Conducted on
Prepared by
- Emma Randall
- Armantas Laurinaitis
- Megan Casebow
- Jacintha Carty
- Nick Green
- Paul Hanson
- Andrew Tice
- Keith Knowles
- Andy Pinto
- Tom Marriott
Determination of First Aid Need
Does your workplace have low-level hazards such as those that might be found in offices and shops?
The minimum provision is:
– an appointed person to
take charge of first-aid
– a suitably stocked first-aid
box. -
Does your workplace have higher-level<br>hazards such as chemicals or<br>dangerous machinery?
You should consider:
– providing first-aiders;
– providing additional
training for first-aiders to
deal with injuries resulting
from special hazards;
– providing a suitably
stocked first-aid box;
– providing additional firstaid equipment;
– precise location of first-aid
– providing a first-aid room;
– informing the emergency
services of specific hazards
etc in advance -
Do your work activities involve special hazards such as hydrofluoric<br>acid or confined spaces?
You should consider:
– providing first-aiders;
– additional training for firstaiders to deal with injuries
resulting from special
– additional first-aid
– precise location of first-aid
– providing a first-aid room;
– informing the emergency
services of specific hazards
etc in advance. -
Are there more than 25 employees or people on site?
Where there are small
numbers of employees, the
minimum provision is:
– an appointed person to
take charge of first-aid
– a suitably stocked first-aid
box -
Where there are large
numbers of employees, ie
more than 25, even in lowhazard environments, you
should consider providing:
– first-aiders;
– additional first-aid
– a first-aid room. -
Are there inexperienced workers<br>on site, or employees with disabilities or<br>particular health problems?
You should consider:
– additional training for firstaiders;
– additional first-aid
– local siting of first-aid
equipment. Your first-aid
provision should cover any
work experience trainees.
Accidents and ill health record
Are there any historic records of illness or ill health for the site?
If no consider if there are procedures in place to capture this information and add as an action
Ensure your first-aid
provision will cater for the
types of injuries and
illnesses that have occurred
in your workplace. Monitor
accidents and ill health and
review your first-aid
provision as appropriate -
Please provide details of known historic illness, ill health or existing health conditions
Are any staff/occupants known to be pregnant
Are any staff/occupants known to have disabilities?
Are any staff/occupants known to be diabetic or injectors of medicine?
Are any staff/occupants known to have any specific disabilities?
Are there any known asthmatics on site?
Are there any known epileptics or individuals who get seizures?
Are any staff/occupants known to have mental health concerns?
Working arrangements
Do you have employees who travel<br>a lot, work remotely or work alone?
You should consider:
– issuing personal first-aid
– issuing personal
phones to employees. -
Do any of your<br>employees work shifts<br>or out-of-hours?
You should ensure there is
adequate first-aid provision
at all times people are at
work. -
Are the premises spread out, eg are<br>there several buildings on the site or multifloor buildings?
You should consider the
need for provision in each
building or on each floor. -
Is your workplace<br>remote from<br>emergency medical<br>services (more than 10 minutes drive time)?
You should:
– inform the emergency
services of your location;
– consider special
arrangements with the
emergency services;
– consider emergency
transport requirements. -
Do any of your employees work at sites occupied by other employers?
You should make
arrangements with other
site occupiers to ensure
adequate provision of first
aid. A written agreement
between employers is
strongly recommended. -
Do you have a first aid cover/provision in the even of a holiday/planned/unplanned absence?
Do you have sufficient provision to cover absences of firstaiders or appointed persons?
Do members of the public or non employees visit your premises?
Under the Health and
Safety (First-Aid)
Regulations 1981, you have
no legal duty to provide first
aid for non-employees but
HSE strongly recommends
that you include them in
your first-aid provision.
Record of First Aid Provision
Where is the nearest hospital?
What is the distance to the nearest hospital?
Provide details of the closest doctors
Please review the below table
Is an appointed person required
Please provide details of who is the appointed person(s)
Is an emergency first aider required
How many are required
Please provide details of who is the emergency first aider(s)
Is a qualified first aider required?
How many are required
Please provide details of who is the qualified first aider(s)
First Aid Equipment
Is a First aid box (damp and dust proof) required?
How many are required?
Are the required number available on site?
Provide details of the number, size and location of any First Aid boxes on site
Have the first aid box contents been checked within the last month?
Is a automated external defibrilator (AED) required?
Is an AED available on site?
Provide details of where the AED is?
Are details of how to access the AED available?
Is the location of the de-fib marked on a site plan?
Is the de-fib in date and batteries checked?
Have employees who are travelling been issued a travelling first aid kit?
Is a first aid point or first aid room available?
Is hot and cold water available near to the first aid point/first aid room?
Please note any general comments or observations