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Audit Date & Time:
Facility Review
1. Are there written procedures for the receipt, identification, storage, handling, sampling, testing and approval of components (ingredients),packaging materials, and Labels?
2. Are components (ingredients), containers and closures withheld from production until released by Q.C.?
3. Do incoming fragrance oils have unique handling requirements, including inspection, testing, and release criteria.
4. Are components (ingredients) status labeled or held in a quarantine area until released for use?
5. Are packaging materials status labeled or held in a quarantine area until released for use?
6. Is there a representative sized sample taken?
7. Are the component (ingredient) containers cleaned before sampling?
8. Are the components (ingredients) sampled and resealed in a manner and in an area designed to prevent contamination?
9. Are component (ingredient) samples labeled with lot number, container, the date and the person who collected the sample?
10. Are the components (ingredients) tested by at least one identity test?
11. Are COA’s required for component (ingredient) approval?
12. Are COA's obtained for packaging components and labels?
13. Are representative samples of each lot of raw material pulled and tested/examined for physical, chemical and/or microbiological characteristics as specified?
14. Are bagged or boxed raw materials stored off the floor?
15. Is FIFO used for component (ingredient)s, containers and closures?
16. Is there a system to identify expired component (ingredient)s and quarantine them to prevent their use?
17. Is there a quarantine system for rejected component (ingredient)s and packaging materials designed to prevent their use?
18. Are fragrance oils reinspected prior to use to ensure oil still meets standard?
19. Are there written procedures for weighing, labeling (the intermediate container) and documenting the weighing of components (ingredients)?
20. Is the reproduction of the master production record, checked for accuracy, dated and signed?
21. Is the intermediate component (ingredient) container labeled with; name or code, control number, weight, and batch for which it is designated?
22. Is the component (ingredient) weighing examined by a second person for component release, for correct weight as in production record, and for correctly labeled container?
23. Is the weigh area a controlled environment to prevent contamination of open containers of components (ingredients)?
24. Are the intermediate containers constructed of appropriate materials to prevent contamination and to facilitate cleaning?
25. Are batch adjustments documented as part of the batch record?
26. Are there written procedures for calibration of weigh scales and other measurement instruments?
27. Is there an instrument list of all the measurement instruments that require calibration?
28. Is there documentation of periodic calibration of the measurement instruments showing that the instruments were calibrated on schedule to a preset tolerance and with a traceable reference standard?
29. Are there written procedures for the operation, cleaning, maintenance and sanitization of the ingredient water system?
30. Is the ingredient water system validated and follow USP (FDA) guidlines for Purified Water?
31. Is there a diagram of the water system showing all sample points and use points?
31. A. Is the ingredient water system free of deadlegs and constructed of material to prevent contamination
32. Is there an ongoing water quality monitoring program with alert and action limits?
33. Are there written production and process control procedures approved by the QC unit?
34. Are product production processes (manufacturing instructions / processes) validated by both the factory and R&D?
35. Are there written procedures for the cleaning and sanitation of equipment?
36. Is the cleaning/sanitization procedure validated?
37. Are there cleaning/sanitization records for the equipment?
38. Is the equipment cleaning/sanitization status labeled?
39. Is the equipment inspected for cleanliness before use and documented in the production record?
40. Is the equipment located to facilitate operations, cleaning and maintenance?
41. Is the equipment constructed of appropriate materials to prevent contamination and to facilitate cleaning?
42. Is the equipment designed to prevent contamination with lubricants and coolants?
43. Are all major equipment identified and documented in the batch production record?
44. Is the component (ingredient) addition verified by a second person?
45. Are key processing steps and parameters documented in the production records i.e.. mixing speed, mixing times and temperatures?
46. Are there written filling and packaging control procedures approved by the QC unit?
47. Are product filling processes (manufacturing instructions / fill and assembly) validated by both factory and R&D?
48. Is line clearance between batches documented?
49. Are there written procedures for the cleaning and sanitization of filling equipment?
50. Are cleaning and sanitization methods validated to prevent chemical residue on equipment?
51. Are the cleaning and sanitization procedures for filling equipment validated?
52. Are there cleaning/sanitation records for the filling equipment?
53. Is the equipment inspected for cleanliness before use?
54. Is the equipment located to facilitate operations, cleaning and maintenance?
55. Is the equipment constructed of appropriate materials to prevent contamination and to facilitate cleaning?
56. Is the equipment designed to prevent contamination with lubricants and coolants?
57. Is the compressed air that comes into product contact or contact with primary containers or other product contact surfaces oil-free and micro filtered?
58. Are actual yield calculations determined at the end of filling and verified by a second person?
59. Are labels held in quarantine until issued to the production area?
60. Are labels and other proprietary components cleared, stored, and/or destructed post production?
61. Is finished product examined during finishing to assure correct labeling?
62. Are production samples retained for at least three years from manufacture?
63. Are finished product standards refreshed every 6 months?
64. Are finished product standards stored in an environmentally controlled area to prevent product contamination and degradation?
65. Are there written warehousing procedures describing quarantine of manufactured products (bulk or finished goods) until approved by QC?
66. Is rejected finished products status labeled or held in a quarantine area?
67. Are there written procedures for disposal of rejected finished product in a manner that assures it is not used?
68. Is there a SOP that describes the requirements for product release, specification compliance, samples and documents?
69. Is there a SOP or system to limit the storage of manufactured bulk for a validated period of time?
70. If stored for a period of time, is bulk retested for micro prior to use?
71. Are there adequate controls to prevent the loss of finished goods and/or componentry from the facility?
72. Is facility access controlled and monitored after hours? Are the access records reviewed?
73. Are procedures in place for the proper notification and destruction of unacceptable/obsolete finished goods and/or package components?
74. Are products shipped in a controlled & secured manner to prevent tampering, contamination or loss during transit?
75. The outside of the building is maintained free of trash and debris that provide harborage.
76. The building size and construction facilitate cleaning maintenance and operations.
77. There is adequate space to prevent mix-ups of component (ingredient)s, labels, materials, and to prevent contamination.
78. Doors and windows are kept closed.
79. Operations are performed within specifically defined areas to prevent contamination or mix-ups.
80. Is there adequate lighting?
81. Is there adequate filtered ventilation to production operations where product is exposed?
82. There are adequate drains for equipment and to prevent standing water.
83. The building is free of signs of infestation.
84. There are written procedures for pest control including a drawing or floor plan showing the placement of control devices.
85. Is the building maintained in a good state of repair?
Record & Documentation Review
86. Is the QC unit review of the records documented?
87. Does the review result in a shipping release document?
88. Was all testing completed before the shipping release was signed?
89. Is the Formula change control documented?
90. For first production has the contract manufacturer established an internal procedure to identify the First Production batches. Give written notification at least 48 hours before start-up. Assure that before start-up there is an approved formula, approved standard, approved specification, fill and assembly specification and packaging specification?
91. Are all batch related instructions and forms combined into a comprehensive batch packet? Are records retrievable within 24 hours?
92. Are batch records for retained for at least 4 years and/or the time period required by local regulations?
93. Has the facility been registered with local governing agencies as a cosmetic, chemical, or similar manufacturing facility and has received approval to manufacture legally within the guidelines as specified by the registration?
94. Has the facility been certified, under local governing agencies and/or to a international standard for the manufacturing of cosmetic, chemical or similar products? (Ex. IS0 9001, ISO 22716, USFDA, Korean FDA, China FDA, etc.)
95. When was the last local FDA inspection? Have any major non-compliances and/or fines been issued in the past 10 years? (Ex. FDA-483)
96. Are batch production records retained for one year past expiration date?
97. Are there written procedures for an annual review of written records; batch production records, complaints, recalls and investigations?
98. Is there a record of the most recent required review for Mast products? Or an example of a review from a similar customer?
99. Are their established requirements and/or certifications required for all subcontractors and suppliers?
100. Does the facility have a Quality Manual? Is the manual updated and audited through change control?
101. Does the QC unit have written procedures to approve or reject all component (ingredient)s, containers, closures, in-process materials, packaging material, labeling, and finished products?
102. Are adequate laboratory facilities available to the QC unit for testing and approval or rejection of all component (ingredient)s, in-process materials, packaging material, labeling, and finished product?
103. Does the QC unit approve all procedures and specifications impacting the identity, strength, quality, and purity of the product.
104. Does the QC Unit review production records prior to release or shipping the product?
105. Is there history of internal and/or external quality holds, withdrawals or recalls?
106. Is batch data trended to ensure processes are in control?
107. Is there an appropriate CAPA system in place to identify and resolve quality based issues?
108. Are finished goods inspected properly by QC prior to release for shipping?
109. Does the vendor audit their raw material suppliers?
110. Is there a record of training in GMP and in the particular operations each employee performs?1
111. Is the training conducted by a qualified individual and is a retraining cadence specified?
112. Do the personnel use protective apparel such as head, face and arm coverings properly to prevent product contamination?
113. If applicable, are OTC products formulated to provide not less than 100% of the labeled amount of active ingredient?
114. Was preservative challenge testing completed on the product formulation prior to first production?
115. Was RIPT testing completed before first production? (Human Repeat Insult Patch Test)
116. Is there a written stability program? Does this stability program meet Mast stability testing protocols?
117. Is there documentation of the setting of the tentative expiration date?
118. Is the DOT hazardous material labeling assessment documented?
119. Are there actual shelf life studies underway to support the tentative expiration date?
121. Is there preservative challenge testing on aged samples to show the preservative effectiveness at expiration?
120. If applicable, is there a test method validation for the active ingredient assay?
Auditor's Name & Signature: