Title Page
Person undertaking inspection
Weather and Temperature
Date and Time
Site Ground Condition
What is the meter reading for noise levels monitoring onsite (dBA Leq)?
Number of motorcycles using the track at the time completing the inspection?
Daily SEMP Monitoring
Walkover Observations
Have there been any noise complaints today?
How many?
Provide as much detail here as possible on the complaint(s) or attach a copy of the relevant complaints log.
Describe the actions being taken to respond to the complaint(s).
Have there been any dust complaints today?
How many?
Provide as much detail here as possible on the complaint(s) or attach a copy of the relevant complaints log.
Describe the actions being taken to respond to the complaint(s).
Is dust being generated onsite beyond acceptable levels?
Please call or SMS Steve Martin on 0405 403 686 to inform him of the situation.
Is dust generated leaving the site boundary?
Please call or SMS Steve Martin on 0405 403 686 to inform him of the situation.
Is stormwater flowing in the designated drainage points?
Where is it flowing or pooling?
Please call or SMS Steve Martin on 0405 403 686 to inform him of the situation.
Is there any indication of contamination in the drainage control measures (i.e. sheen, odour)?
Can you identify the source?
Please do so.
Is stormwater leaving the site in nondesignated drainage points?
Where is it leaving the site?
Are there any signs of erosion along the drainage lines or slopes?
Please photograph this.
Is there any visible contamination/waste or sediment in drains?
Please describe what you see.
Are there any observable blockages in drains?
Please photograph this.
Are the drains vegetated?
Please photograph this.
Does the vegetation in the drain require maintenance?
Please list the maintenance actions taken to correct the issue(s).
Please photograph post-maintenance.
Has any earthworks been conducted below the marking layer (i.e. has the marking layer been exposed)?
Please photograph this.
Is clean fill being brought to site?
What's the purpose?
Is litter present on the surface of the site?
Please remove the litter and place in the designated rubbish bins on site.
Are chemical / fuels being stored on site?
Please outline the reason and products involved and provide justification.
Any surface staining noted?
Please photograph.
Has there been a surface spill?
Provide as much detail possible about this event.
Any other comments / observations
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