Injured Employee Name:
Date of injury
This section to be filled out by employee
Adreess of employee
Employees phone number
employees date of birth
Date and time of injury
Time your shift started on day of injury
Ware did the accident happen- be specific
Give a description of the incident
Type of injury/illness
What part of body is hurt- add photo of injury if appropriate
Job title
How long have you been on this Job? not with the company but this job
Supervisor(s) on duty
Do you work for another employer?
Employee signature
Witness Statement 1
What did you see happen
Add signature
Witness Statement 2
What did you see happen?
Add signature
To be filled out by supervisor
Was a safety stand down conducted?<br>
Was the Triage Nurse called
Why not?
Was injury reported the day it happened?
If no Why
Did employee receive medical attention?
what kind of care?
Was injured admitted for overnight hospital stay?
Task being preformed at time of injury
Materials/equipment used
What was employee doing right before injury
Machinery/Equipment involved - to be filled out by Supervisor
Was equipment or machinery involved? <br>
What Equipment
Was there any mechanical failure?
Contributing Factors - To be filled out by supervisor
Contributing Factors: Description why this factor contributed or caused the incident (Typically there is more than a single casual factor):
Contributing Factors Photo
Contributing Factors Photo
Was there an Unsafe Condition?
What unsafe Condition
Was there an Unsafe Act
Did employee receive specific training or instructions relating to safety and health on job being performed?<br>
Instructed by
Date of last refresher training
Personal Protective Equipment
Did employee use appropriate PPE for the job/task performed?
Did equipment fail? If so, describe
Describe failure of equipment
Root Cause Analysis
How did the injury occur?
Why did that occur? (answer from last question)
Why did that occur? (answer from last question)
Why did that occur? (answer from last question)
Why did that occur? (answer from last question)
Why did that occur? (answer from last question)
What is the Root Cause?
Corrective Actions - To be filled out by EHS
Were any corrective or preventative actions taken due to the incident?
What actions
Is retraining required?<br>
Management/Administrative actions
Is any further action required? If yes, state action to be taken
What action ?
Are all corrective actions completed?
What corrective action is not completed?
when will it be completed?
Is unsafe condition eliminated or mitigated to prevent future unsafe acts or conditions from occurring?
Why Not
Is Plant management satisfied with plan of action and investigation
Department Head
Plant Mgr.
Safety Mgr.