Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Untitled Page

  • This safety checklist is to be completed at a random time once a day by the site manager/supervisor/Responsible person, where project works are taking place. Please walk round the site and check each of the items listed. If an item is in order put a tick in the box. If an item needs attention, put a cross in the box and take corrective measures. If you deem an item as Not Applicable put NA in the box

  • Week Commencing:

  • Is the site secure to prevent unauthorised access?

  • Are all external barriers/hoarding in place and in a good condition?

  • Are all safety signs in place? (these must be clean and securely fixed to the barrier/hoarding)

  • All work areas clean and tidy? (No scattered rubbish/materials/spillages/ excessive dust)

  • Is the storage area clean and tidy?

  • Are there adequate supplies of all items of PPE and are they being used by operatives as appropriate today?

  • Is there a fire warden (adequately trained) on site?

  • is the fire muster point in a prominent location?

  • Are the Fire Extinguishers in the correct location? (At each fire call point, and next to any high risk works e.g. brazing). Test temporary fire alarms

  • Are all Fire Exits and routes kept clear?

  • Is An FRA in place and fully updated?

  • Are all ladders/trestles/ scaffolds checked before use and in good repair?

  • Where applicable, are all edge protection barriers in place and secure? (e.g. on mobile scaffolding towers)

  • Are all work areas adequately illuminated?

  • Are silencers being used where possible? (Ensure noisy work is not carried out at night)

  • If there are or will be operatives working alone today/tonight, are they aware of their duties?

  • If applicable, has a lone workers risk assessment been completed?

  • Is the means of heating in order?

  • Are the toilets clean and tidy?

  • Are the washing facilities adequate? (clean with the hot water supply, and hand wash or soap)

  • Is the canteen/mess room clean and tidy with adequate means of heating food?

  • Is there adequate seating for operatives during breaks?

  • Have tools been visually inspected? Electrical items recently PAT tested?

  • If applicable are all the appropriate guards in place on items of machinery?

  • If applicable are abrasive wheels being used correctly, are operatives certificated and wearing the correct items of PPE?

  • Are only 110v tools etc in use? (240v equipment is not allowed on site) PAT test label and in date?

  • Is the First Aid kit in order?

  • Is there a First Aider on site?

  • Have all contractors provided site specific RAMS and are they working in accordance with their RAMS?

  • Have all operatives on site received their site induction?

  • Have all operatives onsite been made aware of the contents of site COSHH, Noise and Risk assessments?

  • Have the appropriate certificates for all operatives on site been collected and filed?

  • Is there a valid and up to date CPP on site?

  • is there a copy of the pre Construction Information on site?

  • Is the H&S law poster on site & in a prime location?

  • If applicable is an F-10 on site & in a prime location?

  • Is the TW register up to date and the TWC appointment letter on site?

  • Time Check Completed: (AM/PM)

  • Checked By: (Sign)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.