Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
All exits clear and assessable?
Floors free of slip, trip and fall hazards?
Electrical cords are not across walkways or other areas where people might walk unless secured i.e. taped down?
Floor coverings in good condition?
All stairs / steps in good condition?
Equipment in good working order/acceptable condition?
Are handrails adequately fixed and in good condition?
Adequate lighting provided?
Materials stored in appropriate areas?
Shelving and storage area in good condition?
Tools and equipment stored appropriately when not in use?
Correct signage displayed i.e unauthorised access, traffic control, road markings etc.
Appropriate PPE supplied?
Do notice boards contain the details for the first aiders, fire wardens and safety committee members?
Seating and chairs in good condition and adjustable if required?
Workstations appropriately established?
High standard of housekeeping maintained?
Toilets are in a clean condition?
Kitchen facilities are in a clean condition?
Customer lounge area clean and tidy?
Fluid spills cleaned up immediately?
Rubbish bins provided and emptied on a regular basis?
Signage displayed to prevent unauthorised access to restricted areas?
Bollards and other protection visible and not damaged?
Materials or vehicles are not stored on pedestrian walkways?
Plant and equipment are in good working condition?
Tools and equipment are stored appropriately when not in use?
Are hoist checks completed daily?
Extraction units are in good working condition?
Are safety data sheets (SDS) for chemicals available and easily assessable?
Are all SDS less than 5 years old?
Are chemicals stored appropriately when not in use?
Are chemicals stored appropriately i.e. in bunded areas?
Are chemicals decanted into appropriate containers i.e. suitable for the chemical and clearly labelled to identify the chemical it contains?
The emergency eye wash is working and accessible?
Spill kits are stocked?
Separate bins are provided for different waste materials?
Appropriate mechanical aids are provided to reduce manual handling risks?