
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Store Number and Name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Product Safety Cleaning



  • 88 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - DOOR SEALS

  • 91 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - FLOOR

  • 92 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - DRAIN

  • 93 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - RACKING

Display Area


  • 81 - L - Is the area spotlessly clean - DISPLAY CASE

Prep Area


  • 100 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - MESH GLOVES

  • 101 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - TROLLEYS / METAL TRAYS (IF DIRECT FOOD CONTACT SURFACE)

  • 102 - L - Is the area spotlessly clean - SCRAPERS

  • 104 - L - Is the area spotlessly clean - CONVEYOR BELTS/ROLLERS

  • 106 - L - Is the area spotlessly clean - ENTRY DOOR/HANDLES

  • 107 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - FLOOR

  • 108 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - HAND BASINS

  • 110 - L - Is the area spotlessly clean - ANTI FATIGUE MATS

  • 112 - H - Is the area spotlessly clean - MINCER

  • 115 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - KNIFE POUCHES

  • 116 - L - Is the area spotlessly clean - MANUAL WRAPPING MACHINE/SCALES

  • 117 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - SINKS

  • 121 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - TRIM & STORAGE TUBS

  • 123 - L - Is the area spotlessly clean - AUTO WRAPPING MACHINE

  • 128 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - BLOOM BOX - DOOR SEALS

  • 129 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - BLOOM BOX - DOORS

  • 130 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - BLOOM BOX - INTERIOR

  • 133 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - DRAINS

  • 839 - H - Is only white colour coded cleaning equipment stored & in use in the department

  • 94 - H - Is the area spotlessly clean - BANDSAW INCLUDING SLIDE TABLE

  • 95 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - BENCHES (INCLUDING TRAY RACKS)

  • 96 - H - Is the area spotlessly clean - CUTTING BOARDS

  • 98 - M - Is the area spotlessly clean - KNIVES

Product Safety Controls

All areas


  • 216 - H - Have any food safety related Maintenance issues identified been logged for repair or equipment removed

  • 221 - H - If pest activity sighted, have pest issues been logged with pest Contractor

Food Hygiene

  • 240 - H - Is only approved equipment items used - NO METAL SCOURERS

  • 242 - H - Is only approved equipment items used - NO GLASS

  • 270 - H - Are team members washing hands when entering the department

  • 271 - H - Are team members washing hands after touching - rubbish

  • 272 - H - Are team members washing hands after cleaning equipment

  • 273 - H - Are team members washing hands after coughing / sneezing / using tissues

  • 306 - H - Are aprons removed when going on a break / to the toilet / visibly dirty / leaving the building. Hat/hairnet removed when visibly dirty / leaving the building

  • 307 - H - Are aprons/hats worn

  • 334 - H - Is only approved jewellery worn - NO UNAUTHORISED EARRINGS (EXCLUDING RETAIL READY)

  • 335 - H - Is only approved jewellery worn - NECK CHAINS NOT VISIBLE (EXCLUDING RETAIL READY)

  • 336 - H - Is only approved jewellery worn - NO RINGS OTHER THAN A PLAIN BAND (EXCLUDING RETAIL READY)

  • 337 - H - Is only approved jewellery worn - NO BRACELETS (EXCLUDING RETAIL READY)

  • 338 - H - Is only approved jewellery worn - NO WATCHES (EXCLUDING RETAIL READY)

  • 339 - H - Is only approved jewellery worn - NO FACIAL/NECK PIERCING (EXCLUDING RETAIL READY)

  • 340 - H - Is only approved jewellery worn - NO TONGUE PIERCING (EXCLUDING RETAIL READY)

  • 341 - H - Are only approved personal items worn - NO UNCONTAINED HAIRCLIPS/PINS/BEADS (EXCLUDING RETAIL READY)

  • 342 - H - Are only approved personal items worn - NO FALSE NAILS / EYE LASHES (EXCLUDING RETAIL READY)

  • 343 - H - Are only approved personal items worn - NO NAIL POLISH (EXCLUDING RETAIL READY)

Prep Area

Food Hygiene

  • 226 - M - Is the department free of any non food production related personal items stored in department - NO PERSONAL BELONGINGS (KEYS, BOOKS, WALLETS ETC)

  • 259 - C - Are only non-Latex gloves used in food preparation

  • 289 - H - Do hand wash basins have soap

  • 290 - H - Do hand wash basins have papertowel

  • 291 - H - Are hand wash facilities operational

  • 292 - H - Are hand wash facilities accessible

  • 293 - H - Are hand wash facilities used only for hand washing

  • 308 - H - Are hair nets worn (if hair longer than collar length) - all hair must be contained

  • 309 - H - Are sleeve protectors worn when wearing longer than 3/4 length sleeves and changed/removed as per the apron/coat policy

All areas

Stock Management

  • 469 - H - Are food preparation benches/surfaces clear of boxes/tubs (wrapping & tickets/stationary/stock) - excluding where paper is placed down or sanitisation has occurred after finishing activity

  • 470 - H - Are packing trays stored inverted

  • 471 - H - Are all boxes and tubs of product and Wrappings & Tickets stored off the floor

  • 899 - C - Is stock on display within the Use By dates - DISPLAY CASE

  • 900 - C - Is stock within the Use By dates - COOLROOM

Prep Area

Temp Management

  • 438 - H - Are chilled meat products processed during preparation/filling within stipulated timelines (not left outside of refrigeration for 2 hours or more during preparation in a chilled meat room & 20 minutes during receiving, processing, filling)


Selling Area


  • 519 - H - Is the weight statement the same or less than the original weight statement, when re-pricing meat products

  • 745 - M - Is any Consumer information obstructed by store applied labels or tickets eg Weight, Ingredients, date coding or CoO.


  • 496 - H - Do the 10 randomly test scanned items scan correctly when compared to the shelf ticket

Total Loss

All areas

Stock Management

  • 445 - H - Is stock on display within the Best Before dates - DISPLAY CASE

  • 446 - H - Is stock within the Best Before dates - COOLROOM

Product Safety Controls

Prep Area

Food Hygiene

  • 761 - H - Are dirty cleaning cloths disposed of

  • 762 - M - Ask 1 team member to identify the location of the ring bound flipchart cleaning guide within the department

  • 891 - H - Ask 1 team member how long C5 sanitiser should be left on the cutting boards for effective cleaning (20 mins)

Total Loss

Prep Area

Total Loss

  • 924 - M - Is Fat and Bone being managed correctly (Fat should be cut as chips with minimal red meat) (N/A Ready Retail)


Total Loss

  • 919 - M - Are MT stock controls being used for recording the order and the stock on hand figures (Current week)

People Safety

All areas


  • 775 - H - Is the Bandsaw slide table being used as per the cutting standards

  • 778 - H - Are metal mesh gloves available and worn when using knives

Product Safety Controls

Prep Area

Food Hygiene

  • 893 - H - Ask 1 team member how long sanitiser can be stored in a spray bottle (changed daily)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.