Title Page
Site Name & Location
Prepared by
Conducted on
Pre-works & safety checks
Provide work order number
Have you been provided with adequate PPE for works
List equipment used for works
Are the gates and fence line secure and in good condition? If no, please provide photo evidence and location of damage
Are ground conditions suitable for works? If no please provide photo evidence and location
Are there any potential hazards on site restricting you from completing works? Please list.
Wildlife, Grazing & Panel Inspections
Is there wildlife present on site?
Is the site being grazed?
Are there sheep currently on site?
If site is grazed check water supply and sheep proofing
Please advise of the cleanliness of the panels
Grass / Vegetation conditions and evidence of works
Provide at least 6 photos or as many as necessary of vegetation condition prior to works
Provide photos of the equipment in use
Provide at least 6 photos or as many as necessary of vegetation condition after works
Areas of site that has been left for wildlife habits