Title Page

  • Conducted on

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Laundry Audit

  • Laundry room is clearly separated into a “dirty” and "clean laundry" area

  • All areas of the laundry are clean, tidy and free from risks

  • All chemicals are under safe storage

  • Machines are in full working order, with clean filters

  • Individual storage baskets used for all personal washes

  • Service user clothing is clearly marked, well maintained and ironed (if appropriate)

  • Ventilation areas are free from any blockage or obstruction

  • Walls or vents are free from dust

  • Infection control measures in place e.g. gloves, apron

  • There are facilities to combat excessive heat

  • State temperature of room

  • Appropriate hand washing facilities are available

  • Staff are aware of the procedure for dealing with soiled linen and clothing

Housekeeping Internal - General

  • The entrance and reception area is clean, welcoming with appropriate signage

  • Corridors are clean and clutter free with furnishings/decor in good order

  • Lounges are clean with furnishings/decor in good order

  • Dining rooms are clean with furnishings/decor in good order

  • Kitchenette areas and clean, in good condition and free from clutter

  • Bathrooms and toilet facilities are clean and in good order with appropriate locks, free from mould and clutter

  • All handwashing facilities have clean liquid soup dispensers, paper towels and antibacterial gel (as appropriate for area)

  • Bathrooms have toilet roll dispensers’ not loose rolls

  • Foot operated bins with lids are next to all hand washing sinks

  • The sluice rooms are clean, in good decorative condition and free from clutter

  • Staff are well presented wearing uniforms and hair tied up neatly (where appropriate)

  • Bedrooms Audit (spot check 5 bedrooms)
  • Bedroom Number

  • Is the room clean and tidy?

  • There is evidence of personalisation

  • Bedding is clean and bed well made

  • Bedding is in good repair (not threadbare or stained)

  • Soft furnishings are clean and in good order (eg cushions, chairs, curtains)

  • Room is free from hazards (eg nothing on top of wardrobes, no trip hazards from cables)

  • Is the ensuite bathroom clean, free from clutter and in good order

Action Plan

  • Any issues have been reported to the manager

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.