minimised and contained

  • Occupants of laboratory know what to do in the case of emergency involving hazardous biological incident

Radiation Safety

Part 10 - Radiation Safety

  • Up to date inventory of all radioactive materials stored in the laboratory

  • MSDSs readily available for labelled material

  • Specific areas designated and identified for radiation procedures

  • Laboratory design complies with AS2243.4 and NHMRC guidelines

  • Appropriate monitoring equipment readily available

  • Personnel and environmental monitoring procedures adopted and adhere to

  • Absorbent material and trays used to contain spills

  • Adequate and sufficient shielding available

  • Radioactive material securely and appropriately stored

  • Radioactive waste procedures adopted and adhered to

  • EPA licence held by all staff using radiation

  • Occupants of the laboratory know what to do in the case of an emergency involving radiation

Electrical Safety

Part 11 - Electrical Safety

  • In service safety inspection, testing and tagging of portable electrical equipment connected by flexible cord done in accordance with AS3760

  • Adequate power points available and unobstructed

  • Switches and power points in good working order and identify distribution panel and circuit breaker numbers

  • Emergency electrical power isolation switches installed, clearly identified and located near an exit

  • Residual current devices installed in distribution boards where required

  • All power leads in good repair and present no trip hazard

  • Use of double adapters prohibited and enforced

  • Any temporary wiring. Has action been taken to eliminate temporary wiring or replace it with permanent wiring?

  • Is excessive use of power boards and extension leads controlled/prohibited?

  • Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher adjacent to switchboard

  • Electrical ignition sources controlled in flammable environments

Machinery and Equipment

Part 12 - Machinery and Equipment

  • Operating instructions and safety signs adequate and clearly visible

  • Emergency stop switches clearly labelled and accessible

  • All safety glass areas clearly signposted

  • Safety glasses readily available

  • Machines and equipment free from obstruction

  • All moving parts, fan belts etc adequately guarded

  • Adequate distance between machines and equipment

  • Electrical and plumbing connections in good order

  • Carbon dioxide extinguisher readily available, where appropriate

Emergency Procedures

Part 13 - Emergency Procedures

  • Emergency procedures established, documented and understood by all occupants

  • Emergency exits clearly marked

  • Notices do emergency procedures prominently displayed

  • Emergency telephone number prominently displayed

  • Evacuation drill conducted in the last 12 months

Audit Conducted by

  • Auditors Signature

  • Auditors Signature

Audit Sent to

  • Supervisors Name

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