
  • Document No.

  • Store Name:

  • Conducted on

  • Conducted by:

  • Location
  • Site Contact:

Cleaning - TSL Questions

Cleaning TSL Questions

  • Are fridge cleaning records completed for all relevant activities and reviewed by contractor management in line with the fridge cleaning rota?

  • Definition required:

    - Fridge cleaning records are being completed for all relevant activities and reviewed by contractor
    management in line with the fridge cleaning rota.

    - During 1 week only gaps are present in fridge cleaning records, where activities have not been signed
    off as completed or 1 fridge has not been cleaned/rescheduled within 2 weeks.

    - Not all fridges in the food section and cold rooms are listed on the rota/the rota is incorrect.
    - Gaps are present in fridge cleaning records where activities have not been signed off as completed on
    more than one week.
    - More than 1 fridge has not been cleaned /rescheduled within two weeks.

    - There is no rota in place to show that fridge cleaning is carried out to the correct frequency.
    - Fridge cleaning records for 3 or more weeks have not been reviewed/signed off by the contractor

  • Are the contractor cleaning standards for fridge cleaning and food hall areas as listed in Zone A and food storage areas of the cleaning specification acceptable?

  • Definition required:

    - The standards of fridge cleaning, cleaning of the food hall as listed in zone A and food storage areas of
    the cleaning specification are acceptable.

    - Contractor cleaning standards on non food contact surfaces require improvement i.e. ledges, floors and
    under till shelves/belts/scales.
    - During week 1 only gaps are present in food till cleaning records where activities have not been signed
    off as completed.

    - Contractor cleaning standards for fridge cleaning, food hall as listed in zone A and food storage areas of
    the cleaning specification require improvement i.e. dust, staining and soiling is present on a recently
    cleaned unit.
    - Stockroom floors have a build up of dust and debris.
    - Gaps are present for more than 1 week in food till cleaning records where activities have not been
    signed off as completed.

    - Cleaning: heavy soiling/debris is present on at least 2 fridges inspected suggesting units have not been
    cleaned as scheduled but signed as cleaned.
    - Heavy food build-up is present in food hall areas of zone A.

  • Are the correct cleaning materials, colour coding system and chemicals in use by the contractor in all areas of the store? Are they correctly labelled and held in cleaning contractor designated areas? Is the contractor cleaning equipment left in a clean condition after use?

  • Definition required:

    - The correct cleaning and chemicals, as listed on the contractor Approved Products To Use list are in use
    by the contractor in all areas of the store. They are correctly labelled and held in cleaning contractor
    designated areas.
    - The correct colour coding system is in operation for cleaning equipment used by the contractor in all
    areas of the store.
    - All equipment and machinery used to clean are stored in a clean and dry condition.

    - Cleaning contractor chemicals are not being used in their designated areas.
    - Bristles of brushes seen are filled with dirt/debris.
    - Dirty disposable cloths are left lying around.
    - Cleaning equipment is not left in a clean condition after use; mops are stored away damp and odorous.

    - One or more chemical containers in use by the cleaning contractor are not labelled or incorrectly
    labelled to identify their content.
    - Equipment is present with handles of a different colour to the head.
    - Mops left standing in buckets or dirty water.
    - Contractor storage area is not left in a clean and dry condition.
    - Green/yellow/blue/white colour coded equipment are stored together.

    - A chemical not listed on the contractor Approved Product To Use list is in use by the contractor in areas
    of the store or stored in the contractor storage areas.
    - Chemicals listed for use in specific areas are being used elsewhere.
    - Coloured cleaning equipment and cloths (toilet areas only) are in use in food areas (including the food
    - Non red coloured cleaning equipment and cloths are in use in the toilets areas.
    - Red cleaning equipment is stored together with other colour coded equipment resulting in direct cross
    contamination e.g. red mop in yellow bucket.

  • Are the cold room(s) cleaning standards acceptable and has the cold room(s) been cleaned in accordance with the required frequency?

  • Definition required:

    - Cold room cleaning standards are acceptable and it/they have been cleaned in accordance with the
    required frequency.


    - Staining/soiling is present in recently cleaned areas of the cold room(s). This includes walls, floors, door,
    ceilings, fans and under racking.

    - Heavy food build up is present suggesting there is no cleaning taking place.

  • Are the contractor cleaning standards in Hospitality, ISB and Staff Catering areas acceptable?

  • Definition required:

    - Contractor cleaning standards in Hospitality, ISB and Staff Catering areas are acceptable.

    - Non-food debris is present in Hospitality, ISB and Staff Catering suggesting that they are not cleaned

    - Soiling/odour or food debris present in Hospitality, ISB and Staff Catering suggesting that they are not
    cleaned regularly.

    - Heavy food build up is present in Hospitality, ISB and Staff Catering units.

  • Are the correct contractor due diligence cleaning records (for the relevant Hospitality, ISB and Staff Catering units) completed by contractor staff for all items cleaned and are they reviewed by contractor management in line with the cleaning instruction?

  • Definition required:

    - Contractor cleaning records (for the relevant Hospitality, ISB and Staff Catering units) have been fully
    completed by contractor staff for all items cleaned. Correct versions are in use.

    - The current versions of cleaning records are not in use.
    - Equipment is signed for that is not in use.

    - Gaps are present in cleaning records, where specific activities have not been signed off as cleaned over
    recent weeks and have not been identified through management review.
    - Periodic cleaning activities have not been signed off.
    - Sample checks are being signed off by the cleaner.

    - There are no records in place to show that specific Hospitality or Refresh units are being cleaned.

Laundry TSL Questions

Laundry TSL Questions

  • Are laundry visits being carried out as part of the specification?

  • Definition required:

    - Laundry visits are being carried out to the specification.

    - 1 missed visit in the last 12 weeks which has been logged by the store.

    - 2 or more missed visits in the last 12 weeks which have been logged by the store.

    - 2 or more consecutive missed visits in the last 12 weeks which have been logged by the Store.

Core Cleaning


  • Food-hall floor including vacuuming of produce matting.

  • Floor under raised racking.

  • Food-hall office and Collect By Car.

  • Is the ambient cleaning rota adhered to?

Store Wide

  • Hard and resilient flooring.

  • Carpeted areas.

  • Fitting rooms - inc. flooring, mirrors, vertical surfaces, fixtures and fittings.

  • Textile till points.

  • Sales floor mirrors.

  • Customer service points.

  • Customer seating areas.

  • Bureau de Change.

  • M&S Bank.

  • Customer staircases and landings.

  • Escalator treads and handrails.

  • Customer lifts including scenic both internal and external.

  • Barrier matting.

  • External shop front.

  • Shop front doors.

  • Customer toilets inc. baby changing facilities.

Back of House

  • Staircases and landings.

  • Corridors.

  • Staff locker rooms inc. tops of lockers.

  • Staff toilets.

  • Offices inc. fixtures, fittings and furniture.

  • Stockrooms.

  • Goods lift(s).

  • Training academy.

Cleaning Contractor

  • Is the noticeboard correct and up to date?

  • Noticeboard content:

  • - H&S Policy
    - Environmental Policy
    - Accident Form/Contact/Procedure
    - Employers Liability Insurance
    - Contract Specification
    - Contractor Approved Products list/Approved Problem Solvers/Occasional Use Products list
    - Colour Coding Chart
    - Area/Regional Managers Contact Details

  • Is the site file correct and up to date?

  • Site file content:

  • - Management Structure
    - COSHH data sheets for all chemicals as per the current APTU list.
    - Risk Assessment - up to date and signed by the area manager.
    - Training records for all cleaning operatives (must be refreshed every 12 months)
    - Training Matrix

  • Is the accident book available/being used? Any completed forms in the book?

  • Have any RIDDOR reportable accidents been reported correctly and on time?

  • Are the current A3 Due Diligence sign off sheets displayed on site and in use?

  • Are all operatives wearing correct uniforms and ID badges?

  • Is all machinery in a well maintained and acceptable condition?

  • Is all machinery PAT tested to statutory requirements?

  • Is the cleaning compound(s) clean and tidy?

Washroom, Laundry, Window Cleaning and Periodic Services

  • Is the store satisfied with the service they receive from Mayflower Washrooms?

  • Is the store satisfied with the laundry service?

  • Is the store satisfied with the window cleaning service provided?

  • Is the store satisfied with the standards of their periodic cleaning?

Clean As You Go

  • Is Clean As You Go being carried out?

Pest - TSL Questions

Contractor Pest Control

  • Where the contractor has identified any signs of internal pest activity, are they dealing with this as per the specification?<br><br>Is the store free from any signs of external rat activity? If not, is the contractor dealing with this as per the specification?

  • Definition required:

    - Where the contractor has identified any signs of internal pest activity, they are dealing with this as per the specification.

    - One of the follow up visits has not been carried out or carried out in accordance with the specification (gap between follow up visit is greater than specified).

    - Two of the follow up visits has not been carried out or carried out in accordance with the specification (gaps between follow up visits are greater than that specified).

    - More than two follow-up visits have not been carried out or not carried out in accordance with the specification (gaps between follow up visits are greater than that specified).Follow-up visits have not been carried out in accordance with the specification for external rat activity (gaps between follow up visits are greater than that specified).

  • Are pest control routine visits, including biologist and fly killing unit servicing (where relevant), carried out in line with the current specification?

  • Definition required:

    - Pest control routine visits, including biologist and fly killing unit servicing (where relevant), have been carried out in line with the specification.

    - One visit has exceeded the specified time-scale by up to 7 days.

    - One visit has exceeded the specified time-scale by more than 7 days or has been completely missed

    - Two or more visits have exceeded the specified time-scale by more than 7 days or have been completely missed.

  • Does the pest control folder contain the following up to date information?<br>- Bait location list<br>- Temporary baiting plans<br>- Pesticide usage log<br>- Visit schedule<br>- Specification summary<br><br>Does the pest control folder contain reports for all the visits carried out to store or can they be provided during the inspection?<br><br>Are all bait and monitoring points detailed on the site plan and location list (with the exception of the temporary baits where only the temporary plan is required)?

  • Definition required:

    - The pest control contractor file is accurately compiled with up to date documentation.
    - All reports are present in the folder since the last inspection or able to be provided by the end of the inspection
    - All plans and locations are present and accurately record locations

    - One of the documents is not up to date and/or one document is missing.
    - Plans and/or locations are not up to date

    - Two or more of the documents are not up to date and/or two documents are missing

    - One or more reports are missing from the folder or cannot be provided by the end of the inspection.

  • Are all bait/monitors numbered, bar-coded, and locations marked with a wall stickers (if relevant and with the exception of temporary baits/monitors and inspection only barcodes) and are the baits/monitors in a presentable condition. Do they contain rodenticide?

  • Definitions required:

    - All bait/monitors were found to be numbered, bar-coded and locations marked with wall stickers.(where relevant)
    - All baits/monitors were found to be in a presentable condition, contained rodenticide and undamaged.

    - Up 25% of the current baits/monitors was found without either being numbered or locations marked with a wall sticker (if relevant) but with the exception of any temporary or old baits/monitors.
    - One of the current bait/monitors did not have a barcode inside or it was on the outside of the bait box
    - Bait in 20% or less of the bait boxes was found to be mouldy or missing (where it has clearly never been in place).

    - More than 25% of the current baits/monitors were found without either being numbered or locations marked with a wall sticker (if relevant) but with the exception of any temporary or old baits/monitors.
    - More than one but less than 51% of the baits/monitors did not have a barcode inside or it was on the outside of the bait box.
    Bait in 21% to 50% of the bait boxes was found to be mouldy or missing (where it has clearly never been in place).

    - There are no bait stations in the store.
    - 51% or more of the baits/monitorsdid not have barcode inside or it was on the outside of the bait box.
    - 51% or more of the bait in the bait points was found to be mouldy or missing (where it has clearly never been in place).

Pest Questions

Contents of Report Folder

  • Is the plan present and accurate to what is on site?

  • Are all the routine visit reports present for the last 6 months?

  • If a temporary plan is used is it accurate to what is on site?

Service Delivery

  • Is the location list present and accurate to what is on site?

  • Is a specification summary present and risk section filled in?

  • Have the routine visits been carried out in line with the schedule of visits?

  • Have the follow ups been carried out in line with specification?

  • Does the operative liaise with the store management at the start of the visit?

  • Is the visit/pesticide usage log present and complete?

  • Does the operative debrief the store after each visit?

  • Are all reports signed by the operative and store contact?

Bait and Monitoring Points

  • Are bait points clean and in a presentable condition?

  • Is the bait clean and palatable?

  • Are all monitor/bait points bar codes?

  • Do all monitors/bait points have a wall sticker identifying their position?

  • Are all points secured in place?

EFK Servicing

  • Have all units on contract been cleaned/serviced correctly?

  • Have all tubes been changed at the required intervals?

  • Do all bait points contain no spill rodenticide?

  • Do all high risk areas have monitoring devices installed?

  • Are the EFK units illuminated?

  • Is the operative presentable?

Customers Perception

  • Do they provide feedback during their visits?

  • Is the customer satisfied with the level and quality of service?

Waste Questions

Internal Waste Areas

  • Is the waste processing area clear and well maintained?

  • Is clear signage in place?

  • Is the waste being correctly segregated?

Store Waste Streams

  • Are the cardboard bales uncontaminated?

  • Is the cage returned cardboard flat packed?

  • Is the plastic segregated? (A, B, C)

  • Is the MDR uncontaminated? (i.e. no food)

  • Are the ceramics segregated?

  • Are there procedures in place for hazardous waste?

Food Waste

  • Is the food waste correctly segregated and uncontaminated?

  • Are the food bins stored appropriately?

  • Is the glass uncontaminated? (Please record the number of glass bins)

  • Are the food bins fully utilised?

  • How many food bins are currently on site?

  • Who is the food waste service provider onsite?

  • Is the service provider on-site?

  • Take photos of the vehicle on site.

  • Count how many food waste bins are being loaded onto the vehicle:

  • Count how many food waste bins that are not full are being loaded on to the vehicle:

  • Is the WTN correct?

  • Take photos of the WTN.

  • Any further comments:

  • Are the WTN stored and correctly completed? (examine 4 recent examples and record bin quantities)

Store Waste Returns

  • Does the store produce any oil/grease waste?

  • Is the oil storage adequate and controlled?

  • Are the correct containers utilised?

  • Are all the WTN completed correctly and up to date?

Confidential Waste

  • Is the confidential waste held in a secure designated area?

  • Is the confidential waste held in the correct coloured bags?

External Waste Areas

  • Is barcoding in use by the store?

  • Is waste stored externally?

  • Is the external waste storage area easily accessible to service providers?

  • Is the storage area clear and well maintained?

  • Are there any site restrictions in place?

Refresh / Lounge

  • Do the staff catering areas have sufficient and correct bins?

  • Is the area generally acceptable?

  • Is the waste correctly segregated?

Equipment on Site

  • Types of equipment on site:

  • Equipment
  • Item:

  • Make:

  • Model:

  • Are there any outstanding issues/faults?

Audit Summary

Action Summary

  • Pest:

  • Add media

  • Action Date:

  • Cleaning:

  • Add media

  • Action Date

  • Waste:

  • Add media

  • Action Date:

  • Any other comments:

  • Add media

  • Action date:

  • Helistrat Signature:

  • Store signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.