Audit Title
Conducted on
Audit Conducted By
Other Personnel Present
What is the location of the footpath to be inspected?
What is the width of the footpath required to be?
Is the footpath the correct width?
What is the depth of the footpath required to be?
Is the footpath the correct depth?
Is crushed rock in place and a minimum of 50mm?
Has the crushed rock been compacted?
Has reinforcement been laid?
What is the size/type of the reinforcement?
Is the reinforcement the correct size/type?
Is the reinforcement on hats and placed in the top half of the footpath?
At each tool/crack control joint, has every second lateral bar been removed to promote cracking?
Are expansion/contraction joints in place?
Are expansion/contraction joints at correct distances?
Are the dowels in place in the expansion/contraction joints and are they horizontal?
Are the dowels tied off to the reinforcement? (If required)
Is the contractor aware that they must vibrate the concrete when pouring?
Contractor to sign off that they have been explained what is required of them
Superintendent to sign off when pouring is ready to proceed