Title Page
Site conducted
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Are we supporting with medication?
Is there a medication risk assessment?
Is the MAR sheet current and correct, and easily eligible?
Is there a PRN protocol in place?
Is the medication stored safely or in and agreed place with member?
Are controlled drugs used at this service?
Are the controlled drugs handled according to policy?
Personal Care Planning
Does the member have a person centred care plan in place?
Has the care plan been reviewed in the last 12 months?
Are all risk assessments relevant and in date?
Is there a schedule/activity planner in place?
Is the health action plan up to date?
Is there evidence that the member is involved in care planning?
Is there a DOLs in place?
When was the review date of the DOL?
Are the agreed restrictions being adhered to?
Is there any LPA/Deputyship etc in place?
When was the last local authority review taken place?
Any feedback from the member?
Are you satisfied with the current level of basic hygiene and housekeeping?
Are there any signs of disrepair?
Any evidence of hoarding?
Date of last fire test
Training and Competency
Is staff training up to date?
Are staff supervisions up to date?
Is there feedback from staff?
Are all policies and procedures accessible?
Date of last staff meeting
Previous Internal Audits
Have actions from the daily, weekly and monthly audits been undertaken?
Are the best outcomes achieved for service users?
Do staff promote person-centred care?
Are members supported to make informed decisions?