
  • Document No.

  • Conducted on


  • Management Team Member attends Safety Committee meetings

  • Managers are ServSafe Certified

  • All food production personnel are certified in ServSafe and/or scheduled to attend a certification class within 120 days of opening or date of hire

  • Most recent Health Department inspection score under Unidine Management is 90% or higher

  • Required OSHA log is posted (February 1 to April 30) in an employee area

  • Who is responsible for maintaining the OSHA log at this location

  • Work Comp information is posted in a central location for employees

  • MUnidine information is available and in use


  • Safe cutting board use

  • Hazard Communication

  • Knife Safety

  • Eye Wash stations

  • Hand Sanitizing

  • Proper food storage and labeling

  • Safety In-Service Video

  • Date of last In-Service

  • Additional Notes

Layout and General Facilities

  • Area is clean, tidy and well kept

  • Washing areas are clean and functional

  • Adequate storage areas are provided

  • Walls, windows, doors and furniture are in good condition

  • Floor is free of obstructions and slip resistant

  • There is adequate ventilation

  • Additional Notes


  • Temperature is comfortable

  • Lighting is adequate

  • Area is free from odors

  • Additional Notes

Emergency Procedures

  • Written evacuation procedures and exits displayed

  • Are spill kits available

  • Portable fire extinguishers have been provided, maintained and free from obstruction

  • Emergency Egress Routes and doors are kept clear and free from obstructions

  • Hazard signage is clearly visible

  • Emergency lighting is functioning

  • Additional Notes

First Aid Facilities

  • There is appropriate first aid and emergency facilities in the near vicinity and workers are aware of them

  • First aid kits are clearly signed , stocked and contents are not expired

  • Names and contact information of personnel trained in First Aid and/or CPR is displayed and up to date

  • Additional Notes

Manual Handling

  • Where applicable, manual handling standard operating procedures are available

  • Trolleys or mechanical hoists are available and are being considered for heavy items or loads

  • Personnel in inspection area are inducted and trained in manual handling

  • Step ladders or safe steps available to access light items stored on high shelves

  • All manual task-related incidents have been adequately investigated and control measures implemented and reviewed.

  • Workers have been asked for a safer way to do their job

  • Film wrap cutters on all film boxes are covered and boxes are not damaged or disassembled

  • Utensils and pot handles positioned away from heat source and not hanging over the edge of the range

  • Frozen foods thawed in refrigerator

  • Staff demonstrate proper lifting techniques

  • All items are completely air dried

  • Dishes and utensils pre-scraped and rinsed before washing

  • Pot washing procedures are posted and utilized

  • No cross contamination when handling clean and dirty dishes

  • Proper silverware soaking and washing procedures followed. Clean silverware is stored handles up. No evidence of detergent residue or water spots.

  • Additional Notes


  • Materials stored in racks and bins wherever possible and items are not stored above shoulder height.

  • Storage designated to minimize lifting problems

  • Racking securely fixed to wall or floor

  • All food is properly labeled , wrapped and dated (Ulabel program is in place and followed)

  • Food is stored 6 inches off the floor or in walk-in cooling quipment

  • In sprinkled areas: items stored 18 inches below sprinkler heads

  • Dry storage is maintained at 68-70 degrees F

  • Storage areas labeled appropriately and organized

  • A separate container is available, labeled and used for broken, chipped and cracked china and glassware

  • Additional Notes

Slips and Trips

  • Warning signs are available and erected near spills

  • There are special provisions for slip resistance in wet areas

  • Guard rails and slip resistance are provided on ramps and stairs

  • Walkways are free of hazards, such as electrical cords

  • Additional Notes

Electrical Safety

  • All portable equipment has current test tags

  • Residual current devices (RCD) are installed at switchboards or in fixed sockets and clearly marked

  • Portable RCD device is available and has been tested. Flexible cord, plugs, and extension leads are in good condition and have either moulded or transparent type plugs

  • Power points are suitable for the location and are positioned safely

  • Power boards used, not double adaptors

  • faulty equipment is tagged out and contact SRC for a work order

  • Team members shut off and unplug equipment prior to cleaning

  • Electrical cords and connections in good repair, inspected and tagged annually

  • No extension cords utilized in Kitchen and Cafe

  • Electrical panels are clear and unobstructed (3 foot clear space around panels)

  • Additional Notes

Chemical Safety

  • SDS are available for workers reference and included in the chemical inventory for the department

  • There is an up to date, easy to find and read chemical inventory of all chemicals used in the department

  • A risk assessment has been completed for all chemicals and harmful substances stored and used in the department

  • Actions have been taken to control risks to find safer chemicals

  • Decanted containers are labeled with name, risk, and safety instructions, according to GHS labeling requirements

  • Original containers are labeled with the original product label

  • Chemicals stored according to compatibility

  • Minimal amounts of corrosives are stored and/or in use

  • All flammable products not in use are stored in flammable cabinets and only flammable products are stored in flammable cabinets.

  • Warning signs on the flammable cabinets are clearly legible

  • Cleaning storage area is clean and orderly

  • Additional Notes

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Instruction and information of PPE is made available to staff

  • Signage related to PPE requirements displayed on equipment

  • Required PPE is available to staff

  • Appropriate signs displayed to standard requirements

Noise Safety

  • A risk assessment on noise has been conducted where it is likely that workers are exposed to higher than normal noise levels

  • Control measures have been put in place to reduce the risk of injury as a result of noise, including the provision of personal hearing protection

  • Workers have received information and training in relation to noise in the workplace


  • All bench surfaces in good condition

  • Sweeping is prohibited during food preparation

  • Cleaning rags are stored in a properly labeled sanitizing solution. Solution is 100-200ppm and water is changed every two hours.

  • Proper food contact surface sanitizing procedures are practiced

  • Walls and floors of dish room and pot area clean

  • Walls behind equipment and garbage containers are clean

  • Defrosting is done on the lowest shelf

  • Drawers and cabinets are clean

  • Color coded foot cutting boards are available and properly in use

  • A chart is posted at all food production stations indicating the proper cutting board color

  • Thermometers are available and accurate

  • Thermometers calibration records are maintained and kept on record for at least one year

  • Manuals are available for operating equipment and machinery

  • Emergency stops tested and are in working order

  • A maintenance register is in place for all equipment and machinery that require routine maintenance

  • The moving parts of all machinery and equipment are properly guarded

  • All machines have appropriate safety signs and SOPs

  • Hazards such as sharps, glare, noise or fumes have been identified

  • Cold room doors can be open from the inside without a key

  • There is lighting and a light switch available for the cold room

  • The cold room is at the recommended temperature

  • Interior fans clean and free of dust

  • All shelving is rust free

  • All floor drains are clean and free of dust

  • Hoods and screens are clean and free of grease build up

  • Documentation of duct cleaning maintained

  • Garbage cans clean, in good condition and covered at all times. Empty boxes are stacked and neatly stored off of the floor

  • All light fixtures have safety covers

  • All painted areas are free of chips

  • Deep fryers are not overfilled

  • Grease is properly disposed of

  • All CO2 cylinders are securely chained, have protective covers and current inspection

  • 3 compartment sink log in place where applicable and on file for one year

  • Are gas pipes are clearly labeled

  • All hot liquid has lids to prevent scalds

  • Heat resistant gloves/mits are available and in use

  • A fume extraction system is in place, serviced and in use

  • Isolation valves are readily accessible and clearly labeled

  • Fly screens are fitted to windows

  • Outside doors have screens, are well sealed and are equipped with self closing devices

  • There is a regular schedule of pest control

  • There is sufficient

  • Based on this inspection the contracted food vendor meets the health and safety standards set forth by the local metropolitan health district.

  • This inspection was performed on the following date and time:

  • This inspection was performed by:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.