
  • Audit Title

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Petrol filling station

  • Products checked in the sandwich cabinet are within there date code

  • Is the S&L being completed correctly & do the records for today match your findings during the audit?

Counters - General

  • Are the counters managers daily checks being completed correctly and do the records for today match your findings during the audit?

  • When staff move between raw and cooked food counters, do they change aprons, white coats and wash there hands?

  • Is the S&L being completed correctly & do the records for today match your findings during the audit?

  • Are there working electric fly killing units located in the counters area and no evidence of flying insects?

  • Are the counter areas free from pest and signs of pest damage?


  • In relation to staff observed handling raw product, when they return to the counter after a break, blow their nose, touch their hair, or dispose of refuse using their hands, do they wash their hands using soap in a designated wash hand basin.

  • Do the staff use non-touch techniques when handling ready to eat products?

  • Are the right colour utensils, equipment and cutting boards available and staff are aware of the correct colour to use?

  • Do all products have Point of sale tickets and correct date codes marked on the back using a chinagraph pen?

  • Are blue cloths available to clean READY TO EAT preparation and work surfaces?

  • Is any defective equipment within the dept taken out of use, reported to the IST/Tesco Maintenance and are defects recorded in the S&L?

  • Are all stored products within date code?

  • Are bacon and sausage products segregated from ready to eat products if displayed on the Deli counter and are no other raw meat products being displayed on the deli counter?

Hot Deli

  • In relation to staff observed handling raw product, when they return to the counter after a break, blow their nose, touch their hair, or dispose of refuse using their hands, do they wash their hands using soap in a designated wash hand basin.

  • Is raw food kept apart from ready to eat at all times during storage and handling?

  • Do the staff use non-touch techniques when handling ready to eat products?

  • Are the right colour utensils, equipment and cutting boards available and staff are aware of the correct colour to use?

  • Does the store have a working, calibrated comark probe thermometer and sanitising wipes available?

  • Are hot deli end of cooking product temps checked using the correct method and recorded in the A4 hot deli temp record book for each cook?

  • Are hot deli holding times being complied with?

  • Are hot snacking end of cooking product temps checked using the correct method and recorded in the A4 hot snacking temp record book for each cook?

  • Are Hot snacking holding times being complied with?

  • Are Hot snacking holding temps checked, following the correct procedure, and recorded in the hot deli temp record book every hour?

  • Check the temp of 3 Hot Deli and 3 Hot Snacking items. Are they the correct temps?

  • Are BLUE cloths available to clean READY TO EAT preparation and work surfaces?

  • Are GREEN cloths available to clean RAW preparation surfaces and equipment?


  • In relation to staff observed handling raw product, when they return to the counter after a break, blow their nose, touch their hair, or dispose of refuse using their hands, do they wash their hands using soap in a designated wash hand basin.

  • Are GREEN cloths available to clean RAW preparation surfaces and equipment?

  • Are the right colour utensils, equipment and cutting boards available and staff are aware of the correct colour to use?

  • Do all products have Point of sale tickets and correct date codes marked on the back using a chinagraph pen?

  • Are all stored products within date code?


  • In relation to staff observed handling raw product, when they return to the counter after a break, blow their nose, touch their hair, or dispose of refuse using their hands, do they wash their hands using soap in a designated wash hand basin.

  • Is raw food kept apart from ready to eat at all times during storage and handling?

  • Do the staff use non-touch techniques when handling ready to eat products?

  • Are the right colour utensils, equipment and cutting boards available and staff are aware of the correct colour to use?

  • Do all products have Point of sale tickets and correct date codes marked on the back using a chinagraph pen?

  • Are GREEN cloths available to clean RAW preparation surfaces and equipment?

  • Are tuna steaks no more than 2.5cm thick, displayed one layer on finoplas, and is whole fresh mackerel displayed no more than 1 fish high?

  • Are trays for RAW and READY TO EAT embedded in ice upto the rim of the tray?

  • Are all stored products within date code?


  • Have staff handling unwrapped bakery products, washed their hands after returning to the bakery after a break, blow their nose, touch their hair, or disposing of refuse using their hands?

  • Are preparation/production areas free from the risk of foreign body chemical contamination?

  • Are dough dividers in a clean condition & free from source of product contamination?

  • Do staff have & use the correct Ecolab chemicals & is the correct PPE used?

  • Are all electrical intake panels & control boxes free from damage and kept locked?

  • Are all brown proving baskets & yellow storage baskets visually clean?

  • Do bakery staff know & follow the correct process for emptying oil from the doughnut fryer?

  • Is there a nut warning SEL displayed on each fixture where the ISB products are displayed?

  • Is the S & L record book being completed correctly and do the records for today match your findings during the audit?

  • Are all safety interlocks working effectively on bakery machinery such as dough dividers, rolls plant & mixers, with no evidence of safety locks being overridden?

  • Is all equipment used in the bakery that is fitted with a red emergency stop button working effectively?

  • Are the bakery production & storage areas free from pests & signs of pest damage?

  • Are there working electric fly killing unit located within the bakery production area with no evidence of flying insects?

  • Does the store have a working, calibrated Comark probe thermometer & sanitising wipes available?

  • Are the bakery hot snacking products, end of cooking temps taken using the correct method?

  • Are hot snacking holding times being complied with?

  • Are the hot snacking hot holding temperatures checked, following the correct procedure, & recorded in the Hot Snacking/deli Temperature Record Book every hour?

Customer cafe

  • Are the rules being followed with regard to cross contamination?

  • Are all the products checked within there date code?

  • Does the restaurant have a working, calibrated Comark thermometer and sanitising wipes available?

Tesco Staff Restaurant

  • Does the restaurant have a working, calibrated Comark probe thermometer & sanitising wipes available?

  • For each cook are the correct temperatures achieved & any corrective actions recorded in the oven temp book?

  • Are holding temps checked, following the correct procedure & recorded in the Servery temperature book every hour. Where products are below 65c degrees is the correct process followed?

  • Is the S & L record book being completed correctly and do the records for today match your findings during the audit?

  • Are the rules being followed with regard to cross contamination

  • Are all products checked within there date code?

Carpark, Store Entrance & Checkouts

  • Products checked in the sandwich/snack cabinet are within their date code?


  • Are all pre-packed bagged salad products within their date code?

  • Do all staff move roll cages in a safe manner, moving only one at a time & pulling not pushing?

  • Is the S & L record book being completed correctly and do the records for today match your findings during the audit?

Provisions/Meat & Dairy

  • Do all staff move roll cages in a safe manner, moving only one at a time & pulling not pushing?

  • Are all smoothie & chilled fruit juice products within their date code?

  • Are the chilled ready meal products within their date code?

  • Are the fresh cream cake products within their date code?

  • Are all raw poultry products within their date code?

  • Are the continental cheese products within their date code?

  • Are all products in the reduction cabinet within their date code?

  • Is the dairy date code diary available and in use?

  • Is the dairy (Longer life fresh) Rotation planner in the S&L folder up to date?

  • Is the S & L record book being completed correctly and do the records for today match your findings during the audit?

Grocery & Frozen

  • Do all staff move roll cages in a safe manner, moving only one at a time & pulling not pushing?

  • Is the S & L record book being completed correctly and do the records for today match your findings during the audit?

Non Food

  • Do all staff move roll cages in a safe manner, moving only one at a time & pulling not pushing?


  • Is all the warehouse stock stored safely with no evidence of goods being unstable, stacked too high of leaning over the edge of shelving?

  • Do all staff move roll cages in a safe manner, moving only one at a time & pulling not pushing?

  • Is the S & L record book being completed correctly and do the records for today match your findings during the audit?

External area & Back Yard

  • Is there a clearly visible copy of the Delivery Risk Assesment site plan displayed in the store?

  • Does the Delivery Risk assessment with the site plan reflect the layout of the delivery area?

  • When observing a delivery taking place, do the staff follow the process on the delivery risk assessment?

  • Is the back yard free from pedestrians when delivery vehicles are manoevring in the yard?

  • Is the delivery temp record book being completed to record the temps of chilled & frozen deliveries?

  • Is the animal by products transfer book(RP2K186) available? Are bottom copies retained in the pad?

  • Are only items stored in the marquee/cage marshalling area tins, bottles, jars, or non-foods (Except paper products)

  • Are hi-visibility jackets or vests worn by all persons entering the yard area at all times?

Fire Safety

  • Are fire doors in corridors unobstructed?

  • Are fire doors in corridors & between the shopfloor & warehouse tied open with cage straps or wedged open at base?

  • Are fire exits unobstructed & capable of being opened?

  • Are all external walkways & stairways to the assembly point unobstructed?

  • Are all corridors leading to fire exits free from obstruction unless a storage location is indicated by yellow or white markings on the warehouse floor?

  • Are all staircases & stairwells free of all obstructions and storage ladders free from any items below them?

  • Does the store comply with all critical, operational fire safety measures?


  • Check the Pest control. Are the next step recorded & actioned for recommendations made in the Customer Action Logs?

  • Is the store manager quarterly S & L record book being completed correctly?

  • Has the store manager & store director signed the store manager quarterly S & L book?

  • Is the Duty Manager S & L book being completed correctly, do the records match your findings during the audit?

  • Is the Compliance Manager Quarterly S & L book being completed Correctly?

Dot com

  • Is the S & L record book being completed correctly and do the records for today match your findings during the audit?

Added questions from week 2

  • Have the Catering staff received Fire Warden Training?

  • Have the Fire wardens received Evacuation Carry Chair Training (where store provided with an evacuation chair?

  • Is there a working anti-static vacuum cleaner available in the preparation/production area?

  • Is there a cleaning equipment "shadow board" mounted on the wall within the bakery area?

  • Is bagged bakery waste which is awaiting return to the RSU is being kept inside the store?

  • Ask the Duty Manager to log on to 'Pestnetonline' and show you that recommendations are being actioned (CRITICAL)

  • Is the A4 poster "Helping you to dispose of electrical equipment safely & responsibly" displayed behind the Customer Services Desk visible to customers?

Compliance manager

  • Have you completed the weekly re-audit?

  • Which audit was this for?

  • Have you reviewed Next Steps?

  • Have you discussed with the management team?

  • At what frequency are the checks carried out?

  • How do you keep on the stores agenda?

  • What issues have been raised?

  • How are the next steps being worked?

  • Are clear account abilities being set?

  • How is non compliance being managed?

  • Is the store manager aware of any failures to improvements?

  • Has any manager/member of staff been disciplined due to non compliance?

  • Has anyone been re-trained?

Issues found today

  • Add signature

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