Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Machine Check List

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Machine and operator Check List

  • Operator check

  • Boots in good order?

  • Hi vis clean and in good order

  • Helmet under two years old and in good order

  • Three points of contact when getting in and out of machine (no jumping down)

  • Getting enough sleep, food and water?

  • Qualified for task or working towards qualification and deemed competent?

  • Complete machine pre start check every day?

  • Photos

  • Photos

  • Machine Identifier

  • Photo

  • Dash Free of warning lights?

  • Fire Extinguisher present and in date?

  • First aid kit well stocked and in date?

  • (RT) Radio tested and working?

  • Tools & Equipment Stowed safely?

  • All applicable warning stickers present in cab?

Items in good repair and working as intended

  • Seat belts are in good working condition?

  • Safety guards fitted where necessary ?

  • Exhaust

  • Park Brake release and hold?

  • Lights fitted for night work ?

  • Current OPPs - FOPs - ROPs certification plates fitted to machine?

  • Safety lock out levers working?

  • Machine has a current service Sticker?

  • Machine is well greased?

  • Cab is clean and tidy. Food and rubbish may attract rats and mice.

  • Photos

Note any non - conformances below and any actions required.

  • Repairs required

  • Sign Checks are complete.

Felling audit

  • Operator can locate and has knowledge of his<br>employer’s Steep Slope felling procedures /<br>requirements.<br>

  • Operator can describe Site Specific hazards that may<br>affect today’s work method and machine stability.

  • Operator can describe the procedure to be followed if<br>recommended slope limits are likely to be exceeded<br>for the setting or conditions indicate that it is unsafe to<br>work up to these limits.<br>If the daily felling plan indicates that these limits will be<br>exceeded for a setting or conditions dictate that it is unsafe<br>to work up to these limits, a machine operator will conduct a<br>risk assessment of machine stability factors (ie: site and<br>weather characteristics). Any revised operating requirements<br>/ restrictions will be noted on the Risk Assessment

  • Device in cab to assist operator to measure degree of<br>slope (eg: inclinometer or machine sensors)

  • Machine is in good condition and appropriate for task<br>(cab guarding, track gear, cleats (50mm), suitable for slope, tree<br>size etc) (NB: OPS structure checked during site audits)

  • Awareness of Emergency exit opening method. Fire<br>Extinguisher securely fastened. Demonstrates external<br>opening (for emergency)

  • If part of the setting will require manual felling, the<br>operator can describe the directionally falling<br>requirements (away from standing trees) as a<br>condition of work (ie: will avoid creating additional<br>hazards for the manual faller).

  • Operator can describe how soil disturbance is<br>monitored and managed. (ie:AFL environmental<br>standards).

  • Hazards within 2 tree lengths (min) are appropriately<br>managed (eg: other workers, drop-offs, ground stability,<br>obstructions, working ropes power lines etc)

  • Felling plan is described and reasons for pattern are<br>explained (wind, lean, contour, extraction route,<br>environment etc)

  • Operator positions track gear to maximize machine<br>stability. (works ‘straight up or straight down’ the<br>slope, avoids cross slopes and hollows that increase<br>tip-over risk)

  • To improve stability, when walking machine<br>uphill/downhill, the operator positions the boom<br>directly uphill/downhill in a fully extended position<br>with the felling head as low as possible.

  • Works the ground within employers slope policy<br>specifications.<br>

  • Assesses tree for overhead hazards, lean and weight<br>distribution.<br>

  • Large trees double cut to help control direction of fall<br>and damage

  • Operator fells trees to reduce breakage

  • Operator fells trees for ease of extraction

  • Stump height is kept to a minimum

  • As slope increases narrower falling / shovelling swaths<br>are used (aids stability)

  • Fells trees that are within safe reach (within ¾ of full<br>boom extension) – aids stability

  • Observe the felling of 10 trees Competency and Consistency in the following Assesses Tree Positions Machine Controls tree as its cut Lays Wood Stump heights OK

  • Auditors sign off

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.