RFD Number
Food Business / Proprietor
Food Business Name
Conducted on
Authorised Officer
Temporary Food Stall Requirements
1. Does the stall have 3 walls, impervious floor and ceiling?
2. Is all food preparation and cooking conducted inside the structure?
3. Is there adequate ventilation to prevent the build up of steam?
4. Is hand washing facilities with warm water, soap and paper towel provided at the stall?
5. Is equipment washing facilities provided at the stall?
6. Is there appropriate wastewater storage and disposal?
7. Is equipment, fixtures and fittings smooth, impervious and easy to clean?
8. Is there food grade sanitiser available?
9. Is food stored appropriately, including off the ground and in food grade containers?
10. Is there appropriate temperature control?
11. Is a thermometer available at the stall?
12. Is pre-packaged food labelled appropriately?
13. Is the food handlers skills and knowledge appropriate?
14. Is the health and hygiene of food handlers appropriate?
15. Temperature recordings at the stall. (Degrees Celsius)
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Officers Signature
Owner / Employee signature
NB: Assessment report contains findings from date/time of inspection only