Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are practitioners prepared with their key children's information? (needs, interests, new information)
Is the Half Term Planning, In the Moment Planning and previous week Planning in view?
Are messages from parents, new information and transition details of new key children shared?
Do practitioners reflect and discuss last weeks evaluations? (from one another, children; Floorbook & IMP and parents)
Do practitioners discuss their key children's needs and interests?
Are practitioners challenging one another's ideas and deciding activities together?
Is the written planning detailed and can this be understood clearly?
Has Letters and Sounds Planning been discussed and do practitioners have a plan/outline of what they are focusing on the following week?
Have the practitioners discussed how activities and enhancements are going to be set up for the following week? (Organised this by ordering/collecting any necessary resources)
Any other notes:
Next steps, targets and training needs:
Nursery Manager/EYP signature:
Room Supervisor signature:
Staff signature:
Staff signature:
Staff signature:
Staff signature:
Staff signature:
Staff signature: