Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Location being audited:

  • Address

  • Date of Audit:

  • Auditee:

  • Auditor:

Section 1 - Opening Meeting

Introductions and format of the audit

  • Introductions:

    H&S Team
    Library Team

  • The purpose of this audit is to ensure that the library is meeting its statutory requirements with regards to bulding compliance.

General Information

  • Senior Library Assistant?

  • Approximate age of the building?

  • Who is responsible for the facilities management of the building?

General Notes

  • undefined

Section 2 - Compliance

Section 1 - Water Hygiene & Safety

  • 1.1 - Is there a Water Risk Assessment available for the premises?

  • 1.2 - Is there evidence that the Water Risk Assessment is reviewed every 2 years?

  • 1.3 - If there is a risk, has a scheme for preventing or controlling the risk been developed for the premises?

  • 1.4 - Are there management plans to implement and manage control measures?

  • 1.5 - Is there an adequate system in place for ensuring any issues regarding Legionella are highlighted so that remedial action can be undertaken?

  • 1.6 - Is someone identified as competent for your premises in relation to Legionella?

  • 1.7 - Has the Competent Person for Legionella received appropriate training to allow them to carry out their responsibilities?

  • 1.8 - Are all records in relation to legionella kept? i.e. temperature checks, flushing of little used outlets etc.

  • 1.9 - Is there evidence that 6 monthly water tank inspections are being carried out?

  • 1.10 - Is there evidence that annual chlorination of stored potable water supplies is being carried out?

Section 2 - Asbestos

  • 2 - Is there any asbestos on site?

  • 2.1 - Does the building have an Asbestos Risk Assessment?

  • 2.2 - Does the building have an Asbestos Management Plan?

  • 2.3 - Is there evidence that an annual review of the Asbestos Risk Assessment and Management Plan has been carried out?

  • 2.4 - Has an Asbestos Duty Holder been appointed to manage asbestos containing materials at the workplace?

  • 2.5 - Has the Asbestos Duty Holder received appropriate training to allow them to carry out their responsibilities?

  • 2.6 - Are employees that work in the building made aware of the presence and position of asbestos in the building if they are likely to disturb it during normal work?

  • 2.7 - Are warning labels/stickers provided where appropriate?

  • 2.8 - Does the Duty Holder regularly inspect the condition of any identified asbestos in the asbestos building file? Are these checks recorded in the register?

  • 2.9 - Do all building contractors sign in and check the asbestos register prior to starting work?

  • 2.10 - Are the procedures known and understood if asbestos is disturbed in the building?

Section 3 - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) & Radiation

  • 3.1 - Is there evidence of a COSHH inventory which identifies all hazardous substances used on site?

  • 3.2 - Have COSHH assessments been carried out for all products, substances and processes and the findings been formally disseminated to relevant employees?

  • 3.3 - Are the products and COSHH assessments reviewed on a regular basis?

  • 3.4 - Has adequate information, instruction and training been provided for employees using substances that may be hazardous to health?

  • 3.5 - Is there a system in place to request manufacturers hazard data sheets (MSDS's) for new products introduced in libraries?

  • 3.6 - Are hazardous substances stored safely and suitably labelled?

Section 4 - Electrical Safety

  • 4.1 - Is there evidence that periodic inspection of Fixed Wiring Installations are carried out every 5 years.

  • 4.2 - Is there evidence that Portable Electrical Equipment is tested on a regular basis?

  • 4.3 - Electrical panels are clearly marked and unobstructed, restricted access?

  • 4.4 - Cable management acceptable? (no split/taped cords)

  • 4.5 - Any loose or damaged conduit/trunking?

  • 4.6 - Any evidence of unauthorised private equipment being used?

  • 4.7 - Do any power sockets appear to be overloaded?

  • 4.8 - Is there evidence that monthly testing test of emergency lighting is carried out?

  • 4.9 - Is there evidence that an annual full discharge test of emergency lighting is carried out?

Section 5 - Fire Safety

  • 5.1 - Has a Fire Risk Assessment been carried out for the premises and if so has an action plan been developed to implement the recommendations?

  • 5.2 - Is there evidence that an annual review of the Fire Risk Assessment has been carried out?

  • 5.3 - All fire exits are clearly identified and with correct directional signage?

  • 5.4 - Fire extinguishers are properly mounted and identified?

  • 5.5 - Is there evidence that weekly visual inspections of Fire Fighting Equipment is being carried out?

  • 5.6 - Is there evidence that Fire Extinguishers are inspected on an annual basis?

  • 5.7 - Fire doors and exits are free of obstructions?

  • 5.8 - Vision panels are unobstructed and in good condition?

  • 5.9 - Is there evidence that fire doors are inspected for fit and correct closure?

  • 5.10 - Are external storage / waste bins secured and located a suitable distance away from the buildings?

  • 5.11 - Weekly fire alarm tests are carried out and recorded?

  • 5.12 - Is there evidence that testing/servicing of the fire alarm is carried out by a competent person on a regular basis?

  • 5.13 - Is the fire alarm remotely monitored? If not, is somebody tasked with calling the Fire Brigade in a genuine emergency?

  • 5.14 - Are regular fire evacuation drills carried out (at least every 6 months)?

  • 5.15 - Is there evidence that regular testing of the Disabled Toilet Alarm system is being carried out

  • 5.16 - Is there evidence that regular testing of the Disabled Refuge Point communication system is carried out?

  • 5.17 - Are all Refuge Points suitably signed and uniquely identified?

  • 5.18 - Is there evidence that regular testing of the Lift Emergency Call system is being carried out?

  • 5.19 - Is there evidence that weekly testing of the Sprinkler System is being carried out?

  • 5.20 - Is there evidence that sprinkler systems are inspected/serviced on an annual basis?

  • 5.21 - Is there evidence that wet/dry risers are inspected/serviced on an annual basis?

  • 5.22 - Is there evidence that smoke extraction/ventilation systems are inspected/serviced on an annual basis?

  • 5.23 - Is there evidence that monthly visual inspections of Evac Chairs is being carried out?

  • 5.24 - Is there evidence that fire evacuation plans/procedures have been communicated to all staff?

  • 5.25 - Is there a fire assembly point with suitable signage?

  • 5.26 - Is there any staff working within the library who require PEEP's?<br>

  • 5.27 - Are all exit doors fitted with signage indicating how to operate the holding devices?

Section 6 - Gas & Boiler House Safety

  • 6.1 - Are all gas appliances installed, fitted and maintained by competent persons?

  • 6.2 - Are all appliances subjected to an annual gas safety test?

  • 6.3 - Is there evidence that 5 yearly testing of Gas Systems (pipe work) is carried out?

  • 6.4 - Is a gas shut off valve installed and are staff aware of its location?

  • 6.5 - Are boiler houses free of combustible materials?

Section 7 - Work Equipment

  • 7.1 - Is all furniture in a good state of repair i.e. desks, chairs etc.?

  • 7.2 - Is all equipment in a good state of repair i.e. computer, monitor, printers etc.?

Section 8 - Premises Management

  • 8.1 - Are all windows above first floor fitted with suitable window restrictors?

  • 8.2 - Is there evidence that an Energy Performance of Buildings inspection has been carried out?

  • 8.3 - Are work areas adequately lit?

  • 8.4 - Is there adequate ventilation (fresh air) through work areas?

  • 8.5 - Is the heating system capable of maintaining a temperature between 16-24 Celsius?

  • 8.6 - Are arrangements in place for reporting defects to the building and remedial action carried out?

  • 8.7 - Anti-slip surfaces provided where appropriate?

  • 8.8 - Is there an adequate provision of drinking water?

  • 8.9 - Is there adequate number of sanitary conveniences?

  • 8.10 - Are all doors protected against trapping points?

  • 8.11 - Are all staircases fitted with handrails/guardrails?

  • 8.12 - Is there evidence that regular inspections of External Areas are being carried out?

  • 8.13 - Is the external waste area clearly identified/secure/away from the main building?

  • 8.14 - Are external areas of the building adequately lit?<br>

  • 8.15 - Is all relevant Health & Safety information displayed in staff areas?<br>

  • 8.16 - Is there a Health & Safety Law Poster displayed somewhere in the library?<br>

Section 9 - Housekeeping

  • 9.1 - Are staff areas clean and tidy?

  • 9.2 - Corridors/halls/walkways clear of debris and obstructions?

  • 9.3 - All spills cleaned up speedily?

  • 9.4 - Carpets in good condition? (No holes or curled edges)

  • 9.5 - Are toilets kept clean and tidy?

  • 9.6 - Floors, stairs and walkways have non-slip surfaces where appropriate?

  • 9.7 - Waste bins are available and emptied regularly?

  • 9.8 - Floors are free of holes, protrusions, loose boards and splinters?

  • 9.9 - Items are stored correctly and empty boxes, etc are disposed of?

  • 9.10 - Combustible material are kept away from heat sources?

Section 10 - Automatic Doors/Gates/Barriers

  • 10 - Are there any Automatic Doors/Gates/Barriers on site?

  • 10.1 - Is there evidence that regular servicing of Automatic Doors/Gates/Barriers is carried out?

Section 11 - Lightning Conductors

  • 11 - Is the building fitted with a Lightning Conductor?

  • 11.1 - Is there evidence that annual visual inspection of Lightning Conductors is carried out?

Section 12 - Work at Height

  • 12.1 - Is there awareness of where work at height takes place on the premises and who carries it out?

  • 12.2 - Is there evidence that work at height risks specific to the premises have been assessed including existing places of work and fragile surfaces?

  • 12.3 - Have people who are required to work at height undergone appropriate training?

  • 12.4 - Is there evidence that work equipment has been selected appropriate to the tasks and areas of work?

  • 12.5 - Where equipment is premises based is there awareness and systems to ensure that this equipment is only for use by library employees?

  • 12.6 - Is there evidence that equipment for work at height is subject to inspection, examination and test by competent people?

Section 13 - Lone Working

  • 13.1 - Have individuals or groups of employees been identified as lone workers?

  • 13.2 - Is there a suitable lone worker policy in place?

  • 13.2 - Have specific risk assessments been undertaken identifying the risks associated with lone working? Are they suitable and sufficient?

  • 13.4 - Have all relevant employees been trained and are they aware of the lone working procedures in place and their responsibility for working within them?

Section 14 - Manual Handling Operations

  • 14.1 - Are manual handling operations assessed taking into account the load, the nature of the task, the working environment and the individuals' capabilities?

  • 14.2 - Where a significant risk is identified, has a specific manual handling assessment been carried out and formally recorded?

  • 14.3 - Where hazards exist are the control measures identified in the assessments implemented and monitored by supervisors/managers?

  • 14.4 - Have employees received appropriate training to carry out those manual handling tasks which cannot be eliminated?

  • 14.5 - Where mechanical aids are provided to assist employees with lifting and handling - are they easily accessible, suitably maintained and serviced where necessary and employees suitably trained in their use?

Section 15 - Lifts & Lifting Equipment

  • 15 - Are there any lifts or lifting equipment?

  • 15.1 - Are all passenger lifts fitted with safety devices to prevent a person being crushed, trapped, struck or falling from the lift?

  • 15.2 - Are lifts/equipment marked with it's safe working load?

  • 15.3 - Is there a means of raising alarm in all lifts in event of failure, are these tested and recorded?

  • 15.4 - Is there a clear procedure to be followed in event of a person becoming trapped in the lift/equipment and are people competent to follow the procedure?

  • 15.5 - Are all lifts/equipment examined at statutory intervals (every 6 months for people or 12 months for loads only) by competent person, recorded in terms of inspections, maintenance and testing?

  • 15.6 - Are window cleaning hoist/safety eye bolts inspected by a competent person?

Section 16 - Heating/Ventilation/Extraction systems

  • 16 - Are there any Air Conditioning units on site?

  • 16.1 - Is there evidence that servicing and F Gas checks of Air Conditioning equipment is carried out every 6 months.

Section 17 - First Aid

  • 17.1 - Is there an adequate number of trained First Aiders on site at all times?

  • 17.2 - Is there an adequate amount of First Aid kits available at all times?

  • 17.3 - Is there evidence that regular checks of First Aid Equipment is carried out?

  • 17.4 - Has there been any serious accidents at this location?

Section 18 - Control of Contractors

  • 18.1 - Are job specific method statements and risk assessments obtained from contractors, checked by a competent person and communicated to the library?

  • 18.2 - Are meetings held directly with the contractor to discuss the intended work and how it will affect normal library operation?

  • 18.3 - Are contractors monitored whilst undertaking work? If so, how?

  • 18.4 - Is a Permit to Work system used for controlling high risk activities?

Section 19 - Oil Storage Tanks

  • 19 - Are there any Oil Storage Tanks on site?

  • 19.1 - Is there evidence that regular inspections of Oil Storage Tanks, Bunds, Pipework and surrounding areas is being carried out?

Section 20 - Sewage/Water Treatment/Septic Tank and Oil Interceptors

  • 20 - Are there any Sewage/Water Treatment/Septic Tank or Oil Interceptors on site?

  • 20.1 - Is there evidence that tanks are being pumped out every 6 months?

  • 20.2 - Is there evidence that annual servicing of lift pumps is being carried out?

21 - Events

  • 21 - Does the library host any events organised by 3rd parties?

  • 21.1 - Name of event:

  • 21.2 - Event provider:

  • 21.3 - Risk assessments in place to cover activities being carried out?

Section 22 - Building Safety/Security

  • 22.1 - Does the library have arrangements in place to deal with serious and imminent danger?

  • 22.2 - Are specific personnel aware of their responsibility in the event of an emergency?

  • 22.3 - Have sufficient numbers of fire wardens been appointed and trained?

  • 22.4 - Is appropriate equipment available to deal with emergencies and are key personnel trained in its use?

  • 22.5 - Is CCTV available within the library?

  • 22.6 - If the workplace is shared, are emergency arrangements communicated and co-coordinated with neighbours?

  • 22.7 - Is there a signing in/out procedure or access control system in use?

  • 22.8 - Are gates locked when the library is not in use?

  • 22.9 - Are there sufficient security arrangements to control access to library buildings?

  • 22.10 - Is access to low roofs restricted and are any fragile surfaces identified with suitable signage?

  • 22.11 - Does the library suffer from Anti-Social behaviour?

  • 22.12 - Is cash handling carried out at the library?

  • 22.13 - Is a Panic Button linked to First Response fitted at the library?

  • 22.14 - Is a radio linked to First Response available at the library?

Section 23 - Cleaning

  • 23.1 - Has a provision been made for cleaning within the library building?

  • 23.2 - Who is responsible for cleaning within the library building?

Section 24 - Any other H&S Matters

  • Details of any other H&S issues identified at time of audit and not covered elsewhere:

  • Issue No.
  • Details of Health & Safety Issue identified:

  • Location (if required)

  • Photo (if required)

Section 3 - Closing Meeting

Summary of findings of audit

  • undefined

General Notes

  • undefined


  • Library Representatives Signature

  • Auditors Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.