Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Housekeeping
Project work area clean and free of excess trash and debris.
Walkways and passageways clean?.
Material and equipment properly strop
Electrical cords, hoses, welding leads, etc... Protected to prevent trip hazards
Scrap material free of protruding nail or other puncture hazards
Trash receptacles are provided for work areas
2. Personal Protective Equipment
2.1. Hard hats worn and maintained as required and MBJ3 stickers on them
2.2. Are AOA, SIDA and ROCIP badges visible
2.3. Hearing protection worn as required
2.4. Eye protection safety classes worn in proper manner? Z87 type/or over tops
2.5. Proper foot and boots for job performed?
2.6. Face shield or goggles worn as required?
2.7. Safety Vest worn and in good conduction?
2.7. Dusk mask or respirators worn in proper manner?
3. Scaffolds and Ladders
3.1. Unlicensed persons erecting scaffold?
3.2. Unsafe or incomplete scaffold or ladder side information stickers not readable?
3.3. Inspection tagged correctly with proper date protocol for scaffold?
3.4. Incompatible scaffold components? Unlabelled or do not meet all requirement?
3.5. Proper ladder for job performed, properly secured, angle and exceed that landing 3 ft. In used.
4. All Site Lifting and Material Type Equipment
4.3. Lack of maintenance, testing and inspection forms/sheets.
4.4. Lack of company, contractor, owner information with contact phone number displayed on equipment.
4.5. Lack of daily inspection protocol?
4.6. Unsafe or damaged lifting equipment, including ropes, slings, chains, hooks?
4.7. Equipment used properly with back-up horn or alarm and brakes.
4.8. Unlicensed or certifications as required for operators?
4.9. Seat belts provided and used.
5. Fall Protection
5.1. Unsafe or damaged harness or equipment?
5.2. Incompatible hooks lanyard /shock absorbing, are adequately secured to suitable anchorage.
5.3. Body harness required and worn in proper manner
5.4. Unsafe or uncertified anchor points, 100% tie off policy being used?
5.5. Lack of inspection protocol for equipment?
5.6. Lack of or inadequate formal training for operators?
6. Excavations
6.1 Sloped or shored properly or certified trench box used.
6.2. Access and egress provided every 25-ft properly secured or anchored.
6.3. Ladder not properly secured?
6.4. Ladder unsuitable for job? (e.g. metal ladder used for electrical work)
7. Fire Protection
7.1. Flammable stored properly?
7.2. Containers labeled properly with content?
7.3. Fire Extinguishers properly located and inspection?
7.4. Flash arresters install in fuel cans?
8. Tools - Hand and Power
8.1. Tools free of any obvious physical damage?
8.2. Tools inspected for frayed or damaged cords?
8.3. Tools and cords properly grounded?
8.4. Double insulated tools marked in use and in good condition
8.5. All handles on tools are installed and in good condition?
8.6. All hoses on air or hydraulic tools and equipment in good condition?
8.7. All shields and guards in place on the tools and in good working condition?
8.8. Insufficient, or incorrect, PPE when using power toils?
8.9. Power-Actuated tools being operated by certified, qualified person and stored properly.
9. Emergency Response
9.1. Lack of, or no emergency plans for work area?
9.2. Emergency procedures not displayed at site?
9.3. Lack of training and rehearsal of emergency plans?
9.4. Lack of, or inadequate first aid kits aid equipment for site?
9.5. Insufficient access to formally trained First Aiders for all shifts?
10. Traffic Management
10.1. Lack of, or inadequate, Traffic Management Plan (TMP) in place?
10.2. Lack of training in TMP for all persons on site? <br>(contractors and visitors)
10.3. Inadequate controls for TMP? (physical barriers, bollards, speed limits, flashing lights, spotters, etc)
11.2. Equipment inspection done and checked?
11.2. Equipment inspection done and checked?
11.1. JHA completed before work and signed by all employees with ROCIP ID#
11 All Daily, Weekly Monthly Forms/Sheets
11.1. JHA completed before work started and signed by all employees with full ROCIP #
11.2. Weekly Work Site Safety Inspection.
11.3. Sub-contractors monthly safety sheet turn in before the 5th of each month.
11.4. Tool List (Personnel and Job Box) with (sheets inside of box)
11.5. Equipment inspection done before use and checked? (A Tag on equipment with contractor name and contact phone)
11.3. Weekly Tool Box Safety Talk (Signed by all employees)
12. Work Environment
12.1. Lack of/or inadequate amenities? (toilets, wash areas, lunch rooms, etc)
12.2. Insufficient lighting?
12.3. Inadequate housekeeping?
12.4. Lack of, or inadequate noise/ vibration control?
13. Electrical Hazards
13.1. Unsafe electrical leads? (damaged or untested)
13.2. On/Off switch working properly?
13.3. Extension cord protected?
13.4. GFCI working properly?
13.5. Fire Extinguisher located with equipment.
13.6. Leads placed on ground or on metal structures?
13.7. Electrical equipment near water?
13.8. Electrical equipment near flammables?
13.9. Electrical equipment near chemicals that could cause damage?
13.10. Electrical leads that may be damaged from contact with moving machinery parts?
13.11. Is the area properly ventilated?
13.12. Lock-out/tag-out (LOTO) procedures devices available and properly tagged?
14. Welding and cutting
14.1. Are non-combustible enclosures (screens/shield) exhaust system provided and used when welding?
14.2. Welding goggles, gloves and proper clothing being used by welder?
14.3. Is inspection for fire hazards after welding stops? (Fire Watch)
14.4. Are flashback arrestor, gas cylinder, hoses, regulators, torches tips, welding carts in good condition?
15. Work Area Procedures
15.1. Lack of/or inadequate Fire exit?
15.2. Failure to obtain permits ( Hot Works, Confined Space etc)
15.3. Lack of, or inadequate, induction for workers, contractors, visitors?
15.4. Lack or, or inadequate, supervisory arrangements?
15.5. Lack of/or inadequate training, licenses, skills, experience?
15.6. Lack of/or inadequate (Work Safe) for high risk work?
15.8. Lack of/or inadequate incident notification procedures?
15.9. Lack of, or inadequate, routine inspections, monitoring, audits?
Corrective Actions
Enter any corrective actions that will be undertaken
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