Title Page
Location Name:
Conducted on:
Prepared by:
Are there adequate barricades around the well head?
Is the walking/working surface smooth and free of obstruction at the entrance of the facility?
Are the weeds controlled within the facility/location?
Is the fence around the facility in good condition?
Is an emergency number posted?
Is the entrance signage properly displayed on location?
Are there H2S signs in the appropriate areas? If applicable
Is there a PPE Required sign on location?
Structural support good? Stairways and Catwalks in good condition?
Are there chains with signage across stairs?
Do the tank(s) have NFPA labels?
Are the tanks/load lines grounded?
Do the thief hatches close and latch properly? Seals/Gaskets in good condition? (do not check if working alone at a H2S location)
Is the Enardo Valve in place?
Is the wind sock in good condition?
Is there lightning protection/static dissipaters in place?
Are the Berms/Firewalls in good condition?
Is there a working Murphy Meter/other gauge in place?
Are the level indicators functioning and not damaged?
Has the Pineapple been inspected?
Are the pressure gauges in good condition?
Are weep holes in place on low and high pressure separators?
Are there car seals (locks) in place on the relief valves to ensure they cannot be bypassed?
Are the relief valves anchored?
Do the relief valve(s) have caps in place to act as a notification device for a possible disturbance?
Does the compressor unit(s) have hearing protection signs in place?
Is the compressor grounded?
Is the compressor free of any oil/fluid leaks?
If leaks are present, are they contained within the skid?
Is the fire extinguisher in good condition? Current inspection?
Is there a SCBA properly staged with signage? If applicable
Additional Comments:
Safety Tech: