
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Audit Information

  • Transmission Services Gas

    UK MDG Transmission Services Gas

    Project Health and Safety Inspection Checklist

  • To be completed by Project Supervisor or Nominated person weekly from the start of construction work on site. Completed forms are to be kept readily available (preferably on site) for the duration of construction works, after which time shall form part of the CDM Health & Safety file.

  • Contract No:

  • Project Title:

  • Week No.

  • Date

Current Status

  • Any H&S actions identified shall be entered onto Audit/Inspection Action Log and brought to the urgent attention of the appropriate personnel as soon as possible. Contractor/Project Manager to be notified of actions required/taken.

  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • What is the current status of the project?<br>Have any DECC agreed Advanced works been undertaken, pollarding of hedgerows, right of way fencing, site compound and pipe dump establishment.

  • Has a site compound been established?

  • Have pipe dumps been established?

  • Is the ES (or Environmental Review), Appropriate Assessment available and have the sensitive areas of the pipeline route been identified? What are the mitigation measures proposed?<br>Assess and report on the programme for the implementation of the measures.<br>

  • Has a line walk being recorded and environmental components noted?<br>

  • If applicable what is the status of the project with respect to DECC/Scottish Executive approval? Are other applications in place for Yards, AGI’s etc?


  • The following documents should be readily available for reference and should be held in the site office

  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • Is there an Environmental Notice board for the project?

  • Are the National Grid Environmental Policy Statement, Environmental Guide No 1, Management of Fixed Sites (NGUK/PR/SHE/77), relevant Construction/Environmental Guidance Notes, Directives and Procedures?

  • Have appendices from the Environmental Requirements in the Works Information been prepared and provided to the Main Works Contractor?

  • What is the status of the Main Works Contractor's Project Environmental Management Plan? Does it comply with the contract Environmental Requirements?

  • Has the Main Works Contractor an Environmental Representative (record name)?

  • Does the MWC have a competent person who will undertake inspections and audits? How are they deemed competent?

  • Has an Environmental Aspects Register been established for the project?

  • Do the project Risk Assessments and Method Statements consider significant environmental aspects/impacts which have been identified in the PEMP/ Aspects Register?

  • Has a Risk Assessment been carried out covering site compound location and set up (e.g. setting, weather and disease)?

  • Has the Main Works Contractor and NG set environmental objectives and targets for the project?

  • Have issues about Sustainability been considered in construction?

  • Have interfaces, communications, roles and responsibilities been defined in the PEMPs?

  • Has the Main Works Contractor issued an environmental audit plan or programme?

  • Have NG staff issues a SHE Inspection Plan in line with the requirements of NGUK/Con/BP136G?

  • Has a log of Communication with Regulatory Authorities been established?

  • Is there a procedure available for assessing and monitoring the environmental performance of subcontractors?

  • Are current drainage plans for the site compound available?

  • Does site have knowledge of drainage system? Where is the discharge point, are consents in place? Are drains colour coded for identification?

  • Has a method for isolating site compound land drainage been provided?

  • What is the foul water system at the site? Are consents in place?

  • Are current interceptor drawings available where applicable?

  • Does the MWC Supervisors SHE Folder include adequate environmental issues?

  • Has the Project Board Environmental Triangle being established?


  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • Is there any evidence that sustainability issues have been taken in to account during procurement of materials?

  • Are materials for the project procured from a sustainable source?

Environmental Incidents

  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • Have Emergency Procedures been issued by National Grid and/or the Main Works Contractor to deal with environmental incidents?

  • Are MWC Emergency procedures relevant, available, and are staff aware of them?

  • What incident reporting mechanism is currently in place?

  • What training will be given in the use of Pollution Control Equipment? Are people EUS/ECITB trained?

  • What is the plan for Site Induction Environmental Training, Awareness Training, Pollution Control and Toolbox Talks?

  • Does the induction include adequate site specific environmental information?

  • NB refer to environmental induction template on the UKC Gas Tx Sharepoint site

Pollution Control

  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • Is there an emergency crew available (record names and contact details)?

  • What is the communication equipment available for people such as emergency crews, refuellers etc?

  • Are documented and approved procedures available for refuelling etc?

  • What training will be given for refuelling?

  • Is diesel/oil storage fully compliant with the Control of Pollution Oil Storage Regulations 2001?

  • Are static / mobile storage tanks double skinned, is the outer skin intact, what measures prevent pollution from faulty connections?

  • Are diesel / oil tanks likely to be in sensitive areas or next to a receptor?

  • Has there been an assessment of the fuel bowsers at the site, in relation to vulnerability to impact or hose detachment which would result in the uncontrolled release of the contents?

  • Is there a traffic light sticker system in place to indicate the required use of drip trays under plant and equipment?

  • NB Ref Drip Tray Sticker System Guidance on UKC Gas Tx Sharepoint site, in the contract Env Req

  • What will be the procedure for emptying drip trays?

  • Is pollution control equipment held on site adequate to deal with the potential risks posed by construction activities?

  • Is pollution control equipment and materials easily accessible by relevant personnel (check spill kit contents)?

  • Is long term plant (> 6 weeks) located in interceptors, drip trays or bunded areas?

Waste Management

  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • What are the current waste management provisions at the site?

  • Has a site waste management plan been produced compliant with the 2008 Waste Management Regulations?

  • Have NG staff completed the Watch Your Waste training DVD?

  • Is waste segregated and stored in a manner preventing leakage or escape

  • NB General Waste skips shall be covered to prevent interference from weather/vermin

  • Are impermeable membranes used where skips and waste containers are positioned on soft ground or near to surface water drains?

  • Are registered copies of the following held on site:<br>(a) Construction Contractors' Waste Carrier Registration Certificates?<br>(b) Waste Disposal Contractors' Waste Carrier<br>Registration Certificates?<br>(c) Landfill Licences?<br>(d) Waste Management Licences?<br>(e) Transfer Licences<br>

  • Have the above been verified with the EA/SEPA?

  • Are wastes classified with the waste codes as outlined in the European Waste Catalogue (EWC) as defined in the Landfill Regulations 2002?

  • Are skips labeled with type of waste and EWC code?

  • Is there a facility for the storage and disposal of Hazardous Wastes?

  • Are Hazardous Wastes stored to prevent interference from 3rd parties, protected from the elements and kept away from drains or water courses?

  • NB secure area as a minimum, preference for lockable containers

  • Has a log of Hazardous Waste types been established and maintained?

  • Have Waste Management Exemptions been sought for activities such as fabrication, spread works, reuse of excavated materials?

  • If there is a redistribution of material along the spread, has this activity got an EA/SEPA exemption from a waste management perspective? Is this material monitored by the use of internal materials transfer notes?

  • Is fly tipping occurring or likely to be a problem?

  • Has a Materials Management Plan being produced? (especially important if project will have excess surplus materials)

  • Has the project any historical data on potentially contaminated land? If yes then has it being dealt with in accordance with SHE Procedure NGUK/PM/SHE/206?

Noise, Mud, Dust, Traffic, Odour, Light

  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • Have any necessary measures been taken to silence, site or shield plant to avoid noise affecting local residents?

  • Have construction noise limits been specified in the contract and/or required by/agreed with the Local Planning Authority (e.g. in a planning consent or Environmental Statement)?

  • Are hours of work as required by/agreed with the local authority (eg in a planning consent or Environmental Statement)? If not, have changes been notified to and agreed with the Local Planning Authority?

  • Where a nuisance may be caused, have those likely to be affected by activities been informed in advance? Has this been recorded on the Communications Log?

  • Are there any incentives, information on energy efficiency and how are they communicated to staff?

  • Are adequate measures being taken to deal with mud on roads?

  • Where appropriate are wheel washing facilities provided, where does the wash water go?

  • Are all drains and road gullies free from obstruction?

  • Is there a Traffic Management Plan?

  • Is there a record of any traffic complaints, local authority consultation, meetings with hauliers and briefed to the project?


  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • For all footpaths which are crossed by the pipeline, have they been delineated/protected/signed as required by the Local Authority Footpath Officer?

  • Have any necessary closure/diversion notices been applied for and received?

Trees and Hedges

  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • Are there any trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO)?

  • Has a hedgerow survey been carried out, have recommendations been implemented?

  • Have hedgerows been pollarded prior to bird nesting season?


  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • What consents are required from the EA/SEPA and/or Internal Drainage Boards for watercourse crossings/work within 8 metres of Main Rivers or within a floodplain?

  • Has pre-construction drainage been carried out to minimise the effects of construction activities?

  • Is any drainage exposed to pick up silty water run-off? Check outfalls

  • What measures are proposed for controlling silt run off through the pre con drainage?

  • What measures are proposed to control sediment run-off from the spread/construction site to watercourses?

  • For information CIRIA document ‘Control of Water Pollution from Linear Projects’ now available

  • What EA consent/approval or using the EA exemption will be required for: Disposing of water from trenches and excavations/Well pointing/Dewatering deep excavations/ High water tables?

  • What are watercourse bed and bank excavation methods and reinstatement details?

  • What type of permit to pump system proposed?

  • Have permissions for ground discharges been logged in accordance with EA/SEPA requirements?

  • Has a Water Management Plan been produced?

Protected Species Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (As amended) and Ecologicially sensitive areas

  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • Are there any licenses required (or consent conditions) to handle or disturb protected species or their habitat? (eg Badgers, Bats, Great Crested Newts, Dormice, Reptiles, Water Voles, White Clawed Crayfish, Birds (including special species)?

  • Are there any restrictions or requirements associated with working in or close to ecologically sensitive areas (eg European Sites, SSSI, RAMSAR, SPA, SAC, SINC)?

Archaeology (T/PM/SHE/56)

  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • What is the current status with the County Archaeologist?

  • Is the project compliant with any agreed written scheme of investigation and any additional requirements of the County Archaeologist (e.g. supervision of topsoil strip)?

  • Is the project adequately communicating progress to the County Archaeologist?


  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • Are all materials and substances held on site approved?

  • eg COSHH regulations.

  • Have COSHH assessments been carried out and are data sheets available for all materials and liquids?

  • Are all drums and other containers labelled with their contents, suitable for use and in good condition?

  • Are materials, liquids, solvents and gases stored in such a way to prevent damage, leakage or uncontrolled emissions?

  • Are storage areas on hard or soft ground, how are spills controlled?

  • Are spill kits available at pertinent locations are the contents periodically checked?


  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • Will work be scheduled and managed to avoid unnecessary venting or uncontrolled releases?

  • Has a record of venting events and release volumes been established and maintained?

Project Clean Up / Re-instatement

  • S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable

  • Does the ES/PEMP define requirements and legal obligations for clean-up and reinstatement of the site(s)?

  • Have timescales been defined for reinstatement and has the EA / SEPA been informed?


  • Auditor's Signature

  • Project Manager's Signature

  • Date

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