Title Page
Assurance ID
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site conducted
Crew involved in evolution
Vessel Type
Sea State
Weather Conditions
Tides for the day
Scope of Quality Assurance Audit
Quality Assurance information - The purpose of this quality assurance visit is to satisfy Merseyside Fire & Rescue Services internal and external stake holders and to show that the crews operating on the MRU are conducting themselves in a way that is safe, effective and professional in accordance with internal and external policies and procedures. All activities selected within this Quality Assurance Audit will be within the scope of the crews operating the MFRS vessels and in conjunction with the training that they have previously received both from Internal and external bodies alongside the MFRS standard operating procedures and local operating procedures. Whilst afloat and ashore all marine based activities will be assessed in line with the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) national powerboat activities (Powerboat Instructors scheme E-G19, Advanced Powerboat Handbook E-G108, Powerboat handbook E-G13 & Powerboat scheme and syllabus G-20) and internal Standard Operating Procedures (SOP(s)).
Acceptance Criteria Ratings - If selecting criteria ratings (1-3) corresponding information must be provide to back up the choice selected to create recommendations off the back of the Quality Assurance Audit. P1 - (Critical Intervention recommended immediately): Activities found to be conducted in an unsafe manner and or carried out in a unprofessional manner comprising the safety of their crews and public and causing reputational risk to MFRS. (OR) Immediate training risk whereby there is a serious concern or ability of crews ability to perform safely and effectively. P2 - (Review recommended): Review of the training activity recommended from a policy and procedural perspective or operational need perspective. P3 - (Competent with areas for improvement): Activities conducted safely and in a professional manner however maybe lacking some detail in teh execution of the task and additional training/guidance maybe beneficial to upskill the individual or individuals. P4 - (Competent): Activities carried out in a safe and professional manner with no causes for concerns.
Scope and limitations of the Quality Assurance Audit - The scope is defined by the customer in this case Merseyside Fire Rescue Service and the the above Quality Assurance Information section. The Purpose of the visit and audit function is to give clear and precise information back to the MFRS management and leadership team on the progress and current state of the Marine Rescue Unit (MRU) based in Pier Head Liverpool. The recommendations that arise from the Quality Assurance Audit are derived from the experience and training of the auditor carrying out the visit and from information that has been given to the auditor before and upon arrival (training records, training materials external information). All recommendations will be given to MFRS open and honestly and it is the responsibility of the management and leadership team to action the recommendations as they see fit. The auditor has the right to stop any and all evolutions that are being undertaken at the time of the audit should they deem there be a risk to life or vessel. If the auditor has had to take action to bring the evolution to a safe conclusion, this must be reported immediately to the MRU Commander/Manager.
Assurance Visit
H&S and Compliance
SAR Crew PPE (Condition and in date)
CoSHH & associated risk assessments
Risk Assessments
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Incident reporting
Safety communications & Notice to Mariners
Chart updates
Training and Progression
Safe Person Activities (SPA's)
Crew development plans
RYA Status
Ashore Operations
Daily checks
MRU House keeping
Afloat Operations
SAR unit daily checks
Exercise plans
Tasking/Exercise breifs
Tasking/Exercise de-briefs
Tasking/Exercise outcome
Any other notes
SAR Asset Condition
SAR unit husbadry/condition
SAR unit readiness
SAR unit mooring and berthing
SAR unit performance and functionality
Rescue Boat Code of Practice
Up to date with RBCoP compliance
Vessel in line with RBCoP regulations
Crew morale
Crew ability
Crew concerns
Any additional observations / Summary
Any other notes
Summary of assurance audit