Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Check produce department is operating at 100 PI
Review most recent PI report or payroll schedule for coming week to see hours are in place
Check produce manager can describe the department staffing levels by hour and that people are in place, including minimum manning
Check the produce manager has been trained and validated on the departments training solutions
Check the training record cards are updated and signed. The manager should have been trained on the KYS solutions for their department and any new training record cards you received e.g. KYS for produce
All team leaders and customer assistants have been trained and validated on relevant departmental training solutions
Review 3 training record cards. Ensure these are updated and signed. The team leader should have been trained on the KYS solutions for the department and any new training record cards received
Check there is a training plan for any colleagues who have not completed all their training
Ask to be shown the training plan, review and ask to see when the training is planned to take place
Zoning plans are on display on shop floor or in back areas for produce. Ask a member of staff which zone they are covering and check that this corresponds to the plan
Produce cleaning log is correctly filled in and up to date for the last week up to the day the store is visited. This should be stored with the Produce Safe and Legal book
Observe fixtures/aisles across Produce. Check that stock is displayed according to the 'Full and Fresh' routine.<br>Stock should be flat filled in trays and not piled up.<br>Stock should be 'dummied up' to the same height with empty trays.<br>Any trays less than half full should be being replenished.<br>No rubbish or debris on fixtures - empty bags/cardboard etc.<br>In line with the merchandise to sell poster and merchandising principles guide.<br>Observe fixtures and shelving across all areas and check for cleanliness. Be sure to check the grills at the bottom of the fridges and shelf risers.
Review general product quality across produce and identify if any damaged or poor quality stock is still on sale.<br>Carry out detailed review on the following products:<br>Peppers<br>Bananas<br>Apples<br>Carrots/Parsnips<br>Onions
Check all produce team members are wearing the correct uniform, including the green 'fruit and veg' team polo shirt or fleece
Check bakery department is operating at 100 PI ( review most recent PI report or payroll schedule for the coming week to see hours are in place)
Check the bakery manager can describe staffing levels by hour and that people are in place, including minimum manning
Check the bakery manager has been trained and validated on the departments training solutions.<br>Check the training record cards are updated and signed. The manager should have been trained on the KYS solutions for their department and any new training record cards you received e.g. Updated KYS cards for bakery launched in quarter 1
All team leaders and bakery team have been trained and validated on relevant department training solutions.<br>Review 3 training record cards. Ensure these are updated and signed. The team leader should have been trained on the KYS solutions for the department and any new training record cards received
Check there is a training plan for any colleagues who have not completed all their training. <br>Ask to be shown the training plan, review and ask to see when the training is planned to take place
Check the weight of several random dough pieces that have been divided by the electronic scales
Review the bread check weight history. Dough should be reviewed at scaling off process during production to ensure yield is correct
Do the team leader and bakery manager check dough scaling throughout the day to ensure the correct yield is being achieved.
Do the bakery team know how to record waste on scales and is all waste being recorded?
Check the bakery production planner is being used
Is the bakery de-cluttered?
Check the quality assistant is in place and is clear about their role and responsibilities
Check the bread on sale and review the quality that is offered to customers
Grocery, BWS, Frozen Food
Grocery, BWS, Frozen Food
Check grocery, BWS and frozen foods are operating at 100 PI.<br>Review most recent PI report or payroll schedule for coming week to see hours are in place
Check the replenishment manager can describe the department staffing levels by hour and that people are in place, including minimum manning on BWS
Check there is a training plan for any colleagues who have not completed all their training. Ask to be shown the training plan, review and ask to see when the training is planned to take place
MFP and Dairy
MFP and Dairy
Check front of store role is in place. Ask the dairy manager who the front of store person is. Check the store register to ensure the person is coded to the department for the correct hours
Check dairy department is operating at 100 PI review most recent PI report or payroll schedule for coming week to see hours are in place.
Check MFP department is operating at 100 PI review most recent PI report or payroll schedule for coming week to see hours are in place.
Check the dairy manager can describe the department staffing levels by hour and that people are in place, including minimum manning
Check the dairy manager has been trained and validated on the departments training solutions.<br>Check the training record cards are updated and signed. The manager should have been trained on the KYS solutions for their department and any new training record cards you received e.g. Updated training record cards
All team leaders and colleagues have been trained and validated on relevant departmental training solutions.<br>Check 3 training record cards. Ensure these are updated and signed. The team leader should have been trained on the KYS solutions for the department and any new training record cards reviewed.
Check there is a training plan for any colleagues who have not completed all their training. Ask to be shown the training plan, review and ask to see when the training is planned to take place
Observe fixtures/aisles. Check that stock is displayed according to the 'full and fresh' routine. <br>Check for cleanliness. Be sure to check the grills at the bottom of the fridges and shelf risers.<br>Air grills are not obstructed.<br>Fixtures are faced up.<br>Rubbish or debris on fixtures is not excessive - cardboard/plastic etc.<br>Mark the last RED if any of the following departments do not meet requirements and record your reasons in comments.
Review general product quality and identify if any damaged or poor quality stock is still on sale.<br>Carry out detailed review on mince (500g standard), chicken breasts (everyday value), steaks (Tesco thin beef steak), bacon (Tesco unsmoked 10 rashers), lamb chops (standard NZ Lamb)
Check that all members of staff on meat and poultry, and dairy are wearing the correct uniform and a white chefs jacket and red apron are worn by MFP colleagues
Check the counters are operating at 103 PI review most recent PI report or payroll schedule for coming week to see hours are in place
Check the counters manager can describe the department staffing levels by hour and that people are in place, including minimum manning
Check the counters manager has been trained and validated on relevant department training solutions.<br>Check the training record cards are updated and signed. The manager should have been trained on the KYS solutions for their department and any new training record cards received
All team leaders and customer assistants have been trained and validated on relevant departmental training solutions.<br>Review 3 training record cards. Ensure these are updated and signed. The team leader should have been trained on the KYS solutions for the department and any new training record cards received
Check there is a training plan for any colleagues who have not received all their training. Ask to be shown the training plan, review and ask to see when the training is taking place.
Check all counter staff are practising clean as you go routines and the counter is clean and tidy
Check the hot deli production planner is being used.
Check the counters are merchandised to plan and meet the WGLL standards.
Review general product quality across the counters and identify if any poor quality stock is still on sale.
Check that all members of staff on Counters are wearing the correct uniform and conform to uniform standards
Back rooms
Back rooms
Produce/ dairy/ meat and ambient.<br>Review all back areas to ensure all stock is stored appropriately. Make sure to walk through the corridor through to the back door to check that no stock has been left out from delivery.<br>Produce:<br>All red label stock is chilled.<br>All blue label stock is chilled if space is available <br>All white label stock is stored at ambient temperatures<br>Dairy/meat/fish/poultry:<br>All stock is chilled at all times<br>Meat stock is in its own (colder) fridge and is not mixed with dairy/produce stock.
PI and Minimum Manning
PI and Minimum Manning
For an department where PI is above 105 ask to see the stores budget control sheets. Check that the store is forecasting their turnover in advance and can show that they have set produce, meat/poultry and dairy to 100PI on the budget control sheets.<br>Question the store to try and find out why they have not achieved the 100PI and record the reasons in your comments.
Does the store hold a regular resourcing meeting to ensure that PI performance is reviewed and managed? Speak to the compliance manager about how often they take place and what are the current next steps the store is working on to achieve the correct PI and manning standards