Area -
Conducted on
WestConnex M4E - Parramatta Rd Civil
Area Supervisor:-
- Daniel Taylor
- Simon Baldwin
- MIchael Paton
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiororski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Joe Vu
- Danielia Cullura
Lead Inspector:-
- Daniel Taylor
- Simon Baldwin
- MIchael Paton
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiororski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Joe Vu
- Danielia Cullura
Other members of the inspection team?
Additional auditors
- Daniel Taylor
- Simon Baldwin
- MIchael Paton
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiororski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Joe Vu
- Danielia Cullura
Another auditor
Have all options been explored to eliminate the need for workers to work near mobile plant?
How are people being protected from coming into contact with operating mobile plant?
- Prevents mobile plant from moving outside of its POZ
- Prevents workers entering POZ
Does the SWMS detail the mobile plant hazards and controls specific to the current activities?
Review the SWMS and identify the controls for mobile plant hazards
Was a mobile plant pre-start inspection been completed by the operator?
Provide a photo for evidence
Does the operator hold the required competency specific to the item of plant in use?
Check that the Supervisor has completed a workers evacuation for that workers on the mobile plant being operated.
Is the Original Equipment Manufacturers Instruction booklet in the cabin of the plant being operated?
Take a photo
Does the plant have all the safety related devices (e.g. reversing camera, interlocks, slew heights restrictions etc) as detailed in the plant risk assessment?
Ask the operator to use the E-Stop to demonstrate the machine shuts down.
Take a photo of the operator performing this task
Has a Plant Operating Zone been established around all operating mobile plant?
Are pedestrian exclusion zones delineated with appropriate physical barriers?
What are the physical barriers being used in the area?
- Prevents mobile plant from moving outside of its POZ
- Prevents workers entering POZ
What are the controls being implemented for use in the POZ area?
- Relocation of workers away from POZ
- Correct amount and type of plant in POZ
- Physical Barriers
- Slew Restrictors remote operations,
- Vehicel Movment Plans
- Hi Vis Clothing
Is the plant in good operating condition (i.e. free from visible damage, clean, components functioning)?
Take a photo of the plant
Is the plant being operated in a safe manner (ie as directed, within speed limits, seat belts worn, no mobile phone usage, obeying signs etc)?
Are light and heavy vehicles appropriately separated?
How are mobile plant and light vehicles being separated?
- Concrete, jersey barriers or earth berm
- Water filled barriers
Is there a Vehicle Movement Plan available at the work site and being complied with? Does the VMP take into account workers and members of the public
Take a photo of the current VMP
Has a reliable means of communication been established?
What means of communication is being used?
- Hand Signals
- Voice
- Radio
- Whistle / Horn
Action required?
Allocated to
Action due
Lead Inspector to sign
Other members of the inspection team to sign: