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  • Lifting Plan Checklist and Method Statement (Mobile Cranes). This template does not replace any lift plan that maybe in place, it is to be used as a checksheet before any lift commences to ensure that everything is in order.

  • Is this a full Contract lift?

  • Task description:

  • Date planned for lift:

  • Use this checklist before carrying out a lifting operation. It is based on requirements set out in British Standard 7121-1:2016 Code of practice for safe use of cranes. The contractor must supply you with the information as in Sections B and C before the lifting operation takes place

  • Section A: PRE-PLANNING

  • The load to be lifted;

  • basic description of the size and shape of the load to be lifted.

  • Are the lifting eyes and lifting points suitable?

  • Has the centre of gravity and stability of the crane been considered?

  • Has the access route for crane and space available at planned operating position been considered?

  • Maximum weight of the load to be lifted in KG ?

  • Expected operating radius in meters

  • Has the presence of overhead cables and other hazards that could affect the lifting operation been taken into consideration?

  • Has the ground conditions - foundations, made-up ground, impact loading been considered?

  • Type of crane to be used?

  • Section B: CRANE ON SITE. To be completed with the AP (if on site) in control of the lifting operation before the lift begins. If AP is not available then use the crane companies' responsible person.

Type of Crane

  • Size of Crane in KG

Crane accessories equipment check

  • Has the thorough Examination (Paperwork) of Lifting Accessories been checked? Valid only if completed within the last 6 months

Driver, Operator Details

  • Driver, Operator name

  • Card No

Crane Position

  • Adequate and suitable base?

  • All outriggers fully extended?

  • Adequate packing under outriggers?

  • Position of outriggers satisfactory?

Lifting Gear

  • Type used, slings/strops etc?

  • SWL of the equipment in KG?

  • Visual Checks completed?

Can the lift proceed in safety?

  • Section C: Have the RAMS been checked and approved and signed by all operatives involved in the lift?

  • Explain the control measures required to eliminate or minimise risk to those involved

  • Explain the steps required to eliminate risk to other people e.g. road closures and segregation zones

  • Have all the Pre work checks of crane, site, and load been carried out?

  • Task allocation to named people;

  • Appointed person in control of lifting operation

  • Crane supervisor

  • Crane operator

  • Slingers – signalers

  • Has the environmental limitations – wind speed been considered?

  • Are there arrangements for working at height and rescue plans in place?

  • Method of communication e.g. hand signals, radio, etc


  • Review took place (date and time)

Reviewed by: Trant Health & Safety Manager or Site Manager only! No lift is to commence until the review has taken place by the above mentioned.

  • Signature

  • The person conducting this review confirms that the operator, slingers, signalers, supervisors and others involved in this lifting operation have taken part in a team briefing at which this method statement was explained and they were given all necessary information and made aware of specific hazards i.e. position of load, loads to be lifted, any excavation, soft ground, overhead cables, etc

Accepted by Crane Driver/responsible person

  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.