
  • Audit Title

  • Site

  • Location
  • Contractor/s

  • Conducted on

  • Audit Conducted By

  • Other Personnel Present

Management Responsibilities

  • Is there an Environmental, Health and Safety Management Plan developed for this project?

  • Is the Health and Safety Policy displayed and signed by management?

  • Are emergency response procedures developed and displayed at appropriate locations?

  • Is there safe access in and out of the site?

  • Is there suitable public protection where construction works are next to, or over public access ways?

  • Are the personnel records, certificates of competency and induction records kept on site?

  • Are contractor/sub contractor SWMS (Safe Work Method Statements) & JSA's provided before commencing each major task?

  • Are appropriate signs posted at entrance? I.e. hard hats, report to site office

  • Are necessary permits developed and retained on site?


  • Is there covered access from inclement weather?

  • Is site hut seating adequate for the numbers on site?

  • Are site huts hygienic? I.e. tidy bins with bin liners

  • Are there adequate numbers of toilet cubicles with clean tidy wash facilities?

  • Are there notice boards in site huts?

  • Cool clean drinking water available at appropriate locations?

  • Are there toilets for women?

Emergency Response/First Aid

  • Are site personnel aware of the first aid location and is it clearly identified?

  • Is the first aid box adequately stocked?

  • Are there adequate first aid personnel clearly identified for contact?

  • Are first aid treatment records kept on site?

  • Are emergency response personnel trained in site emergency procedures? Last test date of procedures __/__/____

  • Are all workers aware of what to do in case of fire or other emergency?

Traffic Management

  • Has a traffic management plan been selected or provided?

  • Are all roadwork signs and devices installed according to the plan?

  • Have safety barriers been installed correctly, where required?

  • Have the needs of other road users, pedestrians and pedestrian support vehicles been provided for?

  • Are traffic signs being maintained, clearly visible and in good working order?

Training and Consultation

  • Is there a site induction?

  • Are induction records maintained on site?

  • Do all site personnel hold a current industry induction card?

  • Is emergency response and evacuation training conducted?

  • Are personnel trained in fire precautions and use of fire extinguishers?

  • Is training for identified hazardous work processes conducted? I.e. confined spaces

  • Are visitors inducted as to site hazards and procedures?

  • Are hazards,incidents and accidents reported to site personnel at toolbox meetings?

  • Do supervisors conduct regular toolbox meetings?

  • Do supervisors carry out risk assessments and incident reports?

  • Are healthy and safety meetings held regularly?

  • Are health and safety meeting minutes discussed at toolbox meetings and displayed in the site hut?

  • Where subcontractors collaborate, interface, co-operate or work together, is everybody involved inducted?


  • Does a licensed electrician test portable electrical equipment every quarter? RCD/safety switch tested every month?

  • Are extension leads correctly connected to power supply?

  • Is the electrical testing register maintained on site?

  • Is all electrical equipment in good condition?


  • Scaffold types in use?

  • Are the standards on solid foundations with adequate soul boards?

  • Is there adequate bracing in all directions?

  • Are the ties correctly positioned and fixed? (Every 3 bays, 2 lifts)

  • Are there working platforms at required locations?

  • Are handrails and kickboards installed on scaffolds over 2 metres?

  • Are mesh guards installed where risk of material falling may occur? I.e. bricks

  • Is there access to and from all working platforms?

  • Are work platforms the correct distance from the working face?

  • Are ladders of an industrial grade?

  • Are ladders secured top and bottom and exceeding platform 1 metre at a 4:1 pitch?

  • Are scaffold boards secured to prevent uplift from winds?

  • When completed, are scaffolds tagged with scaftag system or similar?

  • Are signs or barriers erected for incomplete scaffolds?

  • Are scaffolds regularly inspected and records kept of details?

Hazardous Materials

  • Are Material Safety Data Sheets available for all hazardous substances?

  • Is a chemical register kept on site?

  • Do site personnel understand MSDS's?

  • Are appropriate signs posted at storage areas on site?

  • Are containers appropriately labelled?

  • Are chemical storage facilities provided with an appropriate containment area? I.e. bunds and containment materials

  • Is appropriate PPE supplied when using hazardous materials?

Cranes and Rigging

  • Crane certificates of inspection provided and kept on record at site?

  • Crane driver's certificate of competency and licenses? Intermediate riggers for concrete panel erection?

  • Is the manufacturer's instruction book and cranes log book in crane and completed daily?

  • Cranes set up on firm level ground; engineer's specification details where applicable? I.e. suspended floors & near excavations

  • Riggers and Dogmen certified and recorded and used for crane operations?

  • Is there a safe working zone established for crane operation?

  • Is all rigging equipment in good condition with inspection records kept on site?

Plant and Equipment

  • Are excavators used as cranes, fitted with velocity valves and SWL stamped on boom?

  • Are manufacturer's instructions for lifting capacities in all directions in excavator cabin?

  • Are roll over protection systems installed on all earthmoving equipment?

  • Where applicable, are reverse and visual alarms operating and audible? I.e. flashing lights

  • Has a schedule of inspection, maintenance, repair and cleaning been developed for all plant/equipment?

  • Are isolation procedures developed for maintenance and repair work on plant?

  • Are Elevated Work Platform logbooks and daily inspections completed, recorded and kept on the machine?

  • Do only licensed operators operate Elevated Work Platforms?

  • Are Elevated Work Platforms used on a firm level surface?

  • Is the operators manual readily accessible?

  • Are all combustion type engines only operated outdoors or with extra ventilation? Eg portable welders, generators, etc

  • Are seatbelts installed in the forklift and used by the operators?

  • Have foreseeable hazards from the operation of plant and/or equipment been assessed, including the following:<br>* contact or entanglement with machinery or materials<br>* being trapped between the machine and any other fixed structure<br>* being struck by ejected material from machinery<br>* noise and vibration from machinery

  • Have all operators of plant/equipment received appropriate training, hold certificates of operation where required and have demonstrated their competence to operate plant/equipment to the satisfaction of the contractor?

  • Are all records kept to show that all operators have received appropriate training and instruction to operate plant/equipment?

Excavation and Trenching

  • Is a site plan available for existing and new services?

  • Are new and existing services identified on site and controls implemented to prevent accidental contact?

  • Have manual tools been used to dig trial holes to positively identify position of the utilities?

  • Are relevant authorities notified of any inconsistencies between the information provided and the actual location of the utilities?

  • If utilities cannot be located according to plans provided by the relevant authority then their assistance is sought at the site to locate the utility?

  • Are procedures in place to avoid isolated personnel working in excavations?

  • Is air quality testing carried out to ensure toxic gas build up does not occur?

  • Is signage and barricading used to reduce erosion or collapse?

  • Are excavations regularly inspected for erosion or collapse?

  • Is an adequate system of safety (including benching, battering, shoring, shielding or other forms of earth retention) been used to prevent collapse?

  • Has safe access/egress been provided for deep excavations?

  • Has spoil material and equipment been stored away from excavation edges?

  • Are dust control measures in place?

  • Are all drainage pits covered with an appropriate cover of adequate strength?

  • Have emergency procedures been developed and communicated to all persons working in or near the excavation/s before works commenced?

  • Do the emergency procedures address all foreseeable major hazards, particularly:<br>* collapse of excavation<br>* unplanned contact with underground or overhead services<br>* inrush of water or other substance into excavation

  • Has the nature and condition of the ground or working environment been assessed, with particular attention being paid to:<br>* the possibility of the fall or dislodgement or earth/rock or other materials<br>* the instability of the excavation or adjoining structure<br>* the in rush of water (or any other substance)<br>* the placement of excavated material<br>* instability due to person or plant working adjacent to the excavation

  • Has a geotechnical engineer been consulted?

Confined Space

  • Are emergency procedures developed for confined space works?

  • Is emergency rescue equipment available? I.e. radios, air monitors

  • Are personnel trained for confined space space works including sentries?

Work at Heights

  • Are procedures developed for working at heights?

  • Are emergency procedures developed for the retrieval of a fallen or injured person?

  • Are personnel trained for working at heights?

  • Is safe access and egress provided for personnel?

  • Are harnesses inspected and inspection records kept on site?

  • Are anchorage points assessed by a qualified engineer?

  • Are barriers, barricades and signs erected to delineate restricted areas?


  • Is water or other means used to prevent dust generation?

  • Are roadways defined and used by site personnel?

  • Is there adequate watering equipment when cutting material?

  • Are noisy work tasks defined, controls used to reduce noise levels and signage utilised?

  • Is sound pressure level testing performed to ensure compliance?

  • Are signs posted to alert personnel?

  • Is hearing protection provided and used where required?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Are signs displayed to identify the required PPE?

  • Is PPE readily available and complying with the relevant Australian Standards?

  • Are personnel trained in the use of specific PPE?

  • Are facilities provided for the maintenance and storage of PPE?

Site Security

  • Have provisions been made to adequately secure the site at all times and in particular, when left unattended?

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.