
  • Document No.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by


360 /Walk-Through

  • Outside perimeter


  • 5.2.1. Dumpster area is clean, free of unnecessary items, and lids are kept closed after use. Oil dump container is stored clean, with lid on, free of odors and insects.<br> Core, 1 point Red Robin is not responsible for shared dumpsters. If dumpster is shared, score only if Red Robin is the cause of the issue, e.g.: Red Robin trash on the ground, you observe a Red Robin employee leave the dumpster lids open, etc. Standard Not Met:  Dumpster area has excessive build-up of trash and soil.  Dumpster area has a strong odor.  Dumpster lids are not closed.  Dumpster lids are not fitting.  Oil dump container has excessive build-up of soil.  Oil dump container has a strong odor.  Oil dump container lid is not closed.  Oil dump container has pests/insects near its proximity.

  • 6.2.2. Sanitizer is at the proper concentration and test kits/strips are available and are proper type for testing concentration.<br><br>Foundation, 3 points<br><br>Standard Not Met:  Improper sanitizing concentration.  Unclean sanitizing solution.  Proper test strips/kits not available.  Strips/kits not in sound condition.  Test strips are not expired.

  • 6.2.3. In-use wiping cloths properly stored.<br><br>Core, 1 Point<br> Policy: Wiping cloths must be kept clean and dry or else fully immersed in properly diluted sanitizer.<br> Standard Not Met:  Wiping cloths not stored in buckets.  Item other than a wiping cloth stored in sanitizer solution is used for cleaning.

  • 13.1.2. Hot and cold potable water, under pressure, available.<br><br>CRITICAL RISK: 10 Points AND AUTOMATIC FAILURE Policy: Lack of hot and cold potable water, under pressure, is unacceptable and considered an imminent health risk. Safe, potable, hot and cold running water must be available during all hours of operation, including preparation times. Lack of safe, potable, hot or cold running water will warrant a citation under this section. Standard not met:  Water not available throughout the restaurant.  Hot water at a minimum of 100F not available in at least one sink in the restaurant (other than a handwash sink).  Unsafe, non-potable water.

  • 1.1.1. Team Members/MOD who are not feeling well with flu-like symptoms, such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and/or communicable diseases are EXCLUDED from the restaurant <br>

  • 1.1.2. Team Members who have an open sore or wound have it properly covered. <br><br>Priority, 5 points Bandages must be blue. Team Members that are handling food with an open sore or cut must have it adequately covered with a blue bandage AND a food glove and/or finger cot. A food handler is a Team Member who at any time may be involved in the manufacturing, preparation or packing of food for sale.

  • 1.1.3. Team Members are knowledgeable of foodborne illness symptoms and know that if they are ill with such a symptom(s), they shall report their illness to the Manager on Duty.<br><br>Priority, 5 points<br><br>Answer: Fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps. <br><br>TM QUESTION : What should you do if you are not feeling well or are experiencing one of the symptoms of foodborne illness? <br>Answer: Report it to the Manager on Duty.

  • 2.1.2.Team Members wash hands at appropriate times/when required. TeamMembers do not contact exposed ready-to-eat food with bare hands. Gloves are used properly and changed when required or as needed.<br><br>Priority 5 points <br>Hands shall be properly washed before putting on gloves and between glove changes.<br><br>Standard not met:  Not washing hands upon arrival to work station.  Not washing hands upon entering the kitchen when returning to work station.  Not washing hands after using restroom.  Not washing hands immediately prior to the start of handling ready-to-eat foods.  Not washing hands after coughing, sneezing, touching face, hair or other people.  Not washing hands prior to food prep, utensil handling.  Not washing hands after smoking, eating, drinking, cleaning or taking a break.  Not washing hands when going from handling raw meats/dirty produce to ready-to-eat foods.  Not washing hands after handling dirty utensils/dishes or check minder before handling food and/or drinks.  Not washing hands after dishwashing or other cleaning tasks.  Not washing hands after touching an unsanitary surface or clothing, such as dirty aprons, prior to food handling.  Bare hand contact observed with ready-to-eat foods.  Gloves not changed when required or as needed.  Hands not washed between glove changes.  Gloves removed from hands then reused.  Hands "washed" with gloves on.  Gloves torn, in disrepair.  Burger Mitts removed improperly and no hand wash occurred.

  • 2.1.6. Proper drinking/eating and tobacco used only in designated areas. Personal items properly stored.<br><br>Foundation, 3 Points<br><br>Team Members are not permitted to eat or drink on the line or in any prep areas, including the expo center. (Permitted by soda station from a cone cup)<br>

  • 2.2.1. Team Members wear hair restraints designed to keep hair from coming into contact with exposed food, clean equipment, utensils, linens, or unwrapped single service and use articles. (Excludes MODs Temporarily working on the line.) Jewelry is not worn on arms and hands while preparing food, except for a plain ring.<br><br>1 point

Handsink stations

  • 3.1.1. Handwash sinks are maintained so that they are properly functioning, adequately equipped with warm running water, soap, and paper towels, and are easily accessible for handwashing at all times. <br><br>Core, 1 Point<br> Policy:  Hand wash sign must be present at all hand wash sinks. This includes all restroom facilities used by Team Members, Bar hand wash sinks, Expo hand wash sinks, Line hand wash sinks, Dish hand wash sinks, and Production hand wash sinks<br><br>Standard Not Met:  Handwash sink is obstructed and not accessible for Team Member use.  Hose attached to the faucet of the hand sink.<br> Hot (≥100°F) and cold running water not available.  Soap and/or paper towel not available.  Hot water did not reach 100°F within 60 seconds.

  • 3.1.2. Handwash sinks are not used for purposes other than handwashing.<br><br>Foundation, 3 points Standard Not Met:  Handwash sink used for cleaning.  Handwash sink used for food and/or drink prep.  Handwash sink used as a dumping station.



  • 6.1.1. Ware washing equipment: Maintaining, operating, and sanitizing, at proper temperatures and sanitizing concentrations. Dish machine is working properly/spray jets are not clogged. Three (or two)- compartment sink is properly set up (wash-rinse-sanitize), filled adequately to properly clean and sanitize surfaces, and solutions (wash and rinse) are at the proper temperatures.<br><br>Core, 1 point: Score here only in the following condition: Wash, Rinse Temperature is not 110-120F <br>Foundation, 3 Points: Score if ANY of the other standards not met<br><br>Policy:<br>Foundation, 3 points: Standard Not Met:  High temperature final rinse does not reach 160°F at surface on lollipop thermometer and/or thermolabel does not turn black.  Chemical sanitizer concentration is not within manufacturer's specification.  Manual sanitize contact time does not meet a minimum of 1 minute.  Manual sanitizing solution temperature does not meet a minimum of 70°F. Red Robin: Do not score if sanitizer water temperature is too hot. Score only if too cold.  Dishmachine is not functioning/spray jets are clogged.  Sink (3 or 2 compartment) not present.  Sink is not used properly (wash-rinse-sanitize).  Sink is not adequately filled to designated fill lines to effectively wash and sanitize.<br><br><br><br>

  • 6.1.2. MOD is knowledgeable of sanitizer requirements.<br> Core, 1 Point<br><br>Policy: Ask the MOD the following questions: Question: What is the proper concentration for sanitizer used in the three-compartment sink? o Answer: Answer: Oasis 146 = 150-400 ppm; Bar Star = 100 ppm; Refer to manufacturer’s recommendation for other sanitizers<br> Question: How long should utensils be submerged in sanitizer at the three-compartment sink? o Answer: A minimum of one minute.<br> Question: Tell me how and why you use chemical test strips? o Answer: Chlorine test strips should be dipped into the sanitizer then compared to color chart. Quat test strips should be dipped into the sanitizer for 10 seconds and then compared to color chart. Test strips should be used to verify and monitor that sanitizer is at the proper concentration.<br> Question: What is the proper concentration for sanitizer at the dish machine? (Only ask this question if the store has a chemical sanitizing machine.) o Answer: Eco-San/Ultra-San/DBK =50-100 ppm The MOD must respond correctly to all test questions in order for this question to meet the standard. Note: If the team member responds 50-100 ppm for the concentration of chlorine sanitizer



  • 4.1.1. Food protected from potential contamination<br><br>Foundation, 3 points<br><br>In refrigerated holding, food shall be stored in the following manner from top to bottom in vertical hierarchy or back to front in linear storage:  Ready-to-eat foods  Whole raw seafood  Whole raw beef and/or pork  Ground raw meat  Raw poultry<br> Food shall be stored:  In a clean, sanitary location.  Away from exposure to condensation, dust, or other contamination.  At least 6 inches above the floor.

  • 4.1.2. Food protected from actual contamination.<br> Priority, 5 points<br><br>Standard: Contamination may occur at several points during food preparation. Following are examples to prevent contamination from one food item to another food item. (Note: This list is not all inclusive.)  Equipment, utensils and food-contact surfaces are not properly cleaned and sanitized at the following times: o Prior to food preparation. o When going from raw meats to ready-to-eat products. o At a minimum of every four hours for in use utensils, or as necessary to prevent contamination.<br>Ice used as a coolant shall never be used as a food ingredient. Take special care in the bar area to ensure items (i.e. bottled drinks, containers of garnishes, etc.) are not placed directly into ice used for beverages.  Food preparation shall never occur at the dish machine operations area. This includes the use of the three (or two)-compartment sink located in the dish machine operations area.  Dripping condensate onto open product in cooler/freezer. Spoiled food and food that is directly contaminated shall be discarded.

  • 4.1.3. Contaminated/unwrapped/returned foods are not served to Guests.<br> Priority, 5 points Food returned to the kitchen by a guest shall not be reserved and a new item shall be prepared. This includes all garnishes. Standard Not Met:  Food returned by customer is re-served.  Contaminated food is not discarded.  Contaminated food is served.

  • 4.1.4. Food properly stored in packages, covered containers, or wrappings. Bulk food containers properly labeled. Food packages and cans in good condition; damaged or recalled products are segregated and held in designated areas.<br> Core, 1 Point: Score here if < 3 items observed in any combination of Standard not met Foundation, 3 Point: Score here if 3 or more items observed in any combination of Standard not met<br>Policy: All food has been kept covered, unless it is being served, prepared, or for in-use storage, such as stored in a make table. Open bags must have a closure on them, or must be placed into another container that can be closed. Bulk food containers should be labeled with at least the common name of the product inside, unless it is obvious (e.g. rice, walnuts). (Red Robin Seasoning needs to be labeled with product name.)<br>Any packages that are received damaged shall be labeled "Do Not Use/No Usar" for return to the supplier. Cans that are swollen, bulging, dented or have damaged seals, or are rusted shall be discarded or separated for return to the supplier. Any damaged cans that are received shall be labeled "Do Not Use/No Usar" for return to the supplier. If damage occurs to a can in-house, it shall be opened and used immediately or discarded.<br> Standard Not Met:  Damaged/dented/recalled products are not marked and stored separately.  Food in containers without lids/covers, except when cooling.  Food in packages not adequately sealed/closed when stored.  Bulk food containers not labeled.<br>

  • 4.1.6. Proper handling and prevention of cross-contamination during fruit/vegetable preparation/washing. Produce wash at proper concentration.<br><br>Prority, 5 points<br><br>Standard Not Met:  Produce not soaked or soaked for less than 1 minute in produce wash solution.  Prepped produce placed back in its original container and/or in contact with dirty produce, dirty container.  Victory Wash not at 40-80 ppm.  Equipment, utensils and food contact surfaces not properly cleaned when going from dirty to clean produce  Proper utensils or gloves not used during batch preparation of leafy greens/salad mix.<br><br>

  • 4.1.8 Manager On Duty Knowledge Question: <br>What is the procedure when a Guest requests an allergy menu and orders an Allergy meal?<br> Answer: Let Guests know the Interactive Allergen Menu is available on a smart phone, iPad, or computer. They can also quickly get to the Interactive Allergen Menu by scanning our QR Code with their smart phone. Guests are responsible for customizing their order to prevent allergic reactions. Ring in order with *ALLERGY ALERT* modifier. ONLY ring in an allergen alert if the Guest requests a modification for one of the Big 8 allergens or gluten intolerance.<br><br> Point Value: Foundation: 3 Points

  • 4.2.3. Food Contact Utensils and single service items properly stored.<br><br>Core, 1 point<br><br>Standard Not Met:  Utensils not stored with handles up when stored directly in food.  Utensils stored on dirty/unsanitized area of table/equipment.  Utensils stored in standing water.  Utensils not stored protected.  Single service items not stored properly.

  • 4.2.4. Food-contact surfaces, utensils and equipment are durable and in good repair.<br> Core, 1 point<br> Standard Not Met:  Equipment/utensils are not of commercial grade.  Equipment/utensils are chipped or broken.  Equipment/utensils are heavily rusted.  Tomato slicer in poor repair, unstable legs, parts not intact.  Tomato dicer in poor repair, unstable legs, parts not intact.  Lettuce chopper in poor repair, unstable legs, parts not intact.  Cutting boards are heavily scratched or stained.  Plateware and/or serviceware is chipped and/or in poor condition.  Tape is used on equipment.  Wet stacking.

  • 6.1.3. Back of House food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment are cleaned at appropriate times and properly stored. Foundation, 3 point: : <3 items found not meeting standard <br>Priority, 5 Points: 3 or more items found not meeting standard<br> Policy: The following list of food-contact surfaces/equipment, at minimum, shall be observed for cleanliness. Trending applies to observations where there are multiple items if 30% are unacceptable (i.e. 6.1.3 Tongs: 3 of 10 tongs stored as clean observed with food debris present)<br><br>Inspect all of the following:  Meat slicer  Salad chopper  Cutting boards  Knives  Food prep sink <br> Salad spinner, if applicable  Rotary slicer  Submersion blender  Inside of ice machines  Tomato dicer  Tomato slicer  Can opener blade  Egg slicer  Hotel Pans  Ladels  Tongs

  • 7.1.7. Team Members who are tasked with food preparation are knowledgeable of minimum required cooking, reheating, cooling, and hot and cold hold temperatures.<br><br>Core, 1 Point<br>Ask a line level/BOH Team Member the following questions: what is the CCP for chicken? Answer: 165°F<br> what is the CCP for a "some pink" burger <br>Answer: 160°F<br> What is the CCP for fish? Answer: 145°F<br> What is the CCP for turkey? Answer: 165°F<br><br>How much time do you have to reheat foods to 165°F? <br>Answer: One hour (45 minutes is acceptable)  How much time do you have to cool foods to 70°F? <br> Answer: Two hours

  • 11.1.1. Only chemicals that are required for the operation and maintenance of the restaurant are present. Chemicals are properly labeled. Containers previously used for chemicals not used for food storage. Cleaning tools are stored properly.<br><br>Core, 1 Point<br>Standard Not Met:  Unapproved chemicals in the restaurant (Example: Caustic Boil Out).  Unapproved pesticide products present in the restaurant.  MSDS not available.<br><br>Chemicals and Cleaning tools Properly Stored: Standard Not Met:  Chemicals stored uncapped or uncovered.  Mops and Brooms hung to dry.  Chemical Storage area is clean and organized.  Chemicals stored above or within 1 ft. of food, FEULSS, or food-contact surfaces.

  • WALK-IN temperature


  • 15.2.3 Walk-ins and reach-in coolers clean and in good condition. <br><br>Core, 1 Point Policy: Cooler is kept clean and organized. Standard not Met:<br>Gaskets not clean  Fan guards not clean/in poor condition  Door handles not clean/in poor condition  Shelves/dunnage racks not clean/in poor condition  Gaskets in poor condition  Walls not clean/in poor condition  Floor in walk-in freezer not clean/in poor condition  Floor in walk-in cooler not clean/in poor condition

  • Walk-In


  • FREEZER temperature


  • 7.1.2 - Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) foods held in freezer must be held frozen. Freezers are functioning to maintain foods in a frozen state.<br><br>Core, 1 Point/Foundation, 3 Points<br><br>Standard Not Met: Corrective Action: Score if items in freezers are not frozen (hard to the touch). Score if freezer equipment cannot maintain foods in the frozen state (hard to the touch). If freezer is in defrost, food should still be in the frozen state. Score if freezer is overloaded and the food is not hard to the touch. (Core, 1 Point)  Foods in freezer are not frozen solid  Freezer is overloaded and food is not held frozen solid <br><br>Foundation, 3 Point  Freezer is not functioning (>15°F ambient) and is not in defrost  Food in freezer is >15°F internally<br>

  • 7.2.1. Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) foods properly thawed/slacked.<br><br>Foundation, 3 Points Policy: Frozen items shall be thawed/slacked by moving foods from the freezer to a refrigerator ahead of time for proper thawing. Other acceptable methods for thawing/slacking when absolutely necessary include:  Under running water ≤ 70°F.  As part of a continued cooking process (i.e. thaw in microwave, further cook in kettle).<br> Standard Not Met:  Thawing at room temperature.  Thawing in standing water.  Thawing in water > 70°F.

  • 7.1.6. Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) foods held in cold holding ≤ 41°F. Cold-holding equipment is functioning to maintain proper cold-holding temperature requirements (≤ 41°F). Core, 1 Point: Equipment air temperature only >41F <br><br>Foundation, 3 Points: <3 Food Items >41F Primary, 5 Points: 3 or more food items >41F OR 1 food item >61F or more OR any food item >41F AND equipment air temperature >41F<br><br>Temp only items from the following lists:  Cook's Line o Black beans o Sliced turkey o Raw ground beef patties o Raw chicken breast filets o Raw marinated teriyaki ground beef patty o Cod filets o Guacamole o Chicken wings<br>  Walk-In o Clam Chowder o Tortilla soup o Portioned turkey slices o Raw marinated teriyaki ground beef patty o Cod filets o Chili  Cold tower/expo cold line (check all three if available): <br>o Cut tomatoes o Guacamole o Ranch dressing<br><br>Standard Not Met:  TCS foods in cold holding > 41°F.  Cold hold equipment is not maintaining foods at ≤ 41°F. All foods at Proper temperature.

  • 7.1.9. Franchise Locations Only: Reduced Oxygen Packaging HACCP plan for chubbing soups and sauces is followed per RRGB requirements.<br><br>Priority, 5 Points<br>Standard Not Met:  ROP foods are not cooked per HACCP Plan.  HACCP binder/plan is not onsite at restaurant.  ROP foods are not stored per HACCP Plan.<br>ROP foods are held longer than allowed per HACCP Plan.  ROP foods are not labeled with shelf life.  HACCP charts/binder are not fully completed.<br>ROP (reduce packaging oxygen)

  • 8.1.2. Potentially hazardous foods properly handled; foods at proper temperature before being displayed; foods not left out of temperature controlled environments for extended periods of time or stored above load lines; cooling foods not stored below cold TCS foods.<br> Foundation, 3 Points Policy: Score here for food handling issues. Standard not met: • TCS food left out on counter for over 30 min AND internal temperature is above 50oF for cold foods or below 125oF for hot foods. • Cooling foods placed under refrigerated foods causing temperature to rise above 41oF. • TCS food not chilled properly before placing into salad bar. • TCS food filled above load lines resulting in temperature abuse.

  • 9.1.2. No expired product present. All products are properly labeled and rotated for first-in, first-out.<br> Scoring Parameters: Core, 1 Point: <3 items found not meeting standard Foundation, 3 Points: 3 or more items found not meeting standard<br><br>Standard Not Met:  Product expired per manufacturer date.  Product expired per label preparation date.  Products not properly rotated.  Products not properly labeled.






  • CORRECTIVE ACTION NEEDED: TM challenge name Portion Control Build item

  • 10.1.1. Accurate food thermometer readily available.<br><br>Foundation, 3 Points Policy: There must be at least one working, calibrated thermometer in the kitchen. Standard Not Met:  Accurate thermometer not available.  Thermometer not calibrated (+/- 2°F).

  • 10.2.1. All coolers (excluding cold drawers) have functioning thermometers, accurate within +/- 2°F. <br><br>Core, 1 Point<br>Standard Not Met:  Thermometer not present in cooler(s).  Thermometer not functioning properly in cooler(s).



  • 4.1.7 Allergen Kit is available, clean, properly stored and maintained. <br><br>Foundation: 3 Points<br> Allergen Kit is not available.  Kit is missing any item.  Items are not washed, rinsed and sanitized between uses for different allergens.  Items are not washed, rinsed, sanitized and air dried prior to storing in the kit.  Kit is stored where it can become contaminated<br> Items in the kit are stored soiled.



  • 8.1.3 - Hybrid Cooking Procedures properly executed.<br><br>Scoring: Core, 1 Point Policy:<br><br> Tools Cleaning: The following tools must be washed, rinsed and sanitized (or replaced) at a minimum of every three hours from the initial use (usually 2:00, 5:00 and 8:00): o Nieco Drip Tray Insert (perforated discharge tray insert) o Tongs used for handling proteins (if your restaurant is not using burger mitts) o Protein Spatula<br><br> To assess Hybrid Cooking tool cleaning, ask the manager: “How often should the Hybrid Cooking tools (meaning the Nieco drip tray insert, tongs for handling proteins, if used, and the protein spatula) be washed, rinsed, and sanitized or replaced?” Manager should answer every three hours. Also accept 2:00, 5:00, and 8:00.  Spatula Storage: The service end of the spatula used for handling protein must be stored over the grates of the open-flame charbroiler with direct exposure to heat while not in use. Score if spatulas are stored in unapproved areas (e.g. counter tops, Nieco catch pan, etc.).  Searing : Score here if the protein is not flipped on the charbroiler. When protein comes out of the Nieco/Marshall broiler, it must be immediately removed from the exit catch tray and placed onto the open-flame charbroiler grill with grill mark side-down for 5-10 seconds (approximate time). This provides an additional safety step for cooking the protein. After 5-10 seconds (approximate time, can be longer), the protein is to be flipped and allowed to cook until the required CCP internal temperature (Beef 160°F, Chicken 165°F) has been reached. Standard Not Met:  Drip tray insert and utensils not washed every three hours  Spatula not stored over grates  Protein not flipped on the charbroiler

  • SAUTÉ Food Temps




  • 7.1.5. Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) foods held in hot holding ≥ 150°F. Hot-holding equipment is functioning to maintain proper hot-holding temperature requirements. (Temperatures below 135°F are a violation. Temperature between 135°F-150°F will be coached on standard.)<br><br>Priority, 5 Points<br>Take the temperature of 3 of the TCS product listed below and record the temperature:  Clam Chowder  Chili  Black Beans  Sautéed Onions  Au Jus<br><br>Standard Not Met:  TCS foods in hot holding < 135°F  Hot hold equipment is not maintaining foods at ≥ 150°F.

  • 8.1.1. Product time and date labeled when time is used as a public health control and product is in use (garlic parm spread – Franchise Only and Ancho Marinade Sauce).<br><br>ADDED: Broiler sauces (steak sauce, teryaki sauce, and BBQ sauce) are permitted to be in a squirt bottle rather than a pan. In this case, they shall not come into contact with food and do not require a time and date label. Ancho sauce will always require the time and date label and should not be stored in a squirt bottle. Sauces have a 1 day shelf life when stored in bottle.<br><br><br><br>Priority, 5 Points<br>Standard Not Met:  Garlic parm spread not time and date labeled (Franchise Only).  Garlic parm spread held over 4 hours at room temperature (Franchise Only).  Broiler Sauce not time and date labeled.  Broiler Sauce held over 4 hours at room temperature.









  • 15.2.1 Floors/walls/ceilings/light shields are clean.<br> Core, 1 Point Policy: Score here for issues with cleanliness of the floors/walls/ceilings/light shields anywhere in the facility. Choose the appropriate item from the drop down list and list the location (i.e.: dish, prep area, cook's line, etc.). No other information is required nor should be listed. Example: If there was mold on the floor under the produce prep sink, you would choose " Floor not clean" from the 1st drop down list and “in the prep area” from the 2nd drop down list.

  • 15.2.2 Floors/walls/ceilings/light shields are in good condition.<br> Core, 1 Point Policy: Score here for damage to the floors/walls/ceiling anywhere in the facility. Also score here for issues with damaged or missing light shields. Standard not met:  Floor tiles not in good condition.  Grout not in good condition.  Ceiling tiles are not in good condition.  Light shields are not in good condition.  Walls are not in good condition.

  • 15.2.4 Kitchen non-food contact surfaces properly cleaned<br>Core, 1 Point Policy: Utility Carts not properly cleaned if used for line check or food transport only. Standard not met:  Shelving/dunnage racks are not properly cleaned  Utensil storage containers are not properly cleaned  Utility Carts not properly cleaned  Recipe books/cards are not properly cleaned  Ice Cream Freezer not properly cleaned

  • 12.1.1. No pest activity observed on the premises. (Higher risk) Critical Risk : 10 Points AND AUTOMATIC FAILURE  Policy: This line item should not be cited for exterior areas or auxiliary storage areas outside the main building unless restaurant food, utensils, equipment or supplies are being stored there. For rodent droppings, score here only if more than 10 droppings are observed in a single area. Standard Not Met:  Rodents observed.  Evidence of rodent activity observed.  Cockroaches observed.

  • 12.1.2. Insect control devices installed to prevent contamination. Pest activity is prevented through proper sealing of outer openings and the elimination of harborage conditions.<br><br>Core, 1 Point<br>Standard Not Met:  Insect control devices installed over food preparation areas.  Insect control devices not properly designed to retain insects.  Holes/gaps present along floors, walls, and ceilings.  Windows are not kept closed.  Windows are not tight fitting.  Exterior doors are not self closing.  Exterior doors are not tight fitting.  Areas for harborage conditions are not kept clean.

  • 12.1.4. No pest activity observed on the premises. (Lower risk) <br><br>Core, 1 Point  Policy: Check storage areas, floor drains, and areas around doors and windows for signs of pest activity. Score here for evidence of rodent activity if 10 or fewer rodent droppings are observed in the facility.<br><br>Standard Not Met:  More than 5 house flies observed in a single area in the restaurant.  More than 5 fruit flies observed in a single area in the restaurant.  More than 5 ants observed in a single area.  More than 5 house flies observed in dining room/bar.  Evidence of rodent activity observed





  • 7.1.1. Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) foods are cooked to proper minimum internal cooking temperature.<br> Priority, 5 Points: < 3 Standards not met Critical Risk, 10 Points: 3 or more Standards<br><br>Red Robin: Verify the HACCP cooking log is in use. Review the previous day’s log. Do not assess for completeness, just that it is used.<br><br>Temp the following 5 Items :  6-ounce ground beef patty  8-ounce ground beef patty  Chicken Breast Filet  2.67 oz. ground beef patty  Fried Cod Then temp at least two of the following items:  Breaded chicken breast  Chicken wings  Breaded chicken tenders  Turkey patty  Kid’s Mac and Cheese



  • 6.1.4. Front of House food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment are cleaned at appropriate times and properly stored.<br> Foundation, 3 point: : <3 items found not meeting standard Priority, <br><br>5 Point: 3 or more items found not meeting standard<br><br>Inspect all of the following, at minimum:  Plateware  Silverware  Glassware  Inside of ice bins  Soda dispenser nozzles. <br> Blender Soft Serve machine  Shake machine spindle blades  Iced tea Dispensers  Hershey Syrup Pump

  • 13.2.1. Restrooms are maintained clean with fixtures in good repair and supplies are available. <br><br>Foundation, 3 Points  Policy: Check ALL toilets and urinals and ensure they are functioning properly and are able to flush waste. Toilet tissue is available at all toilets. If a Do Not Use sign is present on a fixture that is not functioning, do not score, but note the issue as a General Comment. Standard Not Met:  Toilet(s) in disrepair.  Supplies not available.

  • 14.1.1. Back entrance to restaurant remains locked at all times.<br><br>Core, 1 Point Policy: The entrance door to the rear of the restaurant is closed and remains locked at all times. <br>Standard Not Met:  Back door to restaurant is propped open, unlocked.  Back door is not monitored for person(s) entering when bell rings.

  • 14.2.1. Manager food safety certified by accredited program.<br><br>Core, 1 Point<br>Standard Not Met:  No certified manager  Certificate not available  Certificate expired

  • 13.1.1. No sewage backup into restaurant. CRITICAL RISK: 10 Points AND AUTOMATIC FAILURE

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.