Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Client Representative
Telephones-<br>Remove dust, stains and soiling using the appropriate cleaning method.
Venetian Blinds-<br>Remove surface dust
Fixtures and Fittings in toilet facilities-<br>Remove dust, obvious soiling and marks and use a furniture polish where appropriate.
Window Frames -<br>Remove dust, cobwebs, stains and soiling up to the glass using the appropriate cleaning method.
Un-carpeted Floors-<br>Remove dust, cobwebs, debris, stains and soiling using the appropriate cleaning method. This is to include a thorough sweep then wet mop and dry.
Fixtures, Fittings, Walls Partitions, Doors and Frames Internal Glass -Damp wipe all surfaces. Dry polish
Window Frames - Damp wipe. (In the case of secondary double glazing this includes the interior frames within the cavity.)
Wash front door inside and out, including window panels - Remove surface dust, obvious soiling and marks. Remove cobwebs.
External Stairwells and Balconies Includes ground floor pavements outside of flats and all above floors - Swept or mopped?
Completed By
LHP Representative Signature
Kingdom Representative Signature
Corrective Action Request
Observations Raised
Details of Non-Conformity
Proposed Corrective Actions
Verification of Corrective Action