Title Page

  • Company Name

  • Location
  • Company Representative (name and title)

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Side by Side Vehicle Risk Assessment

Type of vehicle

  • Conduct a separate assessment for each SSV. Observe the SSV, and provide detailed information below, ensuring to follow the provided instructions and include as much relevant information as possible.

  • State the make and model of the SSV.

  • Provide a photo of all sides of the SSV (front, back & both sides).

Risk Controls

  • Ensure that the SSV has the required risk controls.

  • Are the SSV seats and seatbelts present and in good working order? Note: seatbelts prevents you from being ejected from the vehicle.

  • Provide a photo of the present and working seats and seatbelts of the SSV.

  • Provide a photo of the SSV seats and seatbelts that do not meet the requirements.

  • Is the built in Rollover Protection Structure (ROPS) present and in good working order? Note: ROPS prevents you from crush injuries in the event of a roll over.

  • Provide a photo of the present and working ROPS.

  • Provide a photo of the ROPS that do not meet the requirements.

  • Is the cab nets/doors present and in good working order? Note: cab nets/doors prevents body limbs protruding from the vehicle and being crushed in the event of a rollover.

  • Provide a photo of the present and working cab nets/doors.

  • Provide a photo of the cab nets/doors that do not meet the requirements.

Safe Operating Instructions

  • Ensure the farms have safe operating instructions for SSVs.

  • Are there safe operating instructions provided for the SSVs?

  • Provide a photo of the SSV safe operating instructions.

SSV Drivers

  • Verify the eligibility and responsibility of SSV drivers to ensure they are qualified and suitable for operating and driving the vehicles.

  • Are MADEC worker/s responsible for operating/driving an SSV?

  • Who is the nominated MADEC driver/s (include full name as per passport)?

  • Detail the workers/drivers name and their employer. (For example: John Smith from LMB)

Driver Competency

  • Ensure SSV drivers demonstrate competence and eligibility. Collect and document evidence of training or qualifications in the details below, providing comprehensive information.

  • What evidence or training exists that demonstrates driver competency? Please detail in the comments.

  • Provide photographic evidence of driver competency records.

SSV Passengers

  • Are MADEC workers passengers on SSVs?

Pre-start Checks on SSVs

  • Host farms are required to perform pre-start checks on SSVs. Fill out the questions below to verify the completion of this task.

  • Does the host farm conduct a pre-start check on the SSVs?

  • How often is a pre-start check conducted on SSVs?


  • If there are more than one SSV at this clients site, complete a new inspection.

  • Forward this report to atowers@madec.edu.au

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.