Task Detail
Risk Assessor
1. COMPETENCE<br>a.) Do you have the necessary training/ certification (NPTC/ Lantra) to carry out the work?
2. COMMUNICATION<br>a.) Have you informed all people who will be affected by your proposed work?
b.) If lone working, have you made arrangements for regular contact during your time on site?
3. RISK CONTROL INFORMATION<br>a.) Have you been briefed on the relevant risk assessment for the task/s to be performed?
b.) Have you been briefed and do you have access to the relevant COSHH assessment where required?
4. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT <br>a.) Have you carried out an inspection of the tools/ equipment you will use and are they fit for purpose and in good repair?
b.) Where required, are calibration, conformity and / or test certificates valid?
5. WORK AREA CONDITION<br>a.) Do you have access to the area?
b.) Are the site conditions safe for work to proceed?
c.) Are the current weather conditions satisfactory and unlikely to affect site safety and/ or personal safety?
6. WORK AREA PROTECTION<br>a.) Are adequate barriers & hazard warning signs in place?
7. EMERGENCIES<br>a.) Do you know where the closest Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department is?
8. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE)<br>a.) Is your PPE appropriate and sufficient for the task?
If you answer "No" to any question DO NOT START WORK until you have consulted your supervisor.
Please select High Medium or Low in the list of hazards listed below where you believe a hazard exists for the task you are carrying out or in the environment you are working. Use the information below to calculate the risks:
High: Not adequately controlled- Potential to cause fatal or major injury- CONTACT YOUR SUPERVISOR FOR FURTHER ADVICE.
Medium: Not adequately controlled- Potential to result in lost time injury (over 3 days) or long term health effects or significant property or environmental damage- CONTACT YOUR SUPERVISOR FOR FURTHER ADVICE.
Low: Only if you believe the risk is adequately controlled and the potential risk of injury is minimal. -
Electricity/ Comms (e.g BT)
Adverse Weather
Moving Vehicles (e.g On highway)
Moving Machinery (e.g On Site)
Confined spaces
Use or Exposure to Gas
Violence/ Aggressive Behaviour
Slips or Trips
Steps/ Ladders
Uneven Surfaces
Mobile Elevated Work Platforms
Mobile Crane
Dust or Fumes
Vermin (Weils Disease)
Manual Handling
Poor Lighting
Access and Egress
Syringes/ Sharps
Work near water
Is anyone else at risk from your work, e.g Third party / Others?
If yes, please give details:
Is there a safe system of work with controls in place? NB: Any changes in on site conditions will require amendments to this assessment- please record them and brief your team accordingly.
Names of all people briefed:
Site Notes:
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