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M&S Longbridge Morning TSL Checklist
Conducted on
Completed By:
Fire, Health & Safety
Check the opening & closing book, is it signed off for the week so far?
Call the two first aid phones, do you get a reply? (3276 &3277)
Check the accident database. Are follow ups and investigations complete for the day before?
Check the signing in book. Has everyone signed out from the days before?
Are refuge points clear?
Are all final exit doors able to open and free from obstruction?
Are all fire routes clear and free from obstruction?
Sample 5 Members of VM/Ops on Working at height.
Spot check ladders, are SCAFF tags visible? Are any ladders damaged?
Is the red alert pager being carried?
Are slip mats in the correct position?
Walk till banks and fitting rooms general areas, are there any COSHH materials present? Is the correct cleaning equipment being used? (Green - General, Yellow - Hospitality, White - Refrigeration, Red - Toilets, Blue - Glass)
Spot check Emergency Team members. Do they know what to do during an emergency?
Sample five members of staff . Do they know the primary and secondary evacuation points? Do they know the Invacuation areas?
Sample five members of staff . Can they demonstrate a strong understanding of Challenge 25?
Your Cafe
Is the area free from DEF & has the previous days DEF been signed off?
Is there soap, hand towels and approved soap in the dispenser?
Is correct PPE being worn in the unit and is the hygiene policy being followed?
Is the correct signage up for the allergens policy?
Are open products sealed or wrapped and date labelled with correct number of days highlighted from the packaging? (i.e. once opened use within three days etc. Or dated with the manufacturers best before date)
Is the correct colour coded cleaning equipment in use? (Yellow for Hospitality cleaning & Blue for Glass)
Are the general cleaning standards at an acceptable level for the time of day?
Check under ovens, fridges and counters. Are they free from debris & is there any evidence of pest activity?
Check fridge & freezer seals are they clean and intact?
Are the correct cleaning product present?
Have the cleaning and sample checks been signed and completed for the day before?
Are chopping boards and coloured utensils segregated away from each other? Is there anything that could cause cross contamination?
Check MF4: Are all temperatures in range?
Check MF7: Are all temperatures in the correct range?
Check MF8: Are all temperatures in range and has hot hold time not exceeded two hours?
Check MF9: Has there been any glass breakages and have these been signed off appropriately by the customer assistant and is there a manager signature present?
Is the food probe clean?
Are RAW products held at the bottom of the fridge or held in its own fridge?
Customer Cafe
Is the area free from DEF & has the previous days DEF been signed off?
Is there soap, hand towels and approved soap in the dispenser?
Is correct PPE being worn in the unit and is the hygiene policy being followed?
Is the correct signage up for the allergens policy?
Are open products sealed or wrapped and date labelled with correct number of days highlighted from the packaging? (i.e. once opened use within three days etc. Or dated with the manufacturers best before date)
Is the correct colour coded cleaning equipment in use? (Yellow for Hospitality cleaning & Blue for Glass)
Are the general cleaning standards at an acceptable level for the time of day?
Check under ovens, fridges and counters. Are they free from debris & is there any evidence of pest activity?
Check fridge & freezer seals are they clean and intact?
Are the correct cleaning product present?
Has the staff cleaning and sample checks been signed and completed for the day before?
Has the contractor cleaning and sample checks been signed and completed for the day before?
Are chopping boards and coloured utensils segregated away from each other? Is there anything that could cause cross contamination?
Check MF4: Are all temperatures in range?
Check MF7: Are all temperatures in the correct range?
Check MF8: Are all temperatures in range and has hot hold time not exceeded two hours / 4 hours for hot hold soup?
Check MF9: Has there been any glass breakages and have these been signed off appropriately by the customer assistant and is there a manager signature present?
Is the traceability information up to date?
Is the food probe clean?
Are tickets in place. Check cake table, fridges & outposting?
Are RAW products held at the bottom of the fridge or held in its own fridge?
Is the area free from DEF & has the previous days DEF been signed off?
Is there soap, hand towels and approved soap in the dispenser?
Is correct PPE being worn in the unit and is the hygiene policy being followed?
Is the correct signage up for the allergens policy?
Are open products sealed or wrapped and date labelled with correct number of days highlighted from the packaging? (i.e. once opened use within three days etc. Or dated with the manufacturers best before date)
Is the correct colour coded cleaning equipment in use? (Yellow for Hospitality cleaning & Blue for Glass)
Are the general cleaning standards at an acceptable level for the time of day?
Check under ovens, fridges and counters. Are they free from debris & is there any evidence of pest activity?
Check fridge & freezer seals are they clean and intact?
Are the correct cleaning product present?
Has the staff cleaning and sample checks been signed and completed for the day before?
Has the contractor cleaning and sample checks been signed and completed for the day before?
Are chopping boards and coloured utensils segregated away from each other? Is there anything that could cause cross contamination?
Check MF4: Are all temperatures in range?
Check MF7: Are all temperatures in the correct range?
Check MF8: Are all temperatures in range and has hot hold time not exceeded two hours / 4 hours for hot hold soup?
Check MF9: Has there been any glass breakages and have these been signed off appropriately by the customer assistant and is there a manager signature present?
Is the traceability information up to date?
Is the food probe clean?
Is all ticketing up to date? Sample check the deli counter.
Are RAW products held at the bottom of the fridge or held in its own fridge?
Tasting Kitchen
Is correct PPE being worn in the unit and is the hygiene policy being followed?
Is the correct signage up for the allergens policy?
Are open products sealed or wrapped and date labelled with correct number of days highlighted from the packaging? (i.e. once opened use within three days etc. Or dated with the manufacturers best before date)
Is the correct colour coded cleaning equipment in use? (Yellow for Hospitality cleaning & Blue for Glass)
Are the general cleaning standards at an acceptable level for the time of day?
Check under ovens, fridges and counters. Are they free from debris & is there any evidence of pest activity?
Check fridge & freezer seals are they clean and intact?
Are the correct cleaning product present?
Has the staff cleaning and sample checks been signed and completed for the day before?
Has the contractor cleaning and sample checks been signed and completed for the day before?
Are chopping boards and coloured utensils segregated away from each other? Is there anything that could cause cross contamination?
Check MF4: Are all temperatures in range?
Check MF9: Has there been any glass breakages and have these been signed off appropriately by the customer assistant and is there a manager signature present?
Is the traceability information up to date?
Is the food probe clean?
In Store Bakery
Is the area free from DEF & has the previous days DEF been signed off?
Is there soap, hand towels and approved soap in the dispenser?
Is correct PPE being worn in the unit and is the hygiene policy being followed?
Is the correct signage up for the allergens policy?
Are open products sealed or wrapped and date labelled with correct number of days highlighted from the packaging? (i.e. once opened use within three days etc. Or dated with the manufacturers best before date)
Is the correct colour coded cleaning equipment in use? (Yellow for Hospitality cleaning & Blue for Glass)
Are the general cleaning standards at an acceptable level for the time of day?
Check under ovens, fridges and counters. Are they free from debris & is there any evidence of pest activity?
Check fridge & freezer seals are they clean and intact?
Are the correct cleaning product present?
Has the staff cleaning and sample checks been signed and completed for the day before?
Has the contractor cleaning and sample checks been signed and completed for the day before?
Check MF9: Has there been any glass breakages and have these been signed off appropriately by the customer assistant and is there a manager signature present?
Is the traceability information up to date?
Is all ticketing up to date? Sample check the counter.
Look at what DEF has been found. Sample check the worst area. Have you found anything? Are DEF checks signed off for the week including the Ops cold room check?
Is the DEF floor plan up to date?
Are the Meat, Juice and Milk fridge shelves clean?
Is the general cleaning standard of the fridges to an acceptable level?
Check the food till scales, are they free from crumbs and debris?
Sample check ticketing including Age Restricted tickets on alcohol and age restricted items?
Are the general cleaning standards at an acceptable level for the time of day?
Check under ovens, fridges and counters. Are they free from debris & is there any evidence of pest activity?
Check fridge & freezer seals are they clean and intact?
Are the correct cleaning product present?
Has the staff cleaning and sample checks been signed and completed for the day before?
Has the contractor cleaning and sample checks been signed and completed for the day before?
Check MF9: Has there been any glass breakages and have these been signed off appropriately by the customer assistant and is there a manager signature present?
Is the traceability information up to date?
Is all ticketing up to date? Sample check the counter.
Temperature Controls
Check the Foods & Frozen VSS do they have signatures and temperatures written on them?
Are all non networked fridges and freezers check three times daily? (AM/NOON/PM)
Check the front end panel. Have any PRODUCT OVER TEMPERATURE alarms occurred on networked units that lasted longer than 60 minutes? Have these alarms been highlighted on monitoring form 2?
If the alarm went in to another hour (i.e. two hours) has another check been completed and documented on monitoring form 13? Has a subsequent check for each following hour until the alarm cleared been documented the same way?
Check the front end panel. Have any CONTROLLER OFFLINE alarms occurred on networked units that lasted longer than 60 minutes? Have these alarms been highlighted on monitoring form 2?
If the alarm went in to another hour (i.e. two hours) has another check been completed and documented on monitoring form 13? Has a subsequent check for each following hour until the alarm cleared been documented the same way?