Title Page
Document No.
Select spill kit inspected.
- Press Shop
- Wax Mixing Area
- MS2
- Mould Shop
- Main Factory
- Lab
- Goods In
- Dispatch Area
Take a picture of the kit.
Select name of person carrying out the inspection.
Select the date of the inspection.
Is the kit labelled correctly?
Take a picture.
Is the kit located correctly?
Take a picture.
Is the kit easily accessible?
Take a picture.
Is the spill kit clean and in good condition?
Take a picture.
Is the seal intact?
Report complete. Please sign here.
Take a picture.
Now check
Is there 2 pairs of goggles?
Select how many are required to be replaced.
Is there 2 pairs of gloves?
Select how many are required to be replaced.
Is there 20 absorbent pads?
Select how many absorbent pads require replacing.
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Is there 2 absorbent pillows?
Select how many absorbent pillows require replacing.
Is there 4 mini booms?
Select how many mini booms require replacing.
Is there a drain cover?
Is there 5 waste bags?
Select how many waste bags require replacement.
Audit complete. Please sign off findings.