Title Page

  • Site Self Audit Completed

  • Date Completed

  • Prepared by

Dispensary Self Audit

  • Is access to the dispensary controlled and restricted areas limited? Dispensary access is restricted to :<br>(1) Qualifying patients;<br>(2) Registered caregivers; and<br>(3) Individuals 21 years old or older.<br>(a dispensary may allow children younger than 8 years old to enter the licensed<br>premises if they are accompanied for the duration of their visit)

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Are signs in place notifying premises are under video surveillance and identifying restricted access areas?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Is cannabis dispensed only to a consumer who has presented a government-issued photo identification card that is valid, unexpired, and contains the consumer’s birth date?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Does the dispensary maintain a visitor log that is complete and up to date? The licensee shall maintain a log of any visits of non-public areas for 2 years.

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Is the Date, Time, and Year included on all entries in the visitor log, Review to identify and notate any missing data

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Is there a Time in and Time out logged on all entries on the visitor log. Review to identify and notate any missing data

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Are all visitor log ID copied

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Are there Visitor Badges currenlty on site

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Is there an up-to-date Cash Management Logbook for recording when the safe is accessed for cash counts at the beginning and end of each day? Are cash shortages and overages communicated to management via an FMX ticket?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Is all cannabis distributed by employees with active MCA agent cards? At all times, agents shall visibly wear the identification card issued by the Administration.

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Does the dispensary label the medical customer's information as required by state regulations during medical sales? Medical labeling requirements include (1) The name of the qualifying patient; (2) The name of the certifying provider; (3) The name of the licensee where the product was dispensed; (4) The date that the medical cannabis was dispensed; (5) The name of the product; (6) The strength of applicable cannabinoid and terpene compounds.

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Does the dispensary ensure that distributed cannabis does not exceed the state-allowed personal use amount limit per customer?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Is consumption of cannabis on the dispensary property prohibited? Cannabis may not be consumed on any licensed premises, 14.17.20 Prohibited Acts

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Is all cannabis and cannabis products stored in a secure location within the dispensary that is accessible to a minimum number of employees necessary and in a manner that protects against diversion, theft, or loss? Products must be stored in a clean, sanitary, and secure storage room during non-business hours.

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Are inventory counts completed daily and in real-time, reconciled against the METRC seed-to-sale system with any discrepancies fully investigated and reported to the management staff?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Does the dispensary promptly report discrepancies, including theft or diversion, to the relevant regulatory authority within one business day as required? Additionally, are records of any theft, diversion, or unaccountability maintained up-to-date through FMX tickets, and is suspected diversion promptly communicated to the Chief Compliance Officer for further investigation?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Are all state-specific required signage posted and up to date? (licenses and/or certificates)

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Are current versions of SOP and WI instructions available for employees to access and review as needed?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Does the dispensary provide exclusive access to qualifying patients and registered caregivers for at least one hour per day and is information displayed about the reserved hours or dedicated service line for qualifying patients?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Does the dispensary properly accept and record the return of cannabis from consumers, patients, or caregivers, and ensure the destruction of returned cannabis?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Are products that have been returned, outdated, damaged, deteriorated, misbranded, or adulterated; or whose containers that have been improperly or accidentally opened stored in a separate secure room until properly recorded as green waste for destruction?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Are all sections of the Green Waste Log up to date and signed with time of signature notated?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Is the Scale Log up to date and signed with the time of signature notated?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Are all Manifests up to date and signed with a time of signature notated?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Are all registered agents up to date on the Alcohol and Drug free workplace policy, as identified in COMAR, and clinical training provided by the Clinical Director on guidelines for providing information to qualifying patients related to risks, benefits, and side effects associated with medical cannabis?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Do all transactions fall within the time of operation? Are no transactions attempted after 9 PM? <br>A licensed dispensary may not operate:<br>A. For more than 12 hours in a day;<br>B. Past 10 p.m.; or<br>C. Before 8 a.m.

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section


  • Does the dispensary have a functional emergency generator?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Do employees have information on Safety Call International and the adverse event hotline?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Are fire extinguishers placed throughout the dispensary in accordance with state and federal law and are fire evacuation routes prominently posted? Are all fire exit evacuation routes well-lit and clear of debris?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Have all fire extinguishers been checked for proper functionality?

  • Are all alarm panels functioning correctly?

  • Do all shift leads, AGM's, and GM's have working alarm codes?

  • Are all panic alarms functioning correctly, with no damage or malfunction reported?

Metrc Audit

  • Randomly inventory 10 items listed in METRC, verify counts and place items counted in notes section

  • Randomly audit the last 4 green waste log entries and verify the counts match against METRC.

  • Are all employee Metrc badges on -site?

  • Please explain your answer in the notes section

  • Does every employee have their badge? (Do any employees have missing badges)

  • Please name employee(s) in the notes section

  • Will all employee badges remain valid for the next 3 months? (verify employees expiring badging)

  • Please name employee(s) in the notes section

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.