Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Audit Information
Transmission Services Gas
UK MDG Transmission Services Gas
Project Health and Safety Inspection Checklist -
To be completed by Project Supervisor or Nominated person weekly from the start of construction work on site. Completed forms are to be kept readily available (preferably on site) for the duration of construction works, after which time shall form part of the CDM Health & Safety file.
Contract No:
Project Title:
Week No.
Design Manager and CDM Compliance
Any H&S actions identified shall be entered onto Audit/Inspection Action Log and brought to the urgent attention of the appropriate personnel as soon as possible. Contractor/Project Manager to be notified of actions required/taken.
S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory, O = Observation, NA = Not Applicable
What is the design scope of the Designer being reviewed?
Who is managing / coordinating the design? (Transmission Services & Designer)
Has a project specific design management plan / execution statement been issued & accepted?
Does the design plan fully address the scope of design activities and provide a strategy for managing design including temporary works design?
Does the plan define all supporting design processes, procedures and specifications?
Is there a design organization chart / directory which identify all current design interfaces?
Have roles and responsibilities been defined for all designers and approvers? (approved signatories)
Has a Temporary Works Coordinator been appointed?
Is there a procedure for temporary works and has it been submitted to NG?
How is competence of individual Designer(s) assessed / verified including the Design Coordinator?
Have competency reviews been carried out and records maintained?
Is there evidence that a project register of approvers / appraisers has been established?
Do all the above personnel possess the appropriate technical competencies and experience?
Is there a fully detailed design programme? Are target dates being achieved?
Has a design deliverables register been established & maintained?
Has the CDM Risk Register been developed & maintained? How is this developed / managed?
Can you demonstrate that Client SHE information has been considered in the design e.g. Pre-Construction Information, SHE Alerts and Bulletins, Team Talks, Best Practice etc.
How do you ensure effective communication between all designers? (including internally across disciplines)<br>- Design plan communicated to all parties<br>- CDM risk register communicated to all parties<br>- Designer progress meeting
How are design data / information collated and reviewed for adequacy? e.g. surveys, bore holes, previous design info.
Has a scheme datasheet been issued for the project?
Has a TQ process been established & maintained?
Has a RFI process been established & maintained?
What is the approach to design hazard identification?
How are hazards and risks in operation, maintenance, cleaning and demolition identified and mitigated?
How are hazards and risks in construction considered and mitigated?
How are actions from Formal Process Safety Reviews (FPSA) documented and closed out?
How is Design Appraiser comments included within the design?
How is design output reviewed for accuracy and suitability prior to release?
Have NG Safety & Engineering validated key design data e.g. hazardous area drawings, SIL determination etc.
Have substances (COSHH) been considered in the design output to minimize construction / operation hazards.
What other designer monitoring activities are in place to ensure a compliant design?
What design review is undertaken on vendor O&M manuals and certification packages?
Has format / content of the design information for the H&S File been agreed? Has compilation of information commenced?
Auditor's Signature
Project Manager's Signature