
  • Site conducted

  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Environmental Policy

  • Has (top) management defined the organisations environmental policy and is it documented

  • Has the organisation committed itself to the relevant legislation?

  • Does the EMP policy commit the organisation to pollution prevention?

  • Has the organisation committed itself to the relevant regulations, standards,codes of practise and other industry guidelines?

  • Does the policy document, implement, maintain and communicate to all persons?

  • Does the EMP policy commit the organisation to continuous improvement?

  • Is the policy available to the general public and the community?

  • Is the environmental policy appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impact of the company activities and size?

  • Is the policy consistent with the scope of the EMS?

  • What is the date of the last Environment policy review? (Must be < 12 months)

Environmental Aspects

  • Does the company have a procedure to identify and rate it's environmental aspects?

  • Are the environmental aspects documented and kept up to date?

  • Does the procedure consider significant environmental aspects of company activities and are they assessed and documented?

  • List the top significant aspects

  • Does the Aspects procedure include any planning for new developments, activities or services?

  • Is the aspects procedure maintained?

  • What is the last review date of the Environmental procedure?

Legal and Other Requirements

  • Has a procedure been established and implemented to identify and provide access to legal and other industry requirements for identifiable environmental industry aspects?

  • Is the procedure maintained?

  • Describe how the organisation maintains access to all legal requirements, regulations, codes of practises that apply to the environmental aspects of your industry?

  • Does the procedure determine how the legal and other requirements apply to the environmental aspects of the company activities?

  • Are legal requirements taken into account when establishing, implementing and maintaining the EMP?

  • Is the responsible person for identifying and determining legal and other requirements competent to undertake the task?

  • Do the requirements above include objectives, monitoring and measuring, training and auditing etc?

Objectives, Targets & Programmes

  • Has the organisation established, implemented and maintained documented environmental objectives and targets?

  • Have these been established at all relevant levels within the organisation?

  • Are objectives and targets measurable and consistent with the environment policy, legal & other requirements, the prevention of pollution and the continual improvement of processes?

  • Are the objectives and targets consistent with all legal and other requirements for significant environmental aspects?

  • Does the organisation consider technological, financial, operational and business aspects including the views of other parties?

  • Have time-frames for achieving environmental objectives and targets been established?

  • Does the organisation ensure programmes are monitored and amended if required?

Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority.

  • Are the roles, responsibilities and authorities documented?

  • Are the roles, responsibilities and authorities communicated to achieve effective environmental management?

  • Do management provide resources essential to establish, implement, maintain and improve environmental management systems? Consider human resources, specialised skills, organisational infrastructure, technology and financial resources.

  • Has a specific representative been appointed to manage the environmental management system?

  • Does the representatives defined roles include the responsibility and authority to ensure the environment manage system requirements are established, implemented and maintained in accordance with ISO 14001:2004?

  • Does the representative roles include reporting on environmental management systems performance providing monitoring, reporting and recomendations for improvement?

  • Has a top level management environmental management systems meeting occurred in the past 12 months?

Competence, Training and Awareness

  • Has the organisation identified training & competency needs?

  • Does the organisation retain competency records?

  • Does the organisation ensure that all persons within the organisation are competent to undertake all tasks that can cause significant environmental impacts? (Including contractors, labour hire and casual employees)

  • How does the organisation identify training needs associated with the significant environmental aspects and the environmental management system?

  • Have training needs been achieved and are records maintained and retained?

  • Have procedures been established, implemented and maintained to ensure that all employees (and others) are aware of the importance of conformity with the environment policy and procedures requirements of the organisation environmental management system?

  • Have procedures been established, implemented and maintained to ensure that all employees (and others) are aware of the importance of the significant environmental aspects and related actual or potential impacts associated with the organisations work activities and the environmental benefits of improving personal performances?

  • Have procedures been established, implemented and maintained to ensure that all employees (and others) are aware of their roles and responsibilities to achieve conformity with the requirements of the environmental manage system?

  • Have procedures been established, implemented and maintained to ensure that all employees (and others) are aware of the potential consequences of departing from the specified operating procedures?


  • Has the organisation provided for internal communication between the various levels of company personnel and functions of the organisation complying fully with the company's environment management system?

  • Has the organisation communicated externally about its significant environment aspects and management practises?

  • Does the organisation also respond to external environmental communications from individuals, the community or other external interested parties?

  • Has the organisation documented external communications on environmental aspects and has the organisation established and implemented methods for this communication?


  • Does the EMS have a documented system?

  • Does the organisation's environmental management system documentation include an environmental policy, objectives and targets?

  • Does the organisation's environmental management system documentation include a descriptive scope of the environmental management system?

  • Does the organisation's environmental management system documentation include a description of the main elements of the environmental management system, their interaction and reference to other documents?

  • Does the organisation's environmental management system documentation include documents and records required by the standard?

  • Does the organisation's environmental management system documentation include documents and records necessary for effective environmental planning, operation and control of processes related to significant environmental aspects of the organisation?

  • Are the above maintained?

Control of Documents

  • Has the organisation established, implemented and maintained a procedure for controlling all documents required by ISO 14001?

  • Does the procedure include the identity of who approves the document?

  • Does the procedure include how documentation is periodically reviewed, updated and re-approved as required?

  • Does the procedure include how changes are revised and given status identification?

  • Does the procedure include how current versions of the document are identified?

  • Does the procedure make sure that only current versions of the document are available?

Operational Control

  • Have procedures been provided to control operations that the absence of procedures would result in an environmental impact?

  • Have these activities been planned to include maintenance and unusual happenings?

  • Are the procedures written?

  • Do persons who are the subject of unwritten procedures know how to implement them?

Emergency Preparedness and Response

  • Has the organisation established, implemented and maintained a procedure to identify the potential emergency situations and potential accidents that can have an impact on the environment?

  • Have significant environmental aspects been considered in the emergency preparedness and response procedures?

  • Does the procedure cover organisational response to emergency and accidental situations?

  • How do organisational procedures prevent and mitigate adverse environmental impacts that may be associated with actual emergency situations and accidents?

  • How does the organisation review and revise emergency preparedness and response procedures especially following an accident or emergency situation?

  • Have emergency and response procedures been tested for effectiveness if practicable?

Monitoring and Measurement

  • Has the organisation established, implemented and maintained procedures to monitor and measure regularly the key characteristics of operations that may have a significant impacts on the environment?

  • How does the procedure determine the recording of monitoring information on performances, operational controls and conformity with organisational environmental objectives and targets?

  • Are monitoring and measuring equipment calibrated, verified and maintained and how?

  • Are calibration or verification records retained by the organisation?

Evaluation of Compliance

  • Has the organisation established, implemented and maintained a procedure for periodical evaluation of compliance with all applicable leganl and other industry requirements?

  • Are the record results of periodical evaluations maintained?

  • What is the date of the last compliance audit?

  • Were there any non-compliances in the last compliance audit?

  • List non-compliances

  • Have non-compliance a been the subject of communication with the appropriate regulator?

Non-Conformity, Corrective and Preventative Action

  • Has the organisation established, implemented and maintained procedures for dealing with actual or potential non-conformities or corrective and preventative action(s)?

  • Does the procedure identify and correct non-conformities and take action to mitigate resultant environmental impacts?

  • Do the procedures define investigative requirements for non-conformaties, determining root causes and the action to avoid recurrence?

  • Does the procedure define evaluation actions to be considered when trying to prevent non-conformaties, and implement the appropriate actions?

  • Does the procedure define records of the results of corrective and preventative actions taken?

  • Does the procedures determine the review of the effectiveness of corrective and preventative actions?

  • Are the responsibilities and authorities for this process defines in procedures?

  • How are these relevant procedures updated?

  • How are actions decided when eliminating the cause of actual or potential non-conformities in determining the appropriate magnitude of response and the possible environmental impacts encountered?

  • How are changes made in the environment management system documentation?

Control of Records

  • Has the organisation established, implemented and maintained procedures for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of environmental records?

  • Do the records include those that are necessary to demonstrate conformity to the requirements of the standard?

  • Do the records include records of competence, training and awareness?

  • Do the records include communications with interested parties?

  • Do the records include legal compliance evaluation?<br><br><br>

  • Do the records include monitoring and measuring?

  • Do the records include record of corrective and preventative action?

  • Do the records include internal audits?

  • Do the records include management reviews?

  • Are records legible, identifiable and traceable?

  • Are environmental record stored appropriately for ready retrieval protected from damage, deterioration or loss?

Internal Audit

  • Has the organisation planned, established, implemented and maintained a program of internal audits of their procedures?

  • Do these internal audits include an audit of all documents & procedures?

  • Is there a written audit schedule?

  • Are specific persons identified to carry out audits?

  • Are persons who carry out audits properly trained?

  • Are the results of audits documented?

  • Are non-conformances entered into the non-conformance register?

Site Inspection

  • Are there any non conformances identified on a site inspection?

  • Insert photo of worst non conformance

  • Describe worst non conformance

  • Insert photo of second worst non conformance

  • Describe second worst non conformance

  • Are there any more non conformances?

  • Describe further non conformances

  • Add media

  • undefined

  • Add media

  • undefined

  • Add media

Management Review

  • Has top management at planned intervals reviewed the environmental management system to ensure suitability, adequacy and effectiveness?

  • Does the management review include assessing opportunities for improvement and possibly any need to make changes to the Environment Management System, including changes to policy and targets?

  • Do the inputs to management reviews include the results from internal audits?

  • Do the inputs to management reviews include the results from evaluations of compliance legally?

  • Do the management review include communication from external parties, including complaints?

  • Does the management review consider environmental performance of the organisation?

  • Does the management review consider the extent to which objectives and targets have been met within the organisation?

  • Does the management review consider the status of environmental corrective and preventative actions?

  • Does the management review follow up on previous actions from previous reviews?

  • Does the environmental management review include changing circumstances including developments in legal and other requirements related to environmental aspects?

  • Do environmental management reviews include decisions and actions encouraging change to policy, objectives, targets and other aspects of the environmental management system consistent with continual improvement?

  • Are management reviews recorded, documented and retained for annual review?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.