
  • Client / Site

  • Audit Date 18 Dec 2014

  • Prepared by Derek Bell

  • Address M&O Group
  • Project Number & Name

General Safety Management Arrangements

Construction Phase H&S Plan

  • Is the CPHSP on site

  • Are changes to the CPHSP recorded

Method & Risk Assessments (RAM's)

  • Are the M&O RAM's on site

  • Are the M&O RAM's signed by the Site Supervisor And Site Operatives

  • Are the correct M&O Risk Assessments attached to the Method Statement

  • Have the Risk Assessments been localised by M&O's PM

Sub-Contractors Method & Risk Assessmnets inc Safe System of Work

  • Are the Sub-Contractors RAM's signed by the operatives on site

  • Have the Sub-Contractors RAM's been signed off as seen by M&O's Site Supervisor

Permit To Work (PTW)

  • Are PTW being used - Also list actvities and person responsible managaing the system

  • Tap to enter information

  • Who is the responsible person managing the process

  • Is there evidance of final checks carried out for hot for hot works

  • Is there evidence that the PTW systems are being used


  • Is there an Asbestos register / survey on site

  • Is Asbestos covered in the induction form

  • Has any Asbestos been removed from site

  • Is the Clearence certification present for any Asbestos that has been removed

Site Meetings

  • Are site meetings being held

  • Are minutes being kept

Accidents & Near miss investigation and reporting

  • Is there a system in place

  • How many accidents since the project started

  • Are there any completed accidents, incident or near miss reports

  • Tap to enter information

  • Any Accidents RIDDOR

  • Tap to enter information

Operators / Driver licence checks

  • Are operaives licences being checked (MEWP, IPAF, CSCS)

Communication : Toolbox talks

  • Are TBT's being carried out ?

  • List the last 3

Site Inductions

  • Is there an induction register

  • Compare some samples with booking in system

Booking in and out

  • Are all personel booking in and out ?

Traffic management plan

  • Is there a plan in place ?

  • Any conflicts with traffic or pedestrians ?

  • Is the route adequatley signed ?

Confined spaces

  • Are there any confined space working

  • Please list works

  • Are controls for confined space working in place

Gas Safe : who is cometent ?

  • Are Gas Safe certificates in place ?

Fire & Emergency

  • Are the fire procedures displayed

  • Is there a means of raising the alarm ?

  • Are the fire extinguishers in date ?

  • Is there adequate fire sinage in place ? Including the assembly point


  • Site Supervisors (weekley) completed ?

  • PM (intial 72hrs then monthl) completed ?

  • Plant & Equipment weekly check list completed ?

  • Scaffold 7 day inspection (scafftag or hard copy) completed ?

  • Are stepladders tagged ?

  • Are mobile towers scafftagged ?

  • Excavation checklist completed ?

First Aid

  • Does the site have an adequate number of first aiders ?

  • List names of first aiders

  • Are the first aiders details displayed ?

  • Is the first aid kit complete ?


  • List the substances that are used on site1

  • Are the MSDS' s available for each subtance ?

  • Is suitable storage provided for substances ?

  • Is adequate fire fighting equipment in place ?

Noise & HAV

  • Are there any works involving Noise and or Vibration ?

  • List activities


  • Is there electrical certification / register for the cabins and office

  • Has PAT testing been carried out ?

Plant & Equipment on site

  • Do all drivers / operators have the correct user certificates / licence

Over head (OH) & Under ground (UG) services

  • Are there utility drawings availble on site ?

  • Are OH hazards clearly marked or goal posts ?

  • Are UG hazards clearly marked, indicated and segregated ?

  • Is there evidance that CAT scanning has taken place ?


  • Are LPG and or HFL on site ?

  • List

  • Are there secure storage arrangement in place ?

  • Is all relevant signage displayed ?


  • Is the PPE box on site ?

  • Is the PPE record being signed ?

  • Were operatives wearing the correct PPF ?

Waste Management

  • Is there waste segregation on site ?

  • Are waste transfer notes on site ?

  • Is there any hazardous waste being removed ?

Site Inspection

Site documentation & signage

  • Booking in register inplace ?

  • H&S law notice displayed

  • EL & PL insurnace certificate displayed ?

  • Fire safety information displayed ?

  • First aid arrangements displayed ?

  • Site Supervisors details dispalyed ?

  • Site rules displayed ?

  • F10 displayed ?

General site set up

  • Is the site secure

  • Is access & egress ok

  • Is the lighting adequate ?

  • Are the floor area's tidy and free from trip hazards ?

  • Take photos

  • Are cables / extention leads being adequately managed ?

Site office / welfare facilities

  • Is the office clearly signed ?

  • Is the site office clean & tidy ?

  • Are the toilets clean ?

  • Is there a warm hand washing facility ?

  • Is there drinking water availible ?

Safe working practices observed

  • Please list

HSE site visits

  • Has there been any visits by the HSE or Clients H&S officer ?

  • Please provide any details

Site Supervisors Comments

  • Please list

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.