Title Page
Job Name
Mewp Type
Fleet Number
Operators Name
Operators IPAF card number
Documentation - Current thorough examination certificate (within last 6 months)
Documentation - Manufacturers operator manual
Documentation- Rescue Plan
Wheels / Tyres - Wheel Security (nuts , retainers, loose , damaged , missing )
Wheels / Tyres - Tyre Pressure (pneumatic , foam filled or solid)
Wheels / Tyres - cuts , splits , exposed braiding , damaged rims
Engine / Power Source - Fluid Levels (engine oil , coolant , fuel )
Engine / Power Source - Fluid leakage on ground and around engine
Engine / Power Source - Battery (electolyte , security and charging plug condition
Hydraulics - Hydraulic fluid level
Hydraulics - Leaks (hoses, pipe connections , rams , cylinders )
Hoses and cables - Security and condition ( cuts , chafing , bulges )
Hoses and cables - Power track cable trays (free from damage and debris)
Outriggers / Stabilisers - General condition , pins , retainers , footplate
Outriggers / Stabilisers - Spreader Plates ( present , condition , secure for travel )
Outriggers / Stabilisers - Interlocks (functioning , engaged )
Chassis , Boom and Scissor Pack - General Condition ( damage , misalignment , corrosion)
Chassis , Boom and Scissor Pack - Cracks in weld
Chassis , Boom and Scissor Pack - pins , retainers and chains ( security sign of wear)
Chassis , Boom and Scissor Pack - Canopies , guards , engine covers (security and condition)
Platform or Cage - steps for access / egress (secure , undamaged , clear)
Platform or Cage -Entrance gate , guard rails and retaining pins
Platform or Cage - Harness anchor points
Platform or Cage -Clear of rubbish , debris and obstructions
Decals and Signage - ID plate , Safety warning and information decals (legible)
Decals and Signage - Controls (identification decals , directional arrows )
Platform Load (SWL , max , wind speed , max. number of persons )
Function Checks Ground and Platform - Security device (power , isolator , keypad , smart card )
Function Checks Ground and Platform - Function enable (ignition key , foot switch , hold to run device )
Function Checks Ground and Platform -Emergency stops and emergency lowering systems
Function Checks Ground and Platform -All switches , function controls ( move freely do not stick)
Function Checks Ground and Platform -Lifting Functions (raise , lower , slew , tele out , tele in )
Function Checks Ground and Platform -Travel functions ( forward , reverse , steer , brake)
Function Checks Ground and Platform - Elevated drive speed (reduced or prevented)
Function Checks Ground and Platform - Lights , beacons , warning devices
Function Checks Ground and Platform - Alarms ( tilt , descent and travel )
Function Checks Ground and Platform -Limit switches (eg. descent , load , outreach , rotation)
Function Checks Ground and Platform - Pothole protection device ( fully deploys and retracts)
Function Checks Ground and Platform - Oscillating axle locks , extending axles
Function Checks Ground and Platform - Accessories , power to platform , extending decks
Function Checks Ground and Platform - Jacks legs , stabilisers , outriggers , levelling devices