Title Page
This process will guide you through the process of swapping a Back of house (BOS) PC, Front of House (FOS) PC and a Hotel (Rezlynx) PC
Kit you will need for this project includes:
3x HP5800
1x USB Stick (min 1Gb)
9 pin RS232 to Ethernet adapter (U5R Sites only) -
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Before starting the swap open admin tools and VNC to the FOS. Open admin tools on the FOS and run TSMenu. Click PTest and run from 1 to 99 and collect all printouts noting which printer they came from.
Take a picture of the print outs from the P-Test
Open ABS on the BOS,
Select ‘Reports and views’
Select the ‘Takings’ tab
Select ‘master takings’.
Click print and ok to print this document. -
Take a picture of the takings report
Continue With PC Swop process
Is the time and date correct on the BOS PC
Take a picture of the PC name of the BOS PC
Take a picture of the subnet mask of the BOS PC
Has DWP got credentials and is connected ?
Take a picture of Compatibility settings in IE showing eshop added
Has the Printer been installed on the PC
Take a picture showing that windows has been activated (control panel - system)
Is the time and date correct on the FOS PC
Take a picture of the FOS PC name
Take a picture of the Subnet mask of the FOS
Ensure DWP has credentials and is connected
Take a picture showing that windows has been activated (control panel - system)
Hotel PC
Take a picture to show that windows is activated (control panel - system)
Take a picture of the subnet mask of the Hotel PC
Take a picture of the Hotel PC name ( MARS-PHC Number)
Does DWP have credentials and is connected ?
Is Silverlight installed on the Hotel PC
Have you changed the VNC password on the Hotel PC?
Is Sophos been installed on the Hotel PC
Take a picture of the Rezlynx Browser options setup
Take a picture of the Rezlynx web service options setup
Testing and Checks
Can the Manager log into the hotel PC
Are all tills connected and working
Take a picture of the P tests Printed from TS menu
Have you printed a master Takings Report ?
Managment Sign Off
Are all tills functioning ?
Add signature
Engineer Faults / Comments