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To view our Loss Prevention Standard that supports this checklist, please view the following link : https://broker.aviva.co.uk/documents/view/aviva_managing_contractors_lps.pdf
Contractor Selection and Planning of Work
1. Is there a formal contract in place for the works, stating the obligations of each party, including health and safety?
2. Have all appropriate insurances been reviewed?
3. Have reasonable checks been completed to ensure that the contractor is competent to undertake the proposed works?
4. Have the company's policies and procedures relevant to the works been passed to the contractor, including details of the hot work permit system?
5. Have copies of relevant risk assessments and method statements been requested and received from the contractor?
6. Have all relevant documentation been reviewed by a competent person?
7. Are the contractors' employees suitably trained?
8. Has the contractor identified where any subcontractors will be used?
9. Is the contractor undertaking similar checks of any sub-contractors?
10. Has the area of the proposed work been inspected and any hazards considered?
Contractor Management on Site
11. Is a full-time member of staff formally identified as being responsible for the contractor(s) on site?
12. Has an induction and site rules leaflet been provided for all those working on site?
13. Have all site rules including hazardous work management and permit systems been formally explained?
14. Have smoking rules been adequately explained?
15. Is the contractors' equipment in a safe condition and fitted with any necessary safety devices?
16. Is the contractor able to provide certificates of statutory inspections relating to their equipment?
17. Are all power tools and electrical equipment subject to portable appliance testing?
18. Have the risks of fire and explosion been properly considered in the risk assessment?
19. Where high hazard activities are being undertaken, are the necessary risk assessments and method statements in place, and the appropriate permits in use?
20. If hot work is to be undertaken, will it be completed in compliance with the Avivo Loss Prevention Standard: Hot Work Operations, to ensure adequate procedures and controls in respect of the hot work tasks, including fire watch arrangements and period of fire watch, clearance from combustible materials, monitoring and supervision of contractors, use of trained fire watch personnel, etc.?<br><br>Has appropriate training been provided to those individuals responsible for issuing and signing-off hot work permits?
21. Has a property/business impact fire risk assessment been undertaken, both for the works and how the works may affect the rest of the site?
22. Are contractors aware of the procedures for reporting any near misses, injuries sustained, or damage caused?
23. Is the contractor aware of the Joint Code of Practice for the Prevention of Fires on Construction Sites?
24. Is the contractor able to contact an appropriate person in the case of emergency?
25. Is there a procedure for signing contractors in and out of the premises each day?
26. Do those responsible for the contractors monitor what work is being undertaken and where, on a daily basis?
27. Are those responsible for monitoring the contractors competent to do so?
28. Are the contractors maintaining good housekeeping standards and clearing all debris and waste materials as work progresses?
29. Are inspections and stop audits undertaken to ensure the contractors are working in a safe and competent manner?
30. Is there a planned programme of meetings between the company and the contractor before and during the contract, to ensure that any problems are identified and resolved?
31. Where necessary, have security arrangements been modified to accommodate the contractors and their activities/equipment?
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Completed by (Name and Signature)