Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
To view our Loss Prevention Standard that supports this checklist, please view the following link: https://broker.aviva.co.uk/documents/view/aviva_legionella_controls_during_covid-19_lps.pdf
Legionella Controls
1. We have reviewed our risk assessment and know what additional controls will be required before restarting/reinstating.
2. We have factored in time/resources for a visit by competent person/treatment company and any cleaning/disinfection that may be required.
3. Hot and cold water systems that were not used frequently during the lockdown were flushed weekly.
4. Where water systems were not flushed weekly, we have spoken to our competent person to discuss cleaning and disinfection.
5. We reviewed operation of cooling towers and evaporative condensers and maintained them throughout lockdown.
6. Where we did not use/maintain cooling towers and evaporative condensers throughout lockdown, we have spoken to the water treatment company for advice prior to reinstatement.
7. Risk assessments for any air conditioning units that have a source of water and were mothballed during lockdown have been reviewed.
8. Any larger air conditioning units that have condensate trays, or humidifier or evaporative cooling sections were drained and/or cleaned, have been reviewed by competent person/treatment company and had any cleaning/disinfection required.
9. Any spa pools or hot tubs that were not in frequent use during lockdown have been drained, cleaned and disinfected before reinstatement
10. General/COSHH assessment have been reviewed to ensure operator safety in the light of any changes to systems of control.
11. Any changes to systems of work and/or training brought about by changes in the controls used have been implemented.
12. Monitoring has been increased to ensure that any changes in the system of control are effective.
13. Adequate account has been taken of the availability/adequacy of appropriate PPE.
14. If requirements for operator safety or adequate legionella control have not been met, we acknowledge that we cannot reinstate the plant concerned.
Additional Comments
Completed by: (Name and Signature)
Please Note:
This document contains general information and guidance only and may be superseded and/or subject to amendment without further notice. Aviva has no liability to any third parties arising our of ARMS' communications whatsoever (including Loss Prevention Standards), and nor shall any third party rely on them. Other than liability which cannot be excluded by law, Aviva shall not be liable to any person for any indirect, special, consequential or other losses or damages of whatsoever kind arising out of access to, or use of, or reliance on anything contained in ARMS' communications. The document may not cover every risk, exposure or hazard that may arise and Aviva recommends that you obtain specific advice relevant to the circumstances.