
  • Site Name

  • Document No.

  • Brief overview of ongoing works

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Project / Site Name

  • Supervisor / Foreman at time of this inspection

  • Current activities being undertaken on site (select all that apply)

  • Describe activities being undertaken on site

Welfare Arrangements

  • Are we PSCS on this project?

  • Do all operatives have access to toilets? Separate for Male and Female

  • Do all operatives have access to suitable dry rooms/canteen areas?

  • Are there means of heating/cooling food available?

  • Is there access to drinking water?

  • Are the sufficient facilities available for the number of operatives on site?

  • Are toilets/dry rooms/ canteens cleaned on a regular basis?

  • Is there a means of heating/cooling food?

  • Is there access to drinking water?

Site Safety Inspection

First Aid Facilities

  • Are we the PSCS for this project?

  • Are first aid stations and contents clean and orderly?

  • No first aid contents past their expiry date?

  • First aid stations clearly labelled?

  • Is there easy access to first aid stations?

  • Employees aware of location of first aid stations?

  • Are first aid officers known to workers and accessible? Is sufficient signage displayed?

  • Are emergency numbers displayed?

  • Has the client/PSCS nominated a suitably qualified First Aider? Has this been made aware to Master employees?

  • Is there a suitably qualified First Aider present from Mastertech on the project?

  • Signage present to identify First Aider? Contact details and emergency numbers displayed?

Fire Prevention & Emergency

  • Are we the PSCS for this project?

  • Evacuation plan displayed and understood by all employees?

  • Exit doors easily opened from inside?

  • Exits clear of obstructions?

  • Emergency exit lighting operable?

  • Adequate direction notices for fire exits?

  • Extinguishers in place, clearly marked for type of fire?

  • Extinguishers recently serviced? (check punch mark on tabs)

  • Extinguishers clear of obstructions?

  • Has the emergency evacuation plan been made aware to all Mastertech employees?

  • Do operatives have access to serviced Fire Extinguishers i.e., for welding or hot works?

Site Security

  • Are we PSCS for this project?

  • Are site entry and exit points clearly designated?

  • Is clear signage requiring visitors to check in posted?

  • Is the site perimeter fenced off appropriately with required public signage posted?

  • Are all entries and exits closed and locked at night and during weekends?

  • Is the site entrance/exit points clearly designated and easily identifiable?

  • Is required site signage on display?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Is Personal Protective Equipment to be inspected in this audit?

  • Is head protection worn correctly and where required?

  • Is eye protection worn where required?

  • Are the correct forms of eye protection worn for tasks being completed? i.e., full face masks for grinding

  • Is hearing protection worn in designated areas?

  • Are the correct forms of hand protection worn for manual tasks

  • Is respiratory protection worn where dust, mist or fumes are present?

  • Is footwear in good condition and of correct type?<br>

  • Are high-vis vests or clothing worn at all times outside the office?

  • Are safety harnesses appropriately worn at height?<br>

  • Is additional PPE used where required?

  • Are staff aware of correct PPE for tasks they are trained to perform?


  • Is site housekeeping to be inspected in this audit?

Work Areas

  • Work areas to be inspected in this audit?

  • Work areas and benches are clear of rubbish and debris?

  • Are tools not in use put away?

  • There are no damaged hand or power tools in use?

  • Work height correct for the type of work and the employee?

  • Work benches have no sharp edges?

  • Workers are communicating clearly at acceptable volume (no shouting)?

  • Noise produced by work activities is within acceptable parameters and is not excessive?

Storage Design and Use

  • Site storage to be inspected in this audit?

  • Do Mastertech operatives have access to a lay-down area? Is it organized and free of clutter?

  • Are materials stored in racks and bins wherever possible?

  • Storage designed to minimise lifting problems?

  • Are floors around racking clear of rubbish?

  • Are racks and pallets in good condition generally?

Waste & Rubbish

  • Waste and rubbish to be inspected in this audit?

  • Are bins/dumpsters located at suitable points around site?

  • Is site generally orderly, with rubbish or waste materials disposed of correctly?

  • Are bins/dumpsters emptied regularly?

  • Are oily rags and combustible refuse disposed of in covered metal containers?

  • Is the loading / delivery area clean and tidy?

Slip, Trip and Fall Safety

  • Slip, Trip and fall safety to be inspected in this audit?

  • Are floor surfaces free from clutter and obstructions?

  • Are entry and walkways kept clear?

  • Are walkways adequately and clearly marked?

  • Are stairs and risers kept clear?

  • Are floor surfaces free of liquid spills?

  • Are railings in good condition?

  • Are footpaths in good condition?

  • Are fall preventive measures in place and used where gaps occur in railings?

  • Are appropriate measures in place to prevent falls? ie. barriers (preferred) or harnesses?


  • Scaffolds to be inspected in this audit?

  • Are scaffolds constructed and erected only by qualified and trained personnel?

  • Are scaffolds accessible and clear of unstable objects and trip hazards?

  • Is scaffold adequately secured to building (or appropriately secured with alternative method)?

  • Are guard rails installed on all scaffolds above 10 feet?

  • Are scaffold footings stable, secure and free of unstable propping objects (barrels, boxes, loose brick or concrete blocks etc)?

  • Are scaffold footings and anchorages designed to support the maximum intended load without settling or displacement?

  • Are scaffolds generally safe and orderly?

  • Are scaffolds being regularly inspected?

Hazardous Manual Handling Tasks

  • Hazardous Manual Handling Tasks to be inspected in this audit?

  • Have Hazardous Manual Handling Tasks on site been identified?

  • Are there mechanical lifting aids available?

  • Are suitable controls in place for high force / awkward postures?

  • Are suitable controls in place for repetitive tasks?

  • Are relevant workers trained in these controls?

  • Has this training been documented?

Hand and Power Tools

  • Hand and power tools to be inspected in this audit?

  • Are all tool guards in place and operable?

  • Are power cords in good condition?

  • Are all tools double insulated or have a ground plug?

  • Are all power tools in good condition?

  • Are defective pieces of equipment and tools red tagged and removed from service?

  • Are tools stored correctly and in the right place when not in use?

  • Are employees using the proper tool for the task they are performing?

  • Are hand tools manufactured to standard?

  • Are employees using two hand on tools that are designed to do so?

  • Are all calibration certificates available for relevant instruments?

  • Are all applicable pieces of plant/equipment PAT Tested?

General Machinery, Plants and Equipment

  • General Machinery, Plants and Equipment to be inspected in this audit?

  • If required, are relevant pre-start inspections being completed on machinery, equipment and plants?

  • Are machines kept clean?

  • Are the floors around the machines kept clean?

  • Are guards in good condition?

  • If required, are emergency stops fitted on machinery, equipment and plant?

  • Is machine waste, off cuts, dust etc. removed and stored safely?

  • Are drip pans on floor to prevent spillage? (where appropriate)

  • Noise levels controlled?

  • Is no bending or stooping required to use machines?

  • Is there sufficient room to use all machines safely?

  • Are machine, equipment and plant operators trained/inducted to be competent in safe and correct operation?

  • Is this training recorded?

  • Do operators comply with the training?

  • Are weekly GA3s being kept for all relevant plant and equipment?

  • Are GA1s available for relevant plant/machinery?


  • Ladders to be inspected in this audit?

  • Are ladders erected on firm, stable, level ground?

  • Are ladders in good condition?

  • If used for electrical work are ladders non conductive? (wood or fibre glass.)

  • Are ladders being used according to instructions?

  • For extension ladders: are ropes, pulleys and treads in a good state of repair?

  • Are all ladders tagged and in date?

  • Are weekly GA3s being completed and recorded?

Electrical Safety

  • Electrical safety to be inspected this audit?

  • Are safety switches installed?

  • Are safety switches tested every 6 months and tests recorded?

  • There are no outlets that are overloaded / No double adapters in use?

  • Has portable equipment been tested and tagged?

  • There are no broken plugs, sockets or switches?

  • There are no power leads across walkways?

  • No frayed or damaged leads?

  • Are portable power tools in good condition?

  • Where required are emergency shut-down procedures in place?

  • Are weekly GA3s being completed and recorded?

Chemical Safety

  • Chemical safety to be inspected this audit?

  • Is a Hazardous Substance Register complete and available?

  • Have risk assessments been completed for hazardous substances?

  • Are Material Safety Data Sheets available for all chemicals?

  • Are all containers labelled correctly?

  • Are unused substances disposed of?

  • If applicable are special storage conditions followed?

  • Is adequate ventilation provided?

  • Are eye washes and showers available and easily accessible?

  • Are spill kits or other clean up arrangements available?

Confined Spaces

  • Confined spaces safety to be inspected this audit?

  • Do all applicable confined space works have adequate permits granted and documented?

  • Is a confined space emergency plan in place?

  • Are confined spaces being continually monitored?

  • Are all workers undertaking confined space works trained in confined space entry and activities?

Incident, Injury & Accident Procedures

  • Incident, Injury & Accident Procedures to be inspected this audit?

  • Are Incident, Accident, Near Miss and Injury procedures in place?

  • Are adequate reporting forms for for these events in place?

  • Are all incidents investigated?

  • Are Corrective Actions then implemented?


  • Are we PSCS on this project?

  • Is the Construction Phase Plan complete and in place?

  • Is there a copy of the company Safety/Quality Policies available in the Site Safety File?

  • Is the EHS plan complete and in place?

  • Has the AF2 been submitted to the HSA? Is there a copy posted at the site entrance?

  • Are RAMS generated for all tasks?

  • Have operatives been inducted and records kept in the SSF?

  • Are all operatives completing and signing onto daily/weekly SPA's?

  • Are all GA3's being completed and returned?

  • Are we using subcontractors on this project?

  • Have they supplied a company Safety Statement and valid Insurance?

  • Have they provided relevant training certs for all operatives on-site?

  • Have we supplied RAMS to the PSCS for our works?

  • Is there a Mastertech Safety File available on site?

  • Are operatives filling out daily SPA's/Pre-task plans?

  • Have all operatives read, understood and signed onto the RAMS?

  • Are we using subcontractors on this project?

  • Are they on the approved subcontractor list?

  • Have they provided a copy of an in-date Safety Statement and valid Insurance?

  • Have they provided all relevant training certs for operatives on-site?

  • Have they been inducted? Are records in the Site Safety File?

General Comments

  • Any further comments or recommendations arising from this inspection?

  • Add any additional relevant photos

  • Have all required corrective actions been added as Actions to this inspection?

  • Please add any corrective actions to the appropriate questions above before completing this report

Sign Off

  • Name & Signature of Inspector

  • Name & Signature of Site Supervisor / Foreman

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.