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  • Audit carried out by

  • Last H&S Meeting Date


Item/s Reviewed

  • Accident/Incident/NMH Reporting Are all incidents, including NMH reported through the IRF? Are all incidents closed out with root causes identified and suitable actions in place to prevent recurrence? Is there an accident book? Is personal information in the accident book held securely? Have Managers/Supervisors received training?

  • Air emissions including dust & odour Is dust controlled by using covered skips, water sprays,closing doors etc? Is plant & equipment regularly maintained? There should be an Odour management plan if any issues previously highlighted.

  • Behavioural Management Safe system of works followed? Behavioural surveys carried out regularly? Employee engagement implemented and proactive?

  • Emergency Planning Is there a Business Continuity plan on site which assesses issues that might prevent the site from operating? Is there a plan on site to deal with emergency situations such as fire, bomb threat, first aid, environmental spillage, chemical release and exposure etc? Is this emergency plan tested and actions taken to learn lessons?

  • Crew Monitoring/Site Check Forms: Are regular crew checks carreied out? Is this being recoreded? Wasate Transfer Station daily inspections being carried out? Is this being recorded? Are actions being taken to non-compliant proceduces?

  • Control of Subcontractors All subcontractors been approved by MBC? All works carried out by a sub-subcontractor been approved in writing on site? Contractor working on site safely?

  • COSHH/Hazardous substances COSHH - Are assessments available for all substances used (not just data sheets)? Are all chemicals and substances labelled and in their original containers? Legionella - Has legionella assessment been completed? Are all maintenance checks completed as required? Showers and taps run frequently to prevent stagnant water?

  • DSE/Workstation ergonomics Have all ergonomic workstations been assessed? E.g. computer desks, picking lines etc. Have these assessments been recorded and action taken? Are physical controls on site being complied with - no excessive twisting and stretching?

  • DSEAR Has a DSEAR assessment been carried out? Are there suitable controls to prevent explosive atmosheres? hazards include: solvents, paints, varnishes, flammable gases such as liquid petroleum gas (LPG), dusts from machines, dusts from foodstuffs etc. Have plans been communicated? Are zones labelled and marked on updated plans?

  • Electrical Safety Is there a fixed electrical supply certificate for cabins and any existing electrical system being used? Have all portable electrical equipment tested and labelled?

  • Environmental Management Aspects & Impacts Register in place and followed? Pest control in place and managed? Environmental management plans on site and up to date? Control of drainage / surface water / ground water in place? Tanks / bunding (110%) / spill kits adequate on site? Pollution Prevention Guidance principles met? Compliance database? Complaints dealt with?

  • Fire Documentation Fire risk assessment completed? Recommendations considered and implemented where appropriate? Fire Log Book in place and implemented? Periodic maintenance checks carried out?

  • Fire Safety Has a fire risk assessment been completed and all corrective actions completed? Is there: an alarm system? Regular testing of the alarm system? Emergency lighting? Designated assembly point? Designated / suitable smoking area? Cabins more than 6m away from building? Are: there a sufficient number of fire marshals? Fire marshals trained in their duties? Fire marshals identifiable (hi visibiity jacket etc.)? Are: All extinguishers stored in their designated location? All extinguishers in good condition and not been discharged? Have all extinguishers been tested within the last 12 months? Is there: Clear directional signage for a fire escape route that leads to a fire exit? Signage identifying fire assembly point?

  • First Aid Provision Has a First Aid Risk Assessment been completed? Is the assessment relevant and applicable? Are control measures adopted? Are there an adequate number of first aiders appropriate to the level of risk? Is there a first aid box? Are supplies replenished when an item is taken?

  • Housekeeping Are: All walkways, stairways and traffic routes clear and well maintained? Operatives tidying their work areas as they work? All work areas left tidy when unattended? All cleaning /spillage clearance regimes in place and good quality?

  • KPI Reporting

  • Lighting Has a lighting assessment been carried out? Is the lighting on site adequate? Is there any strobing or flickering?

  • LOLER/Statutory Plant Register Are records of statutory inspections available for plant and equipment, where necessary? LOLER thorough examination certs within required 6 or 12 month frequency?

  • Machinery Safety Machinery safety (general) - Suitable and sufficient PUWER assessment in place? SOPs in place and understood by staff? CE marked and paperwork in place? Daily/weekly checks in place? Lighting adequate?

  • Machinery-Guarding/safety features Machinery design considered and fit for purpose? CE marking in place? Machines PUWER assessed? Process mapping of machines carried out? Guarding in place and in good condition- fixed, interlock, automatic, trip as appropriate. Hierarchy considered. E-Stops, pull cords & “mushroom” all in place, operable and in good condition? Access possible to machinery for operation and maintenance?

  • Machinery-Locking off/Isolation/Key control Is there suitable means of locking off and isolating machinery & plant? Captive or trapped key systems in place and operable. Isolation/lock out procedures in place. Can staff explain the isolation/lock out procedures? Isolation/lock off permits followed.

  • Manual Handling Are: Manual handling activities assessed? Mechanical aids used where possible? Personal capabilities managed & not exceeded? Operatives trained and following good practice?

  • Mobile Plant & Vehicle Is the operator of vehicle/plant working safely? Is vehicle/plant in suitable condition and maintained? Safety features being used such as seat belts, beacons etc?

  • Noise Has a noise survey been completed and actions recorded? Is Noise monitored to meet any specified limits? Is Equipment fitted with silencers, mufflers, acoustic covers etc.? Is Noisy plant/ equipment used in areas away from sensitive receptors (public places etc.)? Are Deliveries made during daytime? Neighbours kept informed regarding noisy activities, vibration etc.?

  • Occupational Health Where appropriate, are health surveillance programmes undertaken prior to employment and then at the agreed frequency thereafter. Have surveys been carried out to identify levels of specific risk e.g. biological? Are health activities for specific risks monitored e.g. vibration? Have vaccinations been provided where appropriate?

  • Permit Requirements Copies available. Training provided. Location working to requirements?

  • Permit to Work General permit? Hot work permit? Electrical isolation? Confined spaces?

  • PPE/Uniform Is the issuing of all PPE documented? PPE being worn where required? PPE being enforced where required? PPE adequate for the level of risk? PPE in good hygienic condition? Are Site Management demonstrating good practice by wearing appropriate PPE?

  • Risk Assessments / Safe Systems of Work Are Risk Assessments & SSoW: Available for all activities? Relevant to the work activity? Adhered to when carrying out work activities? Has the person completing the risk assessment been trained? Reviewed at appropriate intervals?

  • Health & Safety & Team Meetings Do H&S meetings take place every two months? Are they minuted? Is the correct template used?

  • Site Notice Board Check Are the Policy Statements on the Notice Board and up to date? Is the HSE Law Poster in place? Site Organogram in place? Is the waste carriers licence in place? Is the emergency plan and signage in place and relevant? Is the site plan/traffic plan available, up to date and relevant? Are the first aiders up to date?

  • Site Rules Are site rules available, relevant, up to date and given on induction?

  • Site Security Is there secure fencing in place along perimeter boundaries? Site barriers operational? Is Signage in place? Is there physical segregation?

  • Tools & Equipment Tools kept in good condition and stored safely? No unauthorised tools?

  • Training / Induction / Toolbox talks Training records in place for - Employees - Agency staff - Contractors / visitors/ customers /regulators operatives - managers Responsibility matrix in place? Training matches training matrix? Induction given? Mandatory TBT cascaded to operatives TBT signed for by operatives?

  • Transport Drivers CPC trained? Vehicles in roadworthy condition? Gate Checks? Daily checks & defect sheets in place?

  • Vehicle/Pedestrian Segregation: Vehicle / pedestrian segregation evident and matches plan? Barriers in place where relevant? Signage in place? Followed by persons on site?

  • Vulnerable Groups Young persons assessments carried out? Individual assessments and suitable amendments made to workplace for disabled employees? Individual assessments in place for those above retirement age? Lone working assessments in place and followed?

  • Welfare Is there: Adequate no. of toilets for workforce? Changing facility? A separate place to eat & drink? Seating with backs? Drinking water?

  • Waste Management & Storage of Waste: Waste reception and rejection procedures in place and followed? Waste storage in correct place? Duty of care - all paperwork in place for collection, transfer and disposal. Including when using subcontractors to collect/transfer waste? Carriers licences & disposal permits checked? Documentation and records EA reports and waste returns submitted quarterly/yearly COTC cover

  • Working at Height Working at height assessments carried out? Hierarchy of control considered? Ladder access minimised wherever possible? Routine checks carried out? Records of inspections available?

  • Risk
  • Specify Risk

  • Non-Compliant issues & corrective actions.

  • Photo

  • Priority

  • Owner


  • Additional Comments

  • Audit carried out by (Name and Signature)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.