Scheme Name
Prepared by
Date of inspection
Communal Areas
Communal Areas
H&S checks are due in all self-contained units which share communal areas including shared stairways, landing, outside space etc.
In shared accommodation, H&S checks are due to be carried out on all shared areas including kitchen, lounge, bathrooms, communal hallways, shared staircases, landings, outside spaces, etc.
The H&S checks should be scheduled each week in communal areas of self-contained accommodation. -
Hallways and stirs:
Hallways and stirs
Lighting, do all the bulbs work?
Are fire extinguishers in place?
Are fire extinguishers in test date?
Are fire doors closed (unless fitted with magnetic holders)?
Carpets, any holes or fraying?
Are banisters firm?
Are exits accessable and do push bars work?
Are communal alarm cords accessible?
Check electrical sockets aren't broken or overloaded?
Fire blanket?
Fire extinguisher?
Are fire extinguisher in test date?
Worktop, checked for any crack, loose edges or holes?
Floor coverings, checked for any holes or loose edges?
Furniture, checked for any damage, sharp edges or instability?
Electrical sockets?
Do windows open/close?
Ceilings and walls, checked for any cracks, loose tiles?
Lighting, is it sufficient, are lights covered, any missing bulbs?
Extractor fans, do they work, what condition?
Electrical equipment, checked for any visible defects, discolouring, cables appear ok?
Fridge, check for any defects?
Record temperature
Freezer, check for any defects?
Record temperature
Cupboard, check for any defects, are there any loose drawers or doors?
Are any hazardous cleaning materials kept in locked store?
Bathrooms and toilets:
Communal bathrooms and toilets.
Bathrooms and toilets
Floor coverings, any loose edges?
Level of hygiene?
Do windows open/close?
Wall tiles, are any cracked?
Locks, do they work?
Grab rails, are they in good condition, are they loose?
Extractor fan?
Call alarm, accessible?
Living room / Common room / Lounge:
Living room / Common room / Lounge
Carpets, any holes or fraying?
Furniture, any breaks, sharp edges or instability?
Electrical sockets, any loose or broke?
Electrical switches, any loose or broken?
Gas fire, does it ignite automatically?
Level of hygiene?
Do windows open/close properly?
Mobility scooters? Stored correctly, have they overloaded plug sockets?
Lighting, is it sufficient?
Hairdressing Room
Hairdressing Room
Worktop, mirrors and chairs
Sinks, taps and attachments
No hair products or chemicals stored
Hot water temp (39-43c), test monthly.
Has Public Indemnity insurance been checked?
Guest room
Guest room
Window sills and frames
Grab rails
Extractor fans
Beds and furniture
Are electrical appliances in good condition?
Hot water temp (39-43c), teams test monthly.
Call alarm accessible
Scheme laundry
Scheme laundry
Windows, sills and frames
Washing machines (are machine stacked on top of each other?).
External - General observations
External - General observations
Are the gardens tidy and well maintained?
Is household waste stored safely in bins?
Is the bin area clean?
Are pathways clear, sound, and handrails secure?
Are fixed ladders and external staircases sound?
Is the fencing secure?
Is the washing line secure?
Is the gardening equipment stored in a shed?
Roof garden
Roof garden
Doorways clear and not obstructed?
Pathways clear and sound. No trip hazards?
Walls/handrails sound and secure?
Additional notes:
Image where appropriate
Fire alarm system checked from manual call point.
Enter call point location or zone number.
ALL communal 'Call Points' tested and working correctly.
Frequency of tests:
Has fire alarm system been tested/checked in last 6 months?
Is there a written report of confirmation?
Fire extinguishers and blankets (inspection date on equipment) is it within the last 12 months?
Emergency lights, have they been tested in the last month?
Is there a written report of confirmation?
Has the fire drill been held in the last 3 months?
Electrician checked all portable electrical appliances in the last 12 months?
Do final exit doors open?
Are corridors kept clear of combustibles (within reason) and mobility scooters?
Do all fire doors close fully when released?
Are service riser cupboards clear of combustibles?
Additional notes:
Image where appropriate
Water Management
Water management
Water management:
- Flush for two minutes every week.
- Remember to check guest rooms and voids. -
Shower: (remove shower head then flush through for 2 minutes).
Sinks: (hot and cold, 39-43c)
Baths: (hot and cold, 39-43c)
Kitchen: (hot and cold).
Cleaning cupboard: (hot and cold).
Outside taps.
Hose reels, uncoiled and disconnected?
Additional notes:
Image where appropriate
Has the passenger lift been serviced in the past 12 months?
Enter date last serviced if known.
Copies of relevant COSHH data sheets held in scheme?
Location where COSHH documents can be found if known.
In snowy or icy conditions are there facilities or gritting and clearing pathways?
Location of gritting facilities if known.
Are rubber mats fitted in the electrical cupboards?
Additional notes:
Image where appropriate
Sign Off
Sign Off
Inspection undertaken by:
Job title:
Date inspected: