
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • This checklist is used by those people required to carryout a safety tour ( as described in SMS13.2 Safety Tours by Managers). Use the questions as prompts to initiate conversations with the manager and employees within the office which is being visited. Remember, the purpose of the safety tour is to observe behaviours, not carry out an inspection. You do not have to ask every question.

  • 1.0 Safety leadership - is the latest version of the health and safety policy displayed and locally endorsed?

  • Add media

  • 1.0 Safety leadership - have the requirements of local health and safety legislation been identified and are they in compliance?

  • 2.0 Organisation, roles and responsibilities - how is the safety team providing support?

  • 3.0 Risk assessment - is. The manager aware of the location's main health and safety risks?

  • 4.0 Incident reporting and investigation - does the office report incidents (particularly near misses and safety observations)?k

  • 4.0 Incident reporting and investigation - has the office identified any trends from incident data?

  • 4.0 Incident reporting and investigation - is corrective and preventative action being adopted to prevent incidents (including near miss / safety observations) recurring?

  • 4.0 Incident reporting and investigation - how is corrective and preventative action being tracked?

  • 5.0 Training and competency - how is health and safety training being managed?

  • 6.0 Safety rules and instructions - is there an awareness and understanding of the golden rules?

  • 7.0 Travel and personal security - are risk assessments and journey management plans being completed when required?

  • 8.0 Premises safety - are first impressions of the reception area, car park, pathway etc favourable from a safety perspective?

  • Add media

  • 8.0 Premises safety - are there any outstanding issues from the quarterly office safety inspection?

  • 8.0 Premises safety - how is housekeeping being managed?

  • Add media

  • 8.0 Premises safety - are there ergonomic controls in place?

  • Add media

  • 9.0 Safety communications and promotions - where there are field employees, do safety briefings take place? Describe the frequency, content, attendance.

  • 10.0 Occupational health - are medicals being managed?

  • 11.0 PPE - is PPE managed in the office? Do employees get what they need?

  • 12.0 Supply chain - is there liaison between LR and external bodies ( eg classification societies, regulators ) and clients in the area?

  • 12.0 Supply chain - is there liaison with the controllers of the sites on which we work?

  • 13.0 System performance and evaluation - did the most recent business assurance review identify any safety issues?

  • 13.0 System performance and evaluation - has the corrective and preventative action been taken?

  • Action required, who is responsible and by when:-

  • Action required, who is responsible and by when:-

  • Action required, who is responsible and by when:-

  • Action required, who is responsible and by when:-

  • Visiting manager's name, title and date

  • Add signature

  • Local manager's name, title and date

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.