Title Page

  • M&S Weekly Audit

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel

Section 1. Site Security

  • 1.1 Is there adequate safety signage to notify staff, public and operatives of works? <br><br>Appropriate signage should be available on site to inform the public, staff and construction workers of work taking place.<br>

  • CDM Reg’s 2015 Reg 18 Para 2 (a)

  • 1.2 Is there a secure hoarding in place, or have construction areas been suitably segregated by other means from areas accessible to the public/staff? <br>Suitable segregation of all construction work is to take place on site through the provision of barrier tape or physical barriers. Segregation plans for staff should be provided, identifying areas of work in live stores<br>

  • CDM Regs 2015 Reg 13 Duties of Principal Contractor

  • 1.3 Is there a security guard appointed and at their post? <br><br>The security guard is to be in position at the contractor’s entrance for all out of hours work taking place on the M&S estate to monitor access to the site. Guards are required for all new construction sites.<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 1.4 Is the signing in and out procedure enforced? <br><br>All contractors and visitors to site are to sign in to the site.<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 1.5 "Can the contractors be identified on site? For example, ID badges provided and worn.<br><br>Contractors are to be identified on site through the issue of ID cards or the wearing of company HI-Visibility vests.<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 1.6 Where applicable, have contractors signed in at the store front end panel? Note: Required for FM jobs <br><br>All FM Contractors attending site to carry out maintenance tasks must sign in at the front end panel.<br>

  • M&S Policy

Section 2. Construction Site Environment

  • 2.1 "Is there written evidence of weekly FHS inspections being carried out by the site manager?<br> Regular weekly H&S inspections are to be carried out bythe site manager/ supervisor to highlight any H&S issues.<br>

  • CDM Reg’s 2015 Reg 13 Para 129

  • 2.2 "Are sufficient housekeeping standards in the construction and storage areas being maintained?<br>All construction and storage areas are to have house keeping standards maintained to prevent the build-up of debris and waste materials.<br>

  • CDM Reg’s 2015 Reg 18 Para 1

  • 2.3 Is good cable management being observed? <br>Cable management is to be maintained at all times to prevent trip hazards, ideally cables should be maintained at high level with drop down points to transformers etc.<br>

  • Health & Safety In Construction HSG 150 Guidance

  • 2.4 "Check that Contractors are not utilising any M&S equipment for the<br>storage or transportation of materials and equipment unless authorised in the preconstruction information, or by store management. Written confirmation to be seen" <br><br>M&S Equipment such as skates, trolleys and cages are not to be used on site for the transportation of tools or materials, unless written confirmation is available<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 2.6 Is there evidence of a PAT testing regime in place for all contractors’ electrical items on site? <br><br>A PAT register is to be maintained by contractors or principal contractors for all electrical equipment on site.<br>

  • 2.5 Are there suitable and sufficient storage areas for materials and equipment? <br><br>The main contractor should be given designated areas for the storage of tools and materials dependent on the size of the construction site/store, and the type of work carried out.<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • Electricity at Work Regs 1989-HSE Guidance

  • 2.7 Are all cables, tools and plugs free from damage? <br><br>All equipment in use on site should be in a good state of repair and free from damage<br>

  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regs 1989 (PUWER)

  • 2.8 "Is there suitable and sufficient lighting to all construction areas and contractors for all electrical equipment on site.<br>Regs 1989 (PUWER) All equipment in use on site should be in a good state of access routes?<br>Suitable levels of lighting should be provided to allow work to take place in a safe manner, utilising natural light, task lighting etc"<br><br>

  • CDM Regs 2015 Reg 35

  • 2.9 "Are holes and any other excavations e.g. escalator pits clearly marked and cordoned off?<br><br>Suitable barriers and warnings are to be in place to prevent falls.<br>

  • H&S at Work Act 1974

Section 3. PPE

  • 3.1 Are all site managers, operatives and visitors fully compliant with the M&S PPE policy requirements detailed in the construction phase plan. <br>M&S policy is four points of PPE, Head Protection, Foot Protection, Hi-Vis Clothing & Hand Protection. Additional PPE may be required through task specific risk assessment.<br><br>

  • M&S Policy-Questa>Policy& Process>Fire Health & safety>PPE Policy M&S policy

Section 4. Welfare & First Aid

  • 4.1 Are suitable and sufficient welfare facilities provided? <br>Suitable and sufficient welfare facilities should be provided, where M&S facilities are utilised these should be maintained in a good condition.<br>

  • CDM Regs 2015 Reg 13 Para 137

  • 4.2 Are first aid facilities appropriate? <br><br>Suitable First aid facilities are to be provided on site, the location of kits should be included in the site induction. Location of Defibrillator to be ascertained if applicable to site<br>

  • The Health & Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 Reg 30

  • 4.3 Are there a sufficient number of first aiders nominated? Note: No M&S first aiders to be relied upon. <br>First aiders should be available as per regulations<br>

  • The Health & Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981

  • 4.4 Is there an accident book or other forms of recording accidents in place? <br><br>An accident book or other form of recording accidents should be available on site<br>

  • The Health & Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 Reg 3 Para 31

  • 4.4 Is there an accident book or other forms of recording accidents in place? <br><br>An accident book or other form of recording accidents should be available on site<br>

  • The Health & Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 Reg 3 Para 31

  • 4.5 If the accident book identifies an injury, has it been reported to M&S? <br><br>Any accident should be recorded and reported to M&S.<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 4.6 "Have near miss events been recorded for the project (where project has lasted longer than one week)? Near misses are to be reported through the normal reporting channels to M&S.<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 4.7 Where an outside authority has visited have Marks and Spencer been informed? <br>M&S Policy <br>Visits by the HSE or other authority must be reported to M&S.<br>

  • M&S Policy

Section 5. Fire & Emergency

  • 5.1 Is there a site specific emergency plan in place? <br><br>A suitable plan of the site / store should be available showing emergency exits and assembly points relevant to hours of work.<br>

  • CDM Regs 2015 Reg 30

  • 5.2 Is there a site specific fire risk assessment in place, reviewed and signed by the site manager, and is there evidence of <br>communication of salient points to the store management where applicable. <br><br>A suitable and sufficient FRA should be prepared before work commences relevant to the hours worked. For live stores this should be produced using the stores FRA as guidance.<br>

  • Fire Safety in Construction HSG 168 Part 2Fire Risk Assessment

  • 5.3 Are the escape routes unobstructed? <br><br>Escape routes detailed should be free from obstruction and lead to a place of safety.<br>

  • CDM Regs 2015 Reg 31

  • 5.4 Are the emergency systems operational and is there a means of raising an alarm in place? <br> <br>Suitable Emergency systems and alarms should be maintained and tested on site.<br>

  • CDM Regs 2015 Reg 32

  • 5.5 Is the Contractor fire-fighting equipment on site appropriate for the relevant tasks and is there evidence of regular checks?<br><br>Firefighting equipment must be maintained, easily accessible, fit for purpose and identified by suitable signs on site.<br>

  • CDM Regs 2015 Reg 32

  • 5.6 Where applicable have M&S permits been applied for, and are contractor permit systems in place? <br><br>Local contractor permit systems should be in place for construction sites, for live stores, permits should be applied for through the<br>relevant store personnel."<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 5.7 Are flammable gas bottles stored in a lockable ventilated store when not in use? <br><br>A lockable cage should be provided for the storage of gas bottles on site.<br>

  • Welding, flame cutting and allied processes Guidance HSG 139

Section 6. COSHH

  • 6.1 Are relevant COSHH assessments and material safety data sheets available on site. (check min 3 substances) and have these been signed by operatives? <br><br>Hard copies of Safety Data Sheets and COSHH assessments should be available for all COSHH material in use on site.<br>

  • Working with substances hazardous to health–Guide to COSHH

  • 6.2 Are substances being used appropriately as per COSHH assessments? <br><br>Materials in use should be used as per the COSHH assessment provided by the contractor.<br><br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 6.3 Are substances being stored appropriately as per COSHH Assessments? <br><br>All substances should be stored as per the relevant COSHH assessment and hazard data sheets.<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 6.4 Are suitable and sufficient emergency procedures in place to deal with incidents related to substances classified under COSHH (e.g. spillages, gas escape, and ingestion)? <br><br>The contractor should develop suitable and sufficient procedures as detailed in the M&S COSHH policy.<br>

  • M&S Policy

Section 7. Traffic & Vehicle Management

  • 7.1 "Are deliveries suitably managed and co-ordinated by the site manager with the store, landlord or centre management?<br> <br>Deliveries should be co-ordinated with landlords or centre management as necessary.<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 7.2 Has a site specific delivery route been identified and recorded in the traffic management plan? <br><br>A suitable & sufficient traffic management plan should be produced relevant to the site. A copy of the plan should be displayed on site.<br>

  • CDM Regs 2015 Reg 27

  • 7.3 Where banksmen are identified in the traffic management plan, is there evidence of this role being discharged appropriately and are banksmen suitably managed? <br><br>If RAMS identify the requirement for a Banksman then this should be suitably managed by the site management. Trained banksman should be identified on site.<br>

  • HSG 136 A guide to workplace transport safety

Section 8. Working at Height

  • 8.1 Has the fall prevention and protection hierarchy been applied? <br><br>When choosing the most suitable work equipment, you must follow the fall protection hierarchy. This states the order in which protective measures should be considered to prevent and mitigate the risks when working at height cannot be avoided. Ensure that ladders are only used for short duration or restricted access work following the guidelines.<br>

  • The Work at Height Regulations 2005–Guidance

  • 8.2 Is there a design for the scaffold or a compliance sheet available on site? <br><br>Ensure design sheet is on site for scaffolds other than TG 20 designs.<br>

  • The Work at Height Regulations 2005

  • 8.3 Does the scaffold comply with TG20 e.g. toe-boards, debris netting, handrail height etc.? <br><br>Check scaffold for compliance with relevant guidance.<br>

  • The Work at Height Regulations 2005 Reg 8

  • 8.4 Has a handover certificate been issued for the scaffold? <br><br>Whilst there is no statutory requirement for a scaffold contractor to issue a handover certificate, clients may, in their own interest, and a recommendation by the NASC that the scaffold contractor issues a handover certificate to their client.<br>

  • NASC Guidance SG35:11

  • 8.5 Have recorded scaffold inspections taken place as per the current Work at Height Regulations? (E.g. Weekly inspection form etc.)<br> <br>Ensure that a record of inspection is maintained on site and scaff tags are in place.<br>

  • The Work at Height Regulations 2005-Reg12

  • 8.6 Is unauthorised access to work at height equipment prevented where necessary? <br> <br>Only trained personnel to use access equipment.<br>

  • HSE Guidance (MEWPs)

  • 8.7 Are wheels on tower scaffolds/podium steps locked? <br><br>Check scaffolds and podiums on site have wheels locked.<br>

  • HSE Guidance-Tower Scaffolds

  • 8.8 Are those erecting scaffolds and towers trained to CISRS and PASMA respectively and are training records available? (Sample training records) <br><br>Confirm training records on site with contractors.<br>

  • M&S Policy & Industry Competency standards

  • 8.9 Are scaffold and mobile tower erection and dismantling being conducted in accordance with current industry guidance (SG4:15) <br> <br>Ensure that where scaffold is being erected the SG4:15 guidance is followed.<br>

  • SG4:15 Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations

  • 8.10 Is there evidence that MEWP operators are adequately trained e.g. IPAF? <br><br>Confirm training records on site with contractors. (PAL Cards)<br>

  • HSE Guidance (MEWPs)

  • 8.11 Is there evidence that MEWPs are checked regularly? E.g. Pre use checks, weekly checks. <br><br>Inspection sheets should be available on site for all MEWPS on site,<br>

  • HSE Guidance (MEWPs)

  • 8.12 Is the use of step ladders minimised and is there a permit process in place? If step ladders are in use, has a permit been issued? <br><br>Confirm that ladders on site have had permits issued and that work is for short duration. e.g. 30mins<br>

  • HSE Guidance:-Safe use of ladders and step ladder

  • 8.13 Where steps/ladders are in use are they all commercial Class I, in good condition and inspected by a competent person before use. <br> <br>Confirm that ladders if in use are the correct class and in good condition.<br>

  • HSE Guidance:-Safe use of ladders and stepladder

  • 8.14 Where fall arrest equipment is in use is there evidence that equipment is regularly inspected and used correctly by trained operatives? <br><br>Equipment should be inspected 6 monthly and examination records maintained on site.<br>

  • Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998

  • 8.15 Where temporary works exist are they compliant with current legislation and is a register available of all temporary works? <br>Temporary Works register is to be available if applicable to site.<br>

  • BS5975:2008 Code of Practice for Temporary Works

Section 9. Lifting and Lifting Equipment

  • 9.1 Are manual handing related risks controlled as per risk assessments? <br><br>Manual Handling Risk assessments covered in Contractors RAMS.<br>

  • Manual Handling Operations Regs 1992 (as amended)

  • 9.2 Has an appointed person been provided for the lift? <br> <br>Appointed person should be detailed in the RAMS for the lift.<br>

  • Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 Regulations 1998

  • 9.3 Is all lifting equipment in date for inspection and suitable records available on site? <br> <br>Copies of certificates should be available for inspection on site.<br>

  • Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 Regulations 1998

  • 9.4 Are the operators of the lifting equipment competent? Have they had suitable and sufficient training? <br><br>Appropriate training competences are to be available on site.<br>

  • Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 Regulations 1998

  • 9.5 Has training been carried out for electric hoists attached to scaffold and are records on site? <br><br>Confirm that training records are on site for operators.<br>

  • Health & Safety In Construction HSG 150 Para 318

Section 10. Occupational Health

  • 10.1 Are manual handling related risks controlled in accordance with site-specific risk assessment and Regulatory requirements?<br><br>Manual Handling Risk assessments covered in Contractors RAMS.<br>

  • Manual Handling Operations Regs 1992 (as amended)

  • 10.2 Are noise related risks controlled in accordance with site-specific risk assessments and Regulatory requirements? <br><br>Noise monitoring should be carried out if noise levels are excessive and controls put in place.<br>

  • Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005

  • 10.3 Are vibration related risks controlled in accordance with site-specific risk assessments and Regulatory requirements? And are exposure (trigger)times recorded? <br><br>Vibration monitoring should be carried out if vibration and trigger levels are exceeded, and suitable controls put in place.<br>

  • Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005

  • 10.4 Is dust controlled in accordance with requirements of the current COSHH Regulations? <br><br>Suitable dust extraction methods should be used and control measures put in place to reduce dust on site.<br>

  • 10.5 Where silica containing dust is produced are FFP3 face masks in use? <br><br>Masks should be provided in accordance with RAMS and correctly fitted.<br>

  • RPE Equipment at work HSG 53 Guidance

Section 11. Documentation

  • 11.1 Have the actions from the previous M&S FHS audit been closed out? <br><br>Previous actions should be closed out with evidence provided.<br><br><br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 11.2 Are construction and phasing plans in place? <br><br>Construction drawings for new builds and phasing plans on live stores should be available.<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 11.3 Is there evidence that the Construction Phase H&S Plan has been amended, signed and dated by the site manager following changes onsite? <br><br>The CPP should be reviewed regularly and maintained with site specific information and risks<br>

  • CDM Regs 2015 Reg 12

  • 11.4 Is there a RAMS review and approval process in place? <br><br>All RAMS should be signed by site manager and contractors before work commences on site. Any changes should be documented.<br>

  • Questa-Policy & Process-FHS-Archive-Risk Assessments

  • 11.5 "Are contractors working as per RAMS for the specific project/task? (check at least 1 contractor) <br><br>Ensure that contractors have signed RAMS and are working in accordance with them.<br>

  • CDM Reg's 2015 Reg -15

  • 11.6 Is there an F10 displayed on site which reflects the works taking place? <br><br>The F10 should be displayed in the site office if the project is notifiable. <br>

  • CDM Regs 2015 Reg 6

  • 11.7 Is a Health & Safety at Work Act poster displayed and filled out? <br> <br>The H& S Law poster should be completed and displayed on site or alternatively to provide each worker with a copy of the approved leaflet.<br>

  • Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations (HSIER)

  • 11.8 Is the managing contractor’s H&S policy statement on display and in date? <br> <br>A written copy of the H&S Policy should be displayed on site, or an electronic copy is acceptable if workers are aware of this?<br>

  • Section 3 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974-HSE Policy

  • 11.9 Is in date insurance documentation displayed? <br><br>Since 1 October 2008 you have been allowed to display your certificate electronically. Employers choosing this method need to ensure their employees know how and where to find the certificate and have reasonable access to it.<br><br>

  • Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969

  • 11.10 Is all work equipment adequately guarded, inspected and in good condition? <br><br>All equipment on site should be inspected and maintained in good order.<br>

  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) Reg 11

  • 11.11 If abrasive wheels are being used, are dust suppression and FFP3 face masks in use and have operators’ undertaken abrasive wheel training? <br><br>Ensure that operators have training records and the correct PPE is worn.<br>

  • Guidance-Safety in the use of abrasive wheels Revised in line with PUWER.

Section 12. Training & Promotion of Health & Safety

  • 12.1 "Have site specific inductions been undertaken and evidence recorded?<br>Check at least 3 site specific inductions <br>Inductions should be carried out for all contractors and visitors who visit site and a record maintained on site.<br>

  • CDM Regs 2015 Reg 13 Para (a)

  • 12.2 "Have relevant toolbox talks been undertaken and recorded on a regular basis? (At least one per week for projects over one week.) "<br><br>Toolbox talks are to be carried out as per Principal Contractor arrangements.<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 12.3 "Have details of the site manager and supervisor been logged on the M&S training portal and are both compliant with role <br>requirements? " <br><br>Site managers details are to be verified on Altius<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 12.4 "Have the M&S minimum training requirements been met for electricians?<br>Check at least 3 electricians for their ECS/CSCS and the M&S e-learning Asbestos Awareness course" <br><br>"All Electricians are to hold Gold ECS Installation Electrician cards and<br>have completed the appropriate training."<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 12.5 "Have site workforce and management completed the M&S e-learning Asbestos Awareness course? (Check 3 persons training records)"<br><br>"All contractors sampled on site are to have completed the online M&S asbestos awareness training. To be verified on Simple Compliance"<br><br>

  • M&S Policy

Section 13. Management of Asbestos Works

  • 13.1 Is access to the asbestos register available via Simple Compliance? <br><br>Site manager is to have access to simple compliance via laptop or other device.<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 13.2 Is a copy of relevant aspects of the asbestos survey available on site? <br><br> " Hard copy of R&D or other relevant survey to be available on site.<br>

  • M&S Policy-Questa>Policy & Process>Fire Health & Safety > Asbestos Management Plan

  • 13.3 "If there are asbestos removal works taking place, are RAMS and plans of work present and accurate? "<br><br>Suitable Plans of work must be onsite detailing the works to take place.<br>

  • Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012

  • 13.4 Is there a copy of the HSE ASB5 notification and contractor licence on site? <br><br>Ensure that ASB5 is displayed in site office together with the contractor’s licence<br>

  • Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012

  • 13.5 "Is there adequate segregation and separation between the asbestos works, contractors and staff? For example, zoning arrangements."<br><br>Witness RAG routes on site, and ensure that contractors adhere to these routes <br>

  • M&S Policy-Questa>Policy & Process>Fire Health & Safety > Asbestos Management Plan

  • 13.6 Are the asbestos waste transit and waste removal routes being adhered to and are these routes demarcated appropriately?<br>Provide photos to support your answer<br> <br>Witness RAG routes on site, and ensure that contractors adhere to these routes.<br>

  • M&S Policy-Questa>Policy & Process>Fire Health & Safety > Asbestos Management Plan

  • 13.7 Do the asbestos analyst and asbestos surveyor meet all role requirements on the M&S training portal? <br> <br>Confirm all requirements are met on Simple compliance or Altius.<br>

  • Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 Reg 20

  • 13.8 Can the site manager demonstrate that the store has been informed and engaged?<br>Record any evidence of store engagement or simply ask members of staff if present." <br><br>Confirm with store staff if on site that they are aware of the works taking place.<br><br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 13.9 Did the site induction include information about M&S’ asbestos policy and site specific arrangements? <br><br>Ensure that site induction covers Asbestos if applicable to the site e.g. Red Store<br>

  • M&S Policy

  • 13.10 Are there arrangements in place to deal with asbestos related emergencies and do these meet M&S asbestos policy requirements?<br> <br>Ensure that contractor is aware of the M&S policy.<br>

  • Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 Reg 15

Section 14. Additional Site Information

  • 14.1 Provide any additional comments in relation to this audit. <br>Any other pertinent information to be added to the audit.<br>

  • 14.2 Provide any additional images in relation to this audit. <br>Additional relevant images to be added to audit.<br>

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.