Site name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site standards
External Signage including building name clean, well maintained and of the current branding.
External walls clean and free of damage.
Entrance doors operable, clean and secure.
Windows operable, clean and secure.
External direction signs clean and free of damage.
Grounds/communal areas free from litter and presentable.
All external lighting operable.
Entrance intercoms and access equipment all operable.
Are Out of Hours signs up to date and the current branding.
Are bin areas tidy and collections regular.
Is the reception/office tidy and displaying relevant information in line with current branding.
Are parcels stored and recorded in the correct manner.
Are key procedures being followed.
Are staff using the correct branded documentation for day to day running of the site.
Are notice boards tidy, up to date and using the current branding.
Is there relevant branded site information (business cards, hand book etc) available to residents.
Does the internal signage match branding where possible.
audit 2
Office Audit
H & S policy and statement on display/up to date.
H & S poster present with correct details.
Public liability insurance present and in date.
Quality and environment policy displayed and up to date.
FRA & GRA up to date.
Fire alarm tested and up to date
Fire log filled in.
Fire evacuation present.
Water testing done and recorded.
Guest room / petty cash summary ok
Office secure - note issues
Morning calls / Equipment tests / resident info.
Are all COSHH folders up to date and contain the relevant sheets.
Are all RAMS up to date and contain the relevant sheets.
Audit 3
H&S checks
Fire extinguishers in good condition and in correct lcations.
Are fire exits/escape routes clear of obstacles.
Is the first aid box stocked and in date.
Are staff aware of the accident reporting procedure.
Are all communal areas correctly lit (day and night)
Are Tool Box Talks and appraisals up to date.
Are weekly lift alarm tests being done.
Has the PAT testing being done.
Is there a body spill kit onsite and do staff know where it is and how to use it.
Is there a sharps container onsite. Do staff know where it s and how to use it.
Have all staff received the correct PPE. Is this being used daily and for the appropriate tasks.
Is the emergency preparedness procedure printed and available to staff.
Have all staff received and wear their name badges.
Audit 4
Cleaning standards.
All the exterior communal areas and grounds free from litter/damage.
All exterior glass at ground level/responsible for, clean and fee of damage.
External refuse areas clean and tidy.
Car parks free from litter and damage.
Internal carpets regular vacuuming.
Internal had floors regular mopping
Internal glass free from smears/marks
Reception areas/letter boxes clean, tidy and a good first impression.
Are lifts clean operable and mirrored. Are any signs branded.
Are skirting boards, window ledges or any flat surfaces dust and Mark free.
Are corridor walls, partitions etc scuff and Mark free.
Are stare wells mopped/swept/vacuumed.
Are welfare facilities clean tidy and operable (include toilets sinks bins etc)
Are cleaning registers signed and tidy
sign off Audit
Any other information ? Please list below.