Document No.
Well UWI
Surface location LSD
Operating company
Conducted on
Prepared by
Gas metering
Gas meter information
Is the default password removed from the RTU so that meter data can not be changed using vendor default vendor password?
Add a new gas meter for every gas meter at facility including fuel, well gas, group gas, flare and any process meters
Gas Meter
Select meter purpose
- Well meter
- Group gas
- flare meter
- fuel meter
- VRU Discharge
- process control
Insert photo of meter run showing overall layout
Flow computer type
- FB 107
- ROC 800
- FB 103
- Bristol
- ScadaPack
- other
- manual reading
Meter manufacturer
Meter tag number
Meter serial number
Select meter type
- orifice senior
- orifice junior
- vortex
- thermal mass
- Positive displacement
- Vcone
Is the meter AGA 2000 and API 14.3 compliant?
Is a flow conditioner installed?
Is there a sample probe installed using industry standard procedure?
Is tubing compliant with directive 17? Tubing must be sloped and there must not be restrictions or other connected devices between sensor and meter fitting
Is the beta ratio between .2 and .7?
Sensor make and model?
Is there a bypass around the meter?
Is there a seal installed on the bypass?
Seal #
Is there a sample probe installed using industry standard procedure?
Enter meter model number
Has this meter been proved as per directive 17?
Is the meter installed as per manufacturer's recommendation?
Has the k factor been entered into the flow computer?
Is there a bypass around the meter?
Is there a seal installed on the bypass?
Seal #
Enter meter Model number
Has the meter been verified and a calibration tag hung on the meter?
Is the volume output in standard volume units?
Is there a bypass around the meter?
Is there a seal installed on the bypass?
Seal #
Enter meter model number
Has this meter been calibrated as per directive 17?
Has a calibration tag hung on the meter?
Is there a sample probe installed using industry standard procedure?
Has the correction factor been entered into the flow computer?
Take a picture of prove report or body stamp showing correction factor
Is there a bypass around the meter?
Is there a seal installed on the bypass?
Seal #
is there a temperature and pressure indication installed?
Are tags on the pressure and temp indicators showing verification has been completed?
Does the meter have a tag showing last prove date?
Pd meter prove date
Enter meter factor
Is there a bypass around the meter?
Is there a seal installed on the bypass?
Seal #
Liquid meters
Add a new liquid meter for every liquid meter on site
Liquid meter
Fluid type
Type of meter?
Insert picture of meter run showing overall layout
Meter manufacturer
meter KFactor from prove sheet or base k factor
Factor entered into totalizer (convert the US gal fixed on meter tag to L)
Totalizer model
Is the meter installed according to industry standards and directive 17?
Does the sample point have a probe installed to the centre third of the pipe?
Are the prove taps set up for volumetric (downstream of dump valve) or master meter (upstream of dump valve) or both?
Sample point labeled?
Is this a new meter?
Date of last prove?
Is the facility measurement contact aware of the need to prove within 30 days of startup?
Is there a bypass around the meter run?
Is bypass closed?
Is there a seal installed?
Seal Number
Is the fluid sent to pipeline or tank under normal conditions?
If the meter is condensate is the facility operator aware of the need to account for product shrinkage?
Can the fluid be bypassed to pipeline?
Is there a seal installed?
Seal Number
Can the fluid be bypassed to tank?
Is there a seal installed?
Seal Number
Fixed Data
Fixed Data Condensate
RTU divisor
Fixed Data water
RTU divisor
Fixed data Gas metering
Site elevation (meters)
Atmospheric pressure
Is base pressure on all gas meter runs set to 101.325 kPa?
Is the base temperature on all meter runs set to 15 Celsius?
Are the plate and tube ID measurements referenced to 20 Celsius?
Is The gas composition entered from a sample or in the case of a new well a reasonable substitute?
Was the tube ID and plate size confirmed in the RTU?
Is the RTU password protected using other than the default password?
How many production tanks at this facility?
Is the tank condensate, water or emulsion
Is each load box sealed?
Is each connection over 1" in diameter where product could be removed sealed?
What is the nominal capacity (m3)
What is the height? (M)
Gauge board units
Gauge board max value
Does the tank have a radar gauge?
Has the radar gauge been calibrated and a tag hung?
Are tanks blanketed?
Take photo of gas rotometer showing rates and units of flow
Is there a VRU on site for the tanks?<br>
Is there safe access to gauge tanks using simple fall arrest equipment?
Are all load boxes and tanks labeled as to product type?
Are all tanks labeled with accounting ID?
Is there a flare stack on location?
Is the vent or flare connection upstream or downstream of the gas meter?
Is there a sand separator on site?
Wellhead to ESD
Length of pipe from wellhead to separator esd valve (feet)
Size of pipe from wellhead to separator esd valve
Schedule of pipe from wellhead to separator esd valve
ESD to separator
Length of pipe from separator esd valve to separator(feet)
Size of pipe from separator esd valve to separator
Schedule of pipe from separator esd valve to separator
Separator to outlet isolation
Length of pipe from separator to package outlet valve
Size of pipe from separator to package outlet valve
Schedule of pipe from separator to package outlet valve
Fuel data
Is fuel sourced from another facility?
Is fuel sourced from the well production?
Is there a Buyback meter on site?
Measurement schematic
Take photo of measurement schematic sketch show meters, wellhead, flare stacks, BD vent, pipeline connections and tanks. Include any potential meter bypasses and fuel sources.
Is this a third party facility
Operating company and contact information including email
Project construction contact information including email